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buying hanger

buying hanger

Anyone knows where you can by a great hanger online (with VISA), which can be shipped for Europe???

Also check out the Bib Hanger ( ). It and the Redi-Stretcher are both excellent.

thank you VERY much! Just what I was looking for! Weel, my english is very very bad, so dont know where to start..! Im just about 4.5 Flaccid , 7BPEL and 5 EG…! Which one would you choose??

Yeah I have checked out the bibhanger, but they dont accept credit card payment..!

I would choose either the Redi-Stretcher or the Bib Starter. It’s really hard to know which one you would prefer. Try searching for the Redi-Stretcher review thread here. Some guys there (myself included) comment on their opinions of it versus the Bib.

I will just go with the redi stretcher! But you guys think I should by a big or a small?? I’ve told my size

The small one is easier to hide and is less likely to hit the floor when you’re hanging while sitting, but the larger one is easier to put on. It’s up to you to decide which matters more to you.

I have ordered the bib hanger from BIBHANGERS.COM which is organised by the Matter of 2 weeks still no answer from them. They accepted the credit card.

I’ll just go with the small one..! thank you so much, I cant WAIT to get started hanging..! Seems to be the most reliable way to make good gains!

I agree Nissen. Just start out slow and always be sure not to hang longer than 20 minutes without a break. Good luck. Read everything you can about hanging.

I will.. I sure will.. The newbie routine havent given me much more than better erections.. well, thats great to, cant complain..! But I hoped for more..! So Now I’ll put a lot of time and effort into hanging!

Go with the small redi it’s a nice hanger

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I’ve ordered a small Dino… Cant wait to get started! Especially after your thread about ‘The power of a big dick’! Damn, I can hardly imagine how good it must feel..! I wish it was me..

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