Help me break my Plateau
I started my PE journey wiht the newbie manual stretching routine. It was amazing, I saw gains really quickly. Pretty much every time I measured my dick it was bigger. I had all the PI’s and everything was amazing. I gained 1 inch EL in 6 months. I then switeched to fulcrum manual stretching, gained another quarter inch and stopped PE. Now i’m back at PE, i started again with manual stretching but that wasn’t working. Switched to hanging and started gaining again fast. Gained a half inch.
When I first began hanging I would always hang straight down. Then i switched to hanging straight out, and straight out to the sides. this lead to my half inch gain. Then after a while I stopped gaining completely and started seeing negative indicators. I took a break and have only been hanging straight down and between the cheeks. I’m seeing positive indicators again but i’m not sure i’m doing the right thing.
So my current routine is pretty much all between the cheeks, 20 minute sets, 3 times a night 7.5lbs. I’m trying to stretch out my suspensory ligaments since i think this is whats holding me back. Any advice?