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Hey Bib, a few quick questions


Hey Bib, a few quick questions

I realize you hung for your length gains, and from what I recall when designing your BIB hanger, it’s ability to grab the internal structures of the penis (tunica and ligs) was a prime concern.

Many pe’ers are manually stretching, but I’m wondering if manual stretchers wouldn’t get better results if they could latch onto the internal structures more securely. I was wondering if you ever compared how a manual grip compares to the feeling you get with your hanger as far as grabbing the internal structures go?

For me to get a worthwhile manual grip, I need to incorporate the glans about mid palm. Even then, I’m wondering if I’m really placing as much direct stress on the ligs as I could. I’m thinking that perhaps one would be better off using some sort of grip aid similar to your hanger, to really grasp the ligs and tunica and avoid the possibility of just stretching skin…

What say ye?

These are really good questions and I´ve been thinking about this too lately. It just dawned to me one day: “Why am I gripping behind the head just because I stretch manually? Bib-hangers don´t do that.”

Given the success of the Bib-hangers, maybe manual stretchers like myself and RB should try to emulate the Bib-hanger grip? Fact is, that a grip with the hand and a grip with a hanger is quite different. This is something that might have an effect on the stretch and the results, who knows?

I´d love to hear what Bigger has to say about this.

Take care,

Just examining the physical nature and differences between the two, I see no way for a manual grip to compete. If we didn’t have skin and muscle covering our bones, perhaps, but the cushioning they provide would seem to prevent one from getting a comparable grip.

Also, does the bib hanger grab the top and bottom of the shaft, or the sides?

DLD, you’re a manual stretcher who has a bib hanger. Care to test this theory out? Clamp the bib on, pull like hell and tell us the difference, will ya?


Damn good thread.

>I realize you hung for your length gains, and from what I recall when designing your BIB hanger, it’s ability to grab the internal structures of the penis (tunica and ligs) was a prime concern.<


>Many pe’ers are manually stretching, but I’m wondering if manual stretchers wouldn’t get better results if they could latch onto the internal structures more securely. I was wondering if you ever compared how a manual grip compares to the feeling you get with your hanger as far as grabbing the internal structures go?<

It has been a while, and I don’t know if the threads are still around, either here or PEforums. But the Bibs were designed on the basic theory of the hand grip between the trunk of the thumb and forefinger. I tried to improve on this grip by making the surface area larger, putting in blood channels etc. The constant lateral forces that can be generated by a hanger are much greater than the forces and time that a hand can grip.

>Just examining the physical nature and differences between the two, I see no way for a manual grip to compete. If we didn’t have skin and muscle covering our bones, perhaps, but the cushioning they provide would seem to prevent one from getting a comparable grip.<

I agree. I have tried in the past to get guys to look at the hanger as they would their hand. To try and adjust the hanger as they would their hand to get a firm grip. How do you keep your hand from slipping off when manuall stretching? Grip a little tighter.

>Also, does the bib hanger grab the top and bottom of the shaft, or the sides?<

The sides. Lateral compression.

>DLD, you’re a manual stretcher who has a bib hanger. Care to test this theory out? Clamp the bib on, pull like hell and tell us the difference, will ya?<

When DLD comes out with his various stretches, I always get emails from guys asking me to try them out with a hanger. Others do this and report greater stresses. Then I posted it in some of DLD’s threads.

Anyhoo, that was the reason DLD got a hanger. But he has pre-existing injury that has precluded him trying the hanger, last I heard. It would be interesting.

I have tried the various stretches both manually and with a hanger. For me, the amount of force that can be applied is not even close. I can exert several times more stress with a hanger.

Then, right after the stretching for a couple minutes, you can apply weight and hang a set. The difference in fatigue is fantastic. Just ask toid. I concur with him that you cannot hang as much weight after a brief set of DLD’s as you can with normal hanging. Further, doing the Blasters while hanging is brutal.


Bib, assuming one doesn’t have the financial ability to obtain a bib, how would you go about putting a manual stretch grip aid together that would do the job, based on the materials and approaches you trialed and errored in the past?

I’d love to be able to go to the hardware store, grab a few things, and really put the stress on my tunica and ligs…

You are correct RB I do have a beautiful Bib Hanger stairing at me everyday from atop my refriderator. Bib is also correct in the pre-existing injury that prevents me from doin a thorough test. For those wondering what the injury is: I ripped the connective skin that runs from the base of the glan to the connecting shaft. It retears very easy preventing me from engaging in to much stretching. My stretching routine has been wittled down to 1 set of traditional Blasters a day using the bundle stretch. The good news is the scar tissue with every tear gets thicker and thicker and becomes more and more difficult to re-tear. I actually had sex last night and I was able to get him into Jen without re-tearing (This is a first over the past 6 months!) Today it feels great and the tear looks the best it has looked. I think I am finally seeing this injury repair itself so I think you will hear alot from me on the hanging issues in the near future. I am hoping to make my final length gains using the Bib. It drives me crazy hearing about how well some of these manual exercises translate to hanging and I want to try so bad…I really appreciate people like Bib and other hangers that have gone to apply these exercises to hanging. Soon I will be able to do the same.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple


> Bib, assuming one doesn’t have the financial ability to obtain a bib, how would you go about putting a manual stretch grip aid together that would do the job, based on the materials and approaches you trialed and errored in the past?<

Hmmm. To replicate the Bib is kind of tough. There have been a few on this forum that have put together something close. I believe one is Tryn4more. May not be the correct spelling. I know that a couple of guys have posted instructions in this section, as well as pictures.

The homemade Bibs can give good service, although they use circular compression to grasp. They were a very early effort.

Finally, Tom Hubbard has information on his site for making a lateral compression hanger. It has some problems, but should be ok to at least see if you like hanging.

>I’d love to be able to go to the hardware store, grab a few things, and really put the stress on my tunica and ligs… <

I have spent countless hours in hardware stores looking for PE stuff. It is difficult to find the stuff that works, and takes time and effort to craft something that will function. But it can be done.


Originally posted by Bib
I have spent countless hours in hardware stores looking for PE stuff. It is difficult to find the stuff that works, and takes time and effort to craft something that will function.

*getting a mental picture of Bib walking through Home Depot with his 11” shlong slapping against his leg with every step*

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

It seems that the BIB starter would be better to use as a stretching device. The original Bib Hanger is great because it can handle larger weight loads, but this capability is not needed when stretching manually. Also, it seems the starter may be better to allow some twisting (DLD Bundle) while stretching with the Bib Starter.

Just a thought. I only have the original Bib Hanger, but may try to get the starter to try this stretching idea.


> It seems that the BIB starter would be better to use as a stretching device. The original Bib Hanger is great because it can handle larger weight loads, but this capability is not needed when stretching manually. Also, it seems the starter may be better to allow some twisting (DLD Bundle) while stretching with the Bib Starter.<

It depends on the length of the shaft, but in general, you are correct. I have done all the DLDs with the regular and like it slightly better than with the Starter.

Good to see you.


Bib, how wide a cross section of the shaft does the hanger grab? An inch or so?


> Bib, how wide a cross section of the shaft does the hanger grab? An inch or so? <

I may be missing your meaning. Do you mean the amount of length of the shaft that the hanger engages? If so, the regular is about 2.75 inches, and the Starter is about 1.75 inches.


Bib, you nailed my meaning :)

Are the ligs captured under the hanger able to stretch, or is this even of any consequence? Did you do anything in particular to combat this if it is a problem?


>Are the ligs captured under the hanger able to stretch, or is this even of any consequence? Did you do anything in particular to combat this if it is a problem? <

For most guys, the attachment point of the ligs to the tunica are more toward the base, away from the general attachment point of the hanger. Sometimes, I did attach on the area of the fascia with the back of the hanger.

You may be thinking of the tunica.

Realize that the hanger does not attach solely at the back of the hanger. IOW, the portion of the hanger in the front and middle also grasp, therefore some of the stress is transmitted to the upper shaft.

At higher weights, it is normal for the hanger to move down and ride on the shoulders of the head. At that point, almost the entire shaft (tunica) is receiving stress.


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