Thunder's Place

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3 very quick questions

3 very quick questions

1. When grabbing my penis, sometimes I’m able to stretch it without losing grip but then the other times it seems like my head is just to small to pull on. To perform stretches, v stretches, etc on.Whats the best way to get a grip? Is pressing really, as humanly as possible good or bad?

2. I’ve seen in some pictures that people put rings, or tie up their nut sacks. Why do people do that? I’ve also seen in a porno where a man grabbed both nuts with an OK grip and held it there for a quick second, whys that?

3. Does rubbing on a girls vagina with your hand while she’s wearing pants stimulate her in any way? Bring her pleasure?

1. If it is slipping or something, use some baby powder to prevent this. Do you mean pressing as hard as humanly possible ? If yes, this is not good. If your penis is well conditioned enough to take such pressure, then by all means go ahead, just don’t do damage to your penis.

2. Maybe they want their balls to hang lower so they go about the exercise to help them hang lower, like we PE to get a bigger penis. I also heard somewhere that as you are about to ejaculate, your balls start moving upwards. Maybe pulling them down gives them the “power” for a few seconds more of pounding ? HEHE.. :P

3. Some girls are sensitive down there while others are not. MY girl friend is extremely sensitive down there even when I touch her through her pants. She can wet her whole underwear if I keep it up :eek: (:

Thanks for the reply. Can I have somebody else reply to these 3 questions also for maximum answers?

1. Try wrapping over your glans and behind with cloth

2. To stretch the scrotum, allowing the balls to hang lower. Periodically manually stretching the scrotum should have the same effect. I’ve not seen that particular porn movie but it’s often a stimulant to squeeze the balls.

3. Indirect stimulation is often better.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

It seems that holding your nut sack makes your penis look much bigger? What other things can you do to make your penis seem bigger other then bone press it?

Shave your pubic hair around the base of your dick


Buy a Penimag™ (an almost invisible magnifying glass which is attached to the pelvic area).

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

1. you can use toilet paper.that’s what I do and it works best for me.

2. like okish said, I’ve read somewhere that pulling your balls when you need to come helps delay ejaculation

3. my female best friend once told me that she can masturbate over her pants,she sometimes does it in the bus.But that doesn’t mean all girls are like that.

1: Try pumping a little blood into your glans. Kegel until your glans expands a little, then grip your penis (with toilet paper or baby powder) tightly around the neck just behind the glans. Be careful, though. Too much pressure on the glans can cause injury.

2, 3: No comment.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Meiya777.. I think I am in competition with you in PE’ing ^^

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