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home made hanger questions.

home made hanger questions.

I was thinking for a real simple and quick hanger you could take one of those turkey hose clamps(the one with the keys on them for easier tightening and releasing)and put a permanent wrap on the inside,(mouse pad or whatever have you) then take a nylon strap and permanently attach it to the clamp. I think with a penis wrap and then with the wrap on the clamp this would suffice. Just my lil ol brain ticking away here. So please give me your thoughts and suggestions.

Started 5.5 x 4.5 erect Length and Girth Goal 7 x 6.5 erect Length and Girth

Currently 5.9 x 5.5 erect Length,Girth and going !

There will be pressure ontop of your dick which will result in an unpleasant hanging experience with a good chance of your dick turning numb while hanging.

A hanger using lateral compression is the way to go IMO. Several designs can be found here:

Homemade Hanger Models and Instructions

My personal preference goes out to the AFB hanger.

thanks Piet, like i was sayin just my lil mind grinding. I am most likely going to go with the Wench until I can get a ads and a pump hanging system.

Started 5.5 x 4.5 erect Length and Girth Goal 7 x 6.5 erect Length and Girth

Currently 5.9 x 5.5 erect Length,Girth and going !

Ok just don’t forget about proper spelling ;)

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