Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hours Hanging

I wish I had the time for 10 hours a week. Usually I can only get 6.5, perhaps 8 on a good week.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

It’s definately tough to make the time, but I’d sooner do that now than have to hang that many more months to meet my goals. I think most importantly, if your on a 5 day on/ 2 off hang routine, that the first of those days be your longest hang day. That way you can ride out the fatigue more in the following days. I’m going to strive for the 10 hour weekly minimum, and I’ll post results in my routines thread.

Dino, you’ve always been one of my hanging role models here at Thunder’s, I’m curious if you have a progress report where it follows what you did all along the way, or perhaps a thread where you summarized what in your experience worked the best for you.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

When I started hang I hung for 5 hrs wk.I gained 1/2 inch in a month,gains have slowed big time,I still hang for 5hrs wk,15 lbs

I hang only 5 hrs a day,made good gains

Wow. 5 hours of actual hanging time would be just about as much as a full time job when you add in breaks to restore circulation and re-wrap. I wish I had that much free time to hang.

Dino, you old veteran, why don’t you update your stats in the PE Data Site? It’s such an inspiration. Back in 2003-10-29, you reported 8.5/6.5. And now?

Also, to what do you attribute your girth gains, which are impressive.

Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

Hey guys I am a newbie in hanging and I got a very good fatigue by only hanging for 2x10 min sessions with about 5 pounds. Should I add more weight/time to get very good gains?(3 hanging sessions until today)
As you can see in my signature I pe quite a long time but I have never had that sore feeling in my ligs from stretching or jelqing -good sign for gains?
I am uncut and because of that I am hanging with my foreskin slipping over my glans(works best for me and as far as I know for other uncut hangers)
I plan a pe break in 2 weeks. I am not sure if after that I can do extensive hanging sessions but in october I sure can - should I wait with hanging until october to get good newbie-hanger-gains? How about stretching when I am doing hanging? Are some jai stretches before the sessions and some during the day ok? More/less?
Sorry for that big newbie-like post but I think I am on a plateu now and so I am looking for new ways to gain.

Thanks for your answers

Started-Oct04: 5.7/4.8; Current 6.7/5.3

Learning even more about PE(nearly every day)

Changing routine, Current: jelqing, clamping, obends, kegel

If you think your on a plateau then a de-condition break is in order, at least a month of no PE. Then start hanging, if 10 minutes feels long enough stay there, but you will likely be able to get closer to 20 over time.(I have heard un-cut guys need to start out with shorter times.) If you get fatigue from 5 pounds stay there, only add one pound per week and only when you aren’t feeling enough from the weight you are at. IMO you should do more sets, but only if you have the time to do so.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

I think I have the time to do more sets but I would have to split them over the day.

For example I can do 2x15imn then 2 hours rest again 3x15 sessions few hours rest..

Would that be ok? How much can I do over the day - as much as I can?

Can I do my other pe-workouts besides hanging(currently jelqing, jai stretching, obends, erect kegels)

If I hang now I do not need so much stretching right?

Thats all for now I think

Started-Oct04: 5.7/4.8; Current 6.7/5.3

Learning even more about PE(nearly every day)

Changing routine, Current: jelqing, clamping, obends, kegel

Sounds pretty good to me. The more hanging you do the more you’ll know how to adjust your routine to your own needs.

I stopped manual stretching when I started hanging, unless fowfers count.

I think it’s good to jelq a little after hanging, but I think too much other PE between sessions might make your penis a bit sensitive for hanging.(up to your own disgression of course.)

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Thanks redwood,
I think I can make a new routine for myself. I started to stretch with an selfmade device 2 weeks ago but I will cancel that because hanging is much more intense I think.
I continue with my other pe-stuff but I will reduce it a little. Imo jai stretching is pretty good because you can do it when you have a little time on your own(restoom,.), obends are supposed to give me some girth and stretch my tunica(maybe some extra-length-gains) and jelqs are good for any dick.
Length is what I want now so I am going to put most of my pe-time in hanging.
Some questions left:
1) is it ok to kegel during hanging?
2) how about rest days(haning)? As far as I know from this site, it is best if you keep your ligs in a sore state and then let it heal while stretched out with an ads. Should I plan my rest days so that I have time and privacy to wear an selfmade ads the most time?
3) it seems to intense the stretch if I draw in my belly sometimes(like 1 min in, 1 min out) during a hanging session - any experience?

I hope I get some good gains from hanging, I will post you

Started-Oct04: 5.7/4.8; Current 6.7/5.3

Learning even more about PE(nearly every day)

Changing routine, Current: jelqing, clamping, obends, kegel

Just another update from my hanging progress:

I found an ir light 100w and using it now during my haning routine - seems to work pretty well.

Started-Oct04: 5.7/4.8; Current 6.7/5.3

Learning even more about PE(nearly every day)

Changing routine, Current: jelqing, clamping, obends, kegel

1)Kegeling while hanging is fine, but keep in mind the weight adds resistance and will be like weightlifting for your BC muscle.
2)You should try to ADS all of your waking hours that you can, learn about bed fowfers at this thread.(among other things.)
3)Yep, that’s one method used to intesify a hang, as well as swinging the weights back and forth.

Good luck and happy gaining. :thumbs:

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

I do not feel any more resistance when I kegel while hanging.

Started-Oct04: 5.7/4.8; Current 6.7/5.3

Learning even more about PE(nearly every day)

Changing routine, Current: jelqing, clamping, obends, kegel


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