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How exactly do you hang btc?


How exactly do you hang btc?

If I’m just standing up with my dick hanging straight down is that btc? If not what is? Sitting down?

Starting 1-14-09 NBPEL 5.75' EG 5', trying to feel snug in my girlfriend wish me luck!

No that’s straight down.

I sit on a chair with my legs on my computer desk, get you ass near the edge of the chair and you should be kinda leaning back. The hanger should be hanging down between you ass cheeks(BTC), so if you swung back and forth it would catch between them kinda. I hope that helps, couldn’t find another way of explaining.

No that makes perfect sense, should a routine have both btc and straight down?

Starting 1-14-09 NBPEL 5.75' EG 5', trying to feel snug in my girlfriend wish me luck!

I am glad this thread was made. I asked this exact question before but never got an answer. I have now tried every hanging angle and BTC definitely gives you the best stretch. One other question though. Is there any specific wrap that you need to hang BTC? I have used the same wrap (theraband, hurt-free wrap, etc.) and I have never had an issue with pain…until I started hanging BTC. What am I doing wrong? It only happens during BTC hanging. I really want to make this my main angle to hang but not if I have to deal with this every time.

TupacLives let me save you alot of time…..stick to ONE angle at a time, if I were you, I would be doing BTC, BTC, then Id do BTC and after some BTC….forget straightdown 0 sets of that…….a computer desk would work to have your legs up on, I use the top of another chair with a pillow on it, since its cold down here in Ottawa Canada, I have a blanket too LOL… keep your legs raised up on something, comfortably….then you attach the weight to the hanger while your penis goes down, goes between your balls and/or between your butt cheeks, BTC….IF you stick to solely BTC, say you work your way up to 6 sets a day, you can go up in weight faster, see gains faster, unless your me and your a hard gainer…..

Pauly I just finished trying BTC, and its one hell of a harder stretch than straight down. I certainly got a lot more than straight down. I’ll only be using straight down for bundles and fulcrum, and switch to BTC as my main. Thanks for the input hope this goes well

Starting 1-14-09 NBPEL 5.75' EG 5', trying to feel snug in my girlfriend wish me luck!

Yeah as Pauly said stick to one angle for now to exhaust the ligs.

How do you guys prevent the weights from touching the floor?

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

Originally Posted by HardbodyPEer

How do you guys prevent the weights from touching the floor?

Depends on the type of hanger your using.

BIB: make hanger shorter, get a higher chair, (how are you attaching the weights?) attach weights higher.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

yea Tupac, BTC is by far the toughest and worst part of hanging, if you can get through BTC, the other angles are very eez in my opinion….just wait til you get to the part that stretches the skin, ouch!! your skin will scream! advice: your going to have skin issues, don’t freak out about your dick looking like its messed up, or what not, skin issues go away with Vitamin E, BTC is actually stretching the same ligs as SD but its way more effective, I’m going up too 23.5 lbs. today wish me luck gentleman!Tupac what are lig bundles?always wondered, I’m 100% BTC til i get my gains……..Hardbody adjust the blue ribbon thingy on the hanger, make it tighter, the weights won’t come as close to the floor….

there is a diagram out there that explains BTC perfectly, I think its on Bibs forum, its pretty eez though, 2 chairs, legs up on one, penis goes down between balls/between cheeks, weight downwards towards the floor

No problem for that advice Tupac, I’ve wasted alot of time on manual PE, and other junk, I know what I’m doing now, hang, hang, hang, and then when i’m done hanging I’m gonna hang some more!One angle at a time, working my way up to high as weight needed for full gains at each angle

I found using the kitchen table, with my ass on the edge, to be the easiest. Just lie back. Your feet can dangle over the edge, but I found resting them on a chair makes life lots easier. In fact, raising your ankles above the level of your stomach and doing pelvic thrusts not only is a good workout, but has to help with your lower abs.

When doing BTC for the first few times, you have to reduce the weights since there are muscles in the stomach that also seem to be pulled. 23.5 pounds is doable, if you have been BTCing awhile. I’ve always had to stop around 30 because of blistering.

I tried going up to 23.5 lbs today, I had slippage pretty quick, and went down to 22 lbs., had slippage on 2-3 of my sets, 2 sets I could only go to 13 mins….another thing with BTC, if your like me, your going to get slippage…it comes with skin issues

How or where would I find out how to use the rice sock while hanging BTC?

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