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How to find my best weight?

How to find my best weight?


I’m curious how you guys find the best weight your your dick to hang. Are there any aigns to looks for? What kind of feelings should I get?


Last edited by og6 : 01-04-2007 at .

Hi og6,

The best weight to hang for hanging is a low weight usually (2-5 lbs) and then you want to hang with that for a few weeks to a month slowly conditioning your dick (making it stronger for the heavier weights) as you slowly up the lower weights. Then after the initial conditioning phase you should start to see gains as you slowly up your weight to higher weights (usually people start seeing gains around 7-12 lbs). BIB said the weight that you start gaining at but is the lowest possible weight to gain at and you still get fatigue the MAX WEIGHT. So as you slowly condition and grow and go up in weight your max weight will go up slowly.

One thing to remember is too not make the mistake I and so many others here have and rush too much and use too much weight. There is such a thing as overtraining in PE and this will only slow gains. Also if you up your weight too quickly you might condition to quickly and slow your overall gains down.

The feelings are always some of the hardest parts to describe because of course everyone percieves/interpets there own body differently (different pain thresholds). I would generally say that you should get a certain type of fatigue/soreness type feeling in certain parts of your shaft depending on the type of hanger you are using and the angle of hanging you do (SO, SD, OTS, BTC, OTL, SU, fulcrum, etc).

Be paitent, that is the key! This is a marathon not a sprint as they say. If hanging does not work for you then maybe give ADS/extenders/traction stretchign a shot but that too takes a lot of paitence. Good luck, I hope you get good gains.

Last edited by LoveMachine : 01-04-2007 at .

Follow hanging 101.

Perseverance wins

I took a look at hanging 101 and it seems oudated. It says at the max to hang for only 60 min. a day, 5-6 days a week when I think it is commonly accepted now that more time is generally better (ideally more than 10 hours/week) also it says to up the weight monthly when people are saying now to do it based off of feel.

Pe is not a science, and even in biological sciences often there is no single accepted approach.

My personal impression is that after proper conditioning as many hours per week at a moderate weight sufficient to produce soreness is best.

Try to attack both ligs and tunica.

Imo the tunica of the back of the dick (probably the toughest structure to stretch) is best attacked by fulcrum hanging (standing, hanging straight down over a fulcrum which forces your dick in a horizontal or slightly up-pointing direction at the base, then over the fulcrum, then down.

I use infrared heat during hanging and cool my unit down with ice at the end of the session.

Later - ttt

Hanging 101 refers mainly to the conditioning period, which takes about six months and during which one is likely to get some initial gains. Once one masters hanging 101 he can make his own considerations and changes in a rather safe way. I am afraid one will have to take a very long look at it before being able to say it is outdated (several months at least). What I can tell for sure is that any other approach I have tried with hanging lead me to terrible skin soreness or bleeding and to the consequent need of taking long brakes which made my conditioning period last far longer than it would have if I had just followed instructions.

Perseverance wins

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