Injury from hanging at an upward LOT
I’ve been hanging for about a year now with little results other than girth and base girth. I was experimenting a while back with hanging over the shoulder with a VAC hanger with 12.5 LBS. After about the 3rd day I noticed a huge shrinkage in my girth and in my length. I went from about 6.5 NBPEL 5 EG to a mind blowing 6 NBPEL 4.5 EG! I was devastated. My Glans was a little bruised but nothing out of the ordinary. When I would hang OTS it would feel great! I felt a really nice stretching sensation I’ve never felt before, coming from underneath my balls/BTC area. Then out of nowhere my dick started turttling and was cold to the touch. I was shocked when all of my gains were gone. I’m back to about 6.3 NBPEL and about 4.8 EG with hanging from standing position with 7.5 LBS and Ulysses exercises.