Thunder's Place

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Is hanging, the ultimate in P.E for length


Is hanging, the ultimate in P.E for length

Is hanging the ultimate in length gains?

Does anyone out there put their length gains down to hanging, or stretching, or a mixture of both?

Is hanging with a low LOT, being 8.00, only good with straight down hanging and nothing else?

Do you really have to hang for 1,2,3 hours per session?

When you have finished a session of hanging, does the penis hang longer than before you started, and also does it stay that way, or shrink back to the original state?

I`m curious, as I am thinking seriously about getting one of Bib`s hangers.

Gettin Bigger

Should have posted this in the HANGERS forum. Dont think about getting a BIB for too long. Theyre about out of production.

big kiwi

Hanging is by far the best exercise for length and base girth, and yeah you need a lot of time for good results. My flaccid is no doubt longer now from hanging but if I hang for a really long time sometimes my dick will retract for several hours afterward before returning to a good hang.
Still has already made a good quick gain hanging and with the time he has to hang he will get some big gains and he like me is a slow but steady gainer.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Big k,

>Is hanging the ultimate in length gains?<

Over the years, it seems that the guys who hang make better length gains than with other forms of PE. But that is just a generality.

>Does anyone out there put their length gains down to hanging, or stretching, or a mixture of both?<

Mine were just hanging. When I started, there was little manual stretching going on. Just not a lot of free time to be pulling on the unit with hands.

>Is hanging with a low LOT, being 8.00, only good with straight down hanging and nothing else?<

You probably have some gains potential in your ligs, so BTC and SD would be best. When you fatigue at the lower angles, go to SO.

>Do you really have to hang for 1,2,3 hours per session?<

Many guys gain with one hour per day or less. This is split into 20 minute sets with ten minute rest breaks.

>When you have finished a session of hanging, does the penis hang longer than before you started, and also does it stay that way, or shrink back to the original state?<

Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

The thing with hanging is that it frees up your hands and concentration to do other things. It does not actually take any dedicated time as long as you have the privacy time and other things to do.

But hanging is not magic. It is simply time and stress doing the job of traction on a body part. You can do the same thing with manual stretching. But it also requires the time and stress.


Yea, I should have made a slightly longer reply. I’ve gained 3/8” over the last month from hanging. Like Dino commented though, I have the time now to hang several hours a day. I plan on being another one of the “big gainers” here. I dont expect it to happen over night even with my current routine…but, hey if it happens in a year…or slightly more…I’m game.


I saw one of your first original posts, going from just over 6.0” to a wopping 10”-10.5”, thats great, just what I`m looking to do I hope, I don`t care how long it takes..

Question, what is BTC, SD, and SO mean?

Gettin Bigger


>…going from just over 6.0” to a wopping 10”-10.5”, thats great, just what I`m looking to do I hope, I don`t care how long it takes..<

It is possible, but not the norm. It takes time and dedication. Also a lot of knowledge.

BTC is Between the Cheeks.

SD is Straight Down.

SO is Straight Out.

OTS is Over the Shoulder.

OTL is Over the Leg.


Thanks Thunder, and Bib.

Bib, I`m going to order one tonight, let me know if you have received the order from Paypal…


Gettin Bigger


Check your email.




Got your e-mail, everything confirmed, I`m happy now, looking forward to receiving the Bib-hanger.

Gettin Bigger

I think that good length gains can be made manually (so far I’ve gained 1.08” L & 0.94” G - not “great,” but gains anyway). However, I think hanging - despite the time involved - is a lot easier on the hands. And you can do other work at your desk while hanging. I’m very seriously considering starting. I know that the Bib is going out of production soon, so I’m trying to scrape some $$ together to get one. Hope I don’t run out of time :(

Credit cards and Paypal are your friend in PE! I wish more people would accept Paypal for online orders, it is super easy. But they take out some money I believe.

By the way Wadzilla your program doesn’t work in C++ ISO DevC++. It’s probably C but it should still work. :(


Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."

Hey guys, this is my first post.

There’s probably many more guys who are hanging with short intense sessions than wearing those light pressure traction devices all day, partly because of the cost of those things. However, which one is faster for length gains??

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG


That might be hard to quantify. Both have made gains for guys. I think it would depend on the individual.


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