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Just started hanging

Just started hanging

I just got my Bib Hanger last week and have been hanging ever since. I am still playing around with the adjustments, but that seems to be only a minor problem right now.

I’m hanging 5lbs from a standing position two times a day for 20min each and not feeling much of a burn that I keep hearing about. I think I feel the ligs being stretched while hanging, and am a little sore for 30min afterwards, but after that I dont feel any soreness at all.

I dont think increasing weight would be a good idea since I am just starting, and I want to be sure that I am performing these correctly so I can begin gaining.

Any opinions?

I’ve never hung, but thought I’d throw this out there for discussion. I’ve never really had lig burn, yet I’ve gained 3” from jelquing and manual stretching. Even now doing the blasters, I can tell they’re working and the ligs are stretching, but no definitive burning sensation. Perhaps some of us are just different? Still best to proceed with caution on adding weight, I suspect…

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