Ligs "slip" when hanging?
If this has been discussed I apologize—my search yielded no results. I’m wondering if what I’m experiencing with my Bib Hanger is normal: I wrap and tighten everything up and when weight is added (currently just 2 lbs. as I’m returning to hanging from a long break) the ligs the hanger is grabbing seem to “slip past” some of the other internals somehow, with the end result that the entire apparatus moves up about 1/2” to 1”. If I remove the weight and pull the head of my penis I can feel these things slip past each other again to typical position. It’s a very distinct feeling.
To clarify the hanger is absolutely NOT resting on my glans after this happens and it appears to be comfortable—there is no pressure buildup or circulation loss that I can detect. Does anyone else know what I’m talking about, and should I be concerned? I’ve tried several adjustments and basically have the hanger as tight as it will go. My wrap is a cloth layer with silver Theraband on top.