Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

More proof that long periods of hanging may be beneficial?

I’m not sure I get you, what do blood vessels have to do with the ligs that support the erection and connect the penis to the pubic bone? That is what lfeels like is missing. Kind of feels like I get an amazing stretch on my left side ligs, but there are no right side ligs to be stretched. Does anyone know what I’m talking about?

Originally Posted by thick17
I’m not sure I get you, what do blood vessels have to do with the ligs that support the erection and connect the penis to the pubic bone? That is what lfeels like is missing. Kind of feels like I get an amazing stretch on my left side ligs, but there are no right side ligs to be stretched. Does anyone know what I’m talking about?

You don’t have any ligs on the left or right side for erection. The ligs are like the back bone during an erection. When they near the pelvic bone they fan out and attach over a wide area. What I was referring to was the side to side difference of the filling of the corpus cavernosa. If one side fills better and is able to pressure up better then the other side you going to get a curvature of the penis like a priapism (sp).

In your case I understand your talking about stretching and feeling that difference and again I suggest that you see a urologist.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Not sure I completely understand how the stretching difference applies, but I will heed your advice and go to the urologist the first chance I get. Try to picture that feeling when you kegel of your anus and some kind of attachment to the side muscles down there next to the legs, being tensed. Well that attachment to the muscles on the sides between the shaft and legs is what seems to be missing on one side. Ill try and see what the doctor says and get back to you guys.

I’m getting frustrated with this whole P.E. thing. In 2003 I started at 6x5 and within couple weeks gained a 1/2” in both (I call it the beginner’s free 1/2”) then within a few weeks got to 7x6. I was doing mostly just the DLD beginner routine with stretching followed by jelqs.

Since then I have tried a few months at a time over the past years Jelqing and haven’t been able to pass the 7” mark. Since I am unemployed and have a lot of free time now I thought I would try some hanging. So I did some research and found chart that ranged from 1lb for 24 hrs a day to 3lbs for 8hrs a day and so on. So after “getting in shape” I have been hanging 3lbs/8hrs a day for a solid month now. I did my monthly measurement and found that I have actually lost 1/4”. I had the same thing with Jelqing too. For some weird reason I would just lose a 1/4”. Then I’d back off Jelq less intensely and I’d get my 1/4” back but nothing else.

It just seems to me that all this should be scientific to a point. Like if you hang 6lbs on your dick for 5hrs a day, in one month you will gain 1/4”. Or like that there are 3 categories: Hard gainers, Moderates, & Easy Gainers due to their personal genetics with ligs and collagen fibers. So whatever “category” you are in, follow “this” routine. It seems like it should be by the numbers. The routine/math should be full proof. If a hard gainer is only going to gain 1/8” per month, then so be it. I’ll just have to go longer to reach my goals. But to spend several months and actually see a reduction in gains or nothing at all is baffling to me. That’s why I was excited to try hanging because it seemed like it was more full-proof (mathematical) than Jelqing which can be kind of subjective. I mean really, unless you grab my dick and show me how hard to jelq I just have to guess. BTW, I’ll just keep guessing…I wasn’t asking for a pull…

It seems like most guys who know what they’re doing, like DLD for example, gain 3/8” per month and that is what I find most of the research says a static stretch will give you. I also have read that the “sweet spot” for hanging is 3-6lbs, because that weight will allow you to gain where more weight will kick in the body’s responses to get stronger and you won’t grow, your tissue will just get stronger. But Bib would hang with as much as 30lbs..? So is it as simple as 2 weeks at 6lbs and the add a 1/2lb for 2 weeks, etc..?

I’m definitely willing to put in the time and effort to work a routine, I’d rather not have to get my medical degree in penisology to make my dong dangle. I feel that would just be reinventing the wheel with all the collective brainpower & experience on this site. I’m just a little frustrated that I seem to not find something that might work beyond hang longer, go harder, do heavier… More is not usually the answer, but then I don’t really know “where I am” on the reality scale of what it takes to get some growth. Maybe it really does take a 30lb anchor on the end of my trolline… Throw me a freakin bone guys… (not literally…)

P.S. Girth is easy to me for some reason and with Jelqing I’ve gotten up to 6.25” so that’s why I wanted to do hanging. I want length right now not really girth. The nice thing about hanging too is that it thickens the base of your dick to even out from the ballooning of jelqing. I would definitely say I am a hard gainer. I can’t bend over and touch my kneecaps with out some discomfort. My yoga instructor would keep yelling at me to get into pose but I’m so stiff it just looked like I was doing the same pose through the whole session.

"We'll, if it looks that small then you won't mind it when I stick it in your ass!"

I can empathize with your dilemma. I think what’s happening is what I have found in the past with my rings. Because of what I learned with them, I never have tried to tell anyone that they would produce gains by themselves except for perhaps a newbie.. 2 to 3 pounds make for great ADS but when it comes to basic gains I found that little weight wouldn’t budge the average size dick a mm.
IMO: what you need to do is find the weight that give results. It might be 8lbs, it might be 10lbs. The point is that somewhere your going to find gains again. That’s where you want to start and progress from.

I know there are a lot of guys here that purport “less is more” and that is relatively true but relatively is the key word here. If less is not enough your not going to go any place. Less might just be 10lbs FOR YOU.

The trick is to find the least amount of weight that works. I my self (also out of work) have found that my old weights aren’t enough to get me moving again, so I’m going to have to jerk my dick around a little to get things moving again. Once I do that I usually find that I can go back to my base weight and things will continue to progress at that level again unless I mess up my schedule and don’t stick to my routine or rather my regimen.

Your larger girth and length from what you started with, could very well be just coasting on the weight your applying. Your plumper and meatier now so you might have to adjust your thinking on what does work as opposed to what you think should work.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Originally Posted by PeeFright
I’m getting frustrated with this whole P.E. thing. In 2003 I started at 6x5 and within couple weeks gained a 1/2” in both (I call it the beginner’s free 1/2”) then within a few weeks got to 7x6. I was doing mostly just the DLD beginner routine with stretching followed by jelqs.

Sorry but I stopped reading after you claimed you gained 1” both in length and girth after a few weeks. That means you would have had to increase your total volume by 62% in “a few weeks”. Guys who hang and clamp/pump everyday for years are very lucky to make gains like that.

I usually don’t say anything but I am getting sick of claims like this. They are all over the forum. All they serve to do is disappoint other newbies who don’t understand why their dick isn’t twice as big after a few weeks of jelqing and stretching.

Unless you can prove your gains with before after pics, don’t make insane claims. And seriously if you are 7x6 what the hell are you frustrated about. You basically have a porn star dick. Go use it.

Thanks Monty for the info. I think I might step it up and double my weight and see what happens. I just sometimes don’t recognize the fine line between soreness and pain so I really have to watch things. Actually on a remeasure yesterday I had gained an 1/8” over the month. I musta had a “small” day on my monthy measure day ;)

As far as shortyshorts complaint, I would say that I can understand the frustration seeing others grow when you’re not. I was lucky to grow a lot at the beginning. But when I hit that wall that’s when I started to lose heart and motivation. The only reason I can say why I think I made such a large growth (which I didn’t think was a lot at the time) was that I really had a 7” penis already that was hiding as a 6”. My dick was so different then than it is now. It was very short flaccid and much more dense. After the p.e. I noticed it “relaxed” more, wouldn’t shrink up to what my ex wife used to call the “elevator button”. (I still hate her btw…) It’s like I just pulled it out to be what it really was. NOW I really have to make it grow with a LOT of effort. Much like most of you talk about. Like I pulled it out to the length it really was and now growing it is something else, a whole new game.

Oh, and one other thing I think that helped was I had a high LOT, I think around 11 o’clock or so. I think that’s why I got 1/2” in the first two weeks. I think altogether I got to 7” in no more than 9 weeks but I don’t have my growth chart anymore. I gave up at 7” because I injured myself a couple of times by doing the “tuck under, sit on it, then lean back” stretch which gave me a rupture (thrombose??) and also my wife started complaining about me hitting her cervex when she was on top. Plus, it was much harder now that I was “stretched out” and I wasn’t seeing gains as fast.

I don’t know about the porn dick… To me it looks short maybe because it’s thick. I just keep thinking “one more inch” will balance it out. Like the reason I bodybuild is because I have such a humugus head that I have to bodybuild to balance out the symetry. It’d be easier to shrink my head… I’m also thinking of emaciating my legs by riding around in a wheelchair so my junk will look bigger by compariso ;)

"We'll, if it looks that small then you won't mind it when I stick it in your ass!"

Monty just how do you air clamp and hang weights? Doesn’t that make your attachment point sore? How do you manage to combine the hanging and the clamping? I’d like to learn, becuase I get all my girth gains from pumping, but I want to start clamping and use that with my hanging routine.

My normal routines never included hanging and clamping together. I found that the clamping produced pretty good, quick results and therefore I stopped the clamping because I didn’t want to compromise the gains I was getting from hanging. It would have caused me to have to change my hanger settings and I felt that it wasn’t worth the bother. As it was when I relatively got to my length goal I realized that my girth was pretty much where I wanted it, so no need for the extra girth work.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Originally Posted by Monty:

If one side fills better and is able to pressure up better then the other side you going to get a curvature of the penis like a priapism (sp).


Monty, did you mean Peyronie’s, not priapism, when referring to a curvature of the penis?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Lampwick

Monty, did you mean Peyronie’s, not priapism, when referring to a curvature of the penis?

Yes your right. Getting old here. shhh

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Originally Posted by Monty:
My normal routines never included hanging and clamping together. I found that the clamping produced pretty good, quick results and therefore I stopped the clamping because I didn’t want to compromise the gains I was getting from hanging. It would have caused me to have to change my hanger settings and I felt that it wasn’t worth the bother. As it was when I relatively got to my length goal I realized that my girth was pretty much where I wanted it, so no need for the extra girth work.

So now you are hanging and clamping? How can you gain in length from only clamping? What routine do you do for length gains along with clamping? My attachement point is too sore when I try to combine hanging with clamping.

As well I hang every day 5 sets, and I sometimes do days of hanging all day for 8 hrs. I’m wondering what I can do to increase my girth? I pump a couple times, and my girth increases to over 7 inches, but I am looking for something that permanent. I heard clamping is permanent, but I can’t handle that attachement point soreness with hanging it brings.

Clamping is permanent but it takes a lot of time to take the temporary gains you get from it to cement them.

iHang Muzzle

:hanger: 15 lbs now. Angle: BTC


A lig is a lig.. I agree.


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