Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

More proof that long periods of hanging may be beneficial?

For those who have temped the God’s and found that they have negative PI’s or have even lost some flaccid due to overwork there is a work around. Here is the principle that I use: For one thing maintain an ADS to keep things stretched out during the day. Second: don’t stop your routine but back off to a level that you previously had. Keep that level for 4 consecutive days. You can then again attack but be a little more subtle about it. When you get too aggressive and create more damage then can be handled normally that is the reaction you’ll get, i.e. retraction, fatigue,. Although fatigue my be good it needs to accomplished slowly, not all at once.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Hi, I’ve been PEing for a long time. The last almost 2 months, I’ve been hanging. I really really have had trouble gaining length, and it’s starting to get really frustrating.

In regards to LOT, I’m a 6. What I think might be an issue is that I’ve been told I’m hyper mobile in the ligament area, in other words I have very loose ligaments. I found this out because my shoulders are tremendously loose and put pressure on my scapula, which in turn became very painful.

Is it possible that I’m not just loose in my shoulder and ‘body’ ligaments but also in the ligaments around my penis?

Could this be why I have had a tough time gaining length and haven’t gained anything through 2 months of hanging? (I have gotten up to 12.5 pounds with not much trouble)

I’ve felt stress and slight soreness in the back ligaments behind the penis as well as the top ones from the hanging yet I haven’t gained.

Do I need to keep going and just keep hanging? Or should I really focus on tunica stretches as I never really had any ligament gains possible to begin with?

-Very frustrated

If your ligs are loose, you should have very fast ligs gains. About LOT hypothesis, most of vets around here don’t believe is valid.

Maybe you did something wrong in your hanging regimen, or maybe hanging is simply not the best technique for you. Have you tried a simple manual based routine?

Edit: no cross posting please
marinera - Question on Ligaments and length

Last edited by marinera : 11-05-2009 at .

I’ve been PEing fairly consistently for a few years, with times being very consistent. I’ve been very consistent the last four months.

Yes I’ve done manual, but I’m wondering if I shouldn’t stick to hanging longer. Maybe I’m just confused. Should I do hanging and manual.

I really am just focused on length b/c I know I can gain girth easily, but length it’s been tough.

I read on the “Matters of Size” hangars forum (which is down right now) That using heavy weights 15 to 30 LBs for short sessions of 20 to 30 minutes may produce faster results. Has anyone here had success with this method.

I did gain some length using 5 to 8 lbs for periods of up to 8 hours. But I reached my plateau. But now that I have switched to 9 to 25LBs I have gained in BPSL a 1/2” in the past 3 months. But it’s stressful But then again it’s for only up to 30 minutes. I go out 5 minutes and take a break. I have done it for up to an hour.

Originally Posted by z06vet2003

I read on the “Matters of Size” hangars forum (which is down right now) That using heavy weights 15 to 30 LBs for short sessions of 20 to 30 minutes may produce faster results. Has anyone here had success with this method.

I did gain some length using 5 to 8 lbs for periods of up to 8 hours. But I reached my plateau. But now that I have switched to 9 to 25LBs I have gained in BPSL a 1/2” in the past 3 months. But it’s stressful But then again it’s for only up to 30 minutes. I go out 5 minutes and take a break. I have done it for up to an hour.

/forum/showthread.php?t=122301&highlight=revolutionary+ha nging

Originally Posted by z06vet2003
I did gain some length using 5 to 8 lbs for periods of up to 8 hours. But I reached my plateau. But now that I have switched to 9 to 25LBs I have gained in BPSL a 1/2” in the past 3 months. But it’s stressful But then again it’s for only up to 30 minutes. I go out 5 minutes and take a break. I have done it for up to an hour.

I think this is one of those dangerous routines that people really don’t understand what is really going on. When you say you reached your plateau. That in and of itself is a misnomer. The reason I say that is that when you plateau it is because you have done something to create it. It might be true that heavier hanging will break a plateau and produce gains but the problem you will create for yourself is another plateau at a much greater weight. What will you do then? Go up to 40 or 50 lbs??

All this is really unnecessary if you religiously follow good hanging principles. Those are when your gains slow down you apply different angles or fulcrums but the last thing to reach for is more weight. It might be appropriate on occasion but after you have applied a heavier weight for a FEW minutes and that’s all it takes then you go back down to your original hanging weight and watch your gains again. Your gains will continue but what really needs to have attention paid to it the consistency of routines. If you miss a day or two or three, your screwed. You’ll plateau and wonder what happened. Healing is what produces plateau’s not just a natural limit.

Typically a guy should be able to get just as good of gains results with lower weights then the guy who chooses to go for the gold with extra weight. I did this. I hung for three years and never needed to exceed 20lbs because I used other techniques that kept a plateau from happening.
I managed to gain over 2 inches in 14 months. It can be done. Don’t give in to the impatience of grabbing the big guns. It will come back to bite you.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Originally Posted by Monty:
Healing is what produces plateau’s not just a natural limit.

My two toes and thumbs up Monty :D

Yes, that is why people like BIB, DLD, Dustpan (pegym) and Monty himself, just to name a few has made big length gains. Because, they basically ride the ligament fatigue, by not allowing it to fully healed and become stronger.

This is the complete opposite to bodybuilding, where rest days are needed. Because in bodybuilding when enough stress is applied to a target muscle to cause microscopic damage, rest days are essential after the stress period to allow the body to repair the damage muscle. This allows the muscle to grow bigger and thus become stronger. With bodybuilding, because the body as a whole is so strong, it can handle a wider range of stress intensity level. Thus this allows the increase of higher weight each time a muscle has recovered and become stronger.

But with hanging, the range of weight intensity level that the penis as a whole can handle is significantly narrower. If one starts to hang with relatively high weights then allows the ligaments to fully heal, higher weights will be needed next time to cause microtear to make gains again. If this cycle is allow to continue, it will reached a point where the weight will be too high and leads to injury to other structures. This will inevitably result in a plateau. This plateau will probably be very hard to overcome and the fear of causing further injury while adding more weight will make most members quit hanging altogether. Unless one happens to learn that a change of angle and/or time duration can also trigger more gains.

So, the take home message is; LOG IN and LEARN from Monty while he is still active here :)

None of those guys ever proved their gains, Zabora. The “don’t let it healing” theory is bullshit to me. If healing is needed (what is actually to demonstrate), than better you let it heal, or you’ll have an injury.

Edit: I don’t know about Dustpan on PEgym, actually. Has he posted undisputed pics?

Thanks zabora That was nice of you to say.

I just want to add one thing as a followup zabora is right and this is something that gets people off track with PE philosophy and that is that the penis is not a muscle and shouldn’t be treated like one. Muscles need down time to build tissue and become larger but in our case we’re not wanting to build at all we’re wanting to elongate. Down time is unnecessary and can be detrimental to gains unless you need to do a decon. In that case you really want to stay from doing anything in regards to PE even manual stretches (that’s another subject). The point I’m trying to make here is when we plug in to ligament manipulation, the principle must be staying ahead of and working with the healing cycles of your particular body. Everyone’s healing cycle is different and because of that you need to pay attention to your health. Even different foods can affect the immune system and speedup our healing cycle without our realizing it.

Case in point: I thought one day that I should try some NoX2 just to give me more seminal fluid. When I did that I lost flaccid. Subsequent to that my flaccid came back. I didn’t gain any seminal fluid so 2 bottles sit on the shelf.

I had the same reaction with L-Arginine.

So you see you need to watch what is happening overall.

This may seem like a funny statement, especially to you body builders out there but if your working out and living a really healthful life, it may not work to your advantage when it comes to PE because you will have to be more diligent at consistency in your routines and be aware that your healing cycles could be VERY short, meaning that you can’t take breaks even short ones without the possibility of a plateau. If I were in really good shape and actively working on my body I wouldn’t let more 12 hours go by without application of some form of PE. Doesn’t matter if it is intense manual stretches or an ADS or whatever, the number of hours between heavy hanging sessions can make the difference between continued gains and a plateau.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Originally Posted by marinera
None of those guys ever proved their gains, Zabora. The “don’t let it healing” theory is bullshit to me. If healing is needed (what is actually to demonstrate), than better you let it heal, or you’ll have an injury.

Edit: I don’t know about Dustpan on PEgym, actually. Has he posted undisputed pics?


There is a verse in the bible (John 20:29) that says blessed are those who believe without seeing.

It is very hard not to believe BIB gains, if one reads all his posts. Because there are so many things he talks about that back up his claims.
Some of his personal accounts of his PE journey would be very hard to come up with out of the blue, without actually experiencing the process.

About Dustpan, PEgym does not care about members pics for proof.

I’m not the kind of guy who believes to the Bible. Maybe here lies the difference.

Boy that sure stopped this thread didn’t it?

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Originally Posted by zabora

There is a verse in the bible (John 20:29) that says blessed are those who believe without seeing.

It is very hard not to believe BIB gains, if one reads all his posts. Because there are so many things he talks about that back up his claims.
Some of his personal accounts of his PE journey would be very hard to come up with out of the blue, without actually experiencing the process.

About Dustpan, PEgym does not care about members pics for proof.

I also have been wondering why Bib make a big issue when come to show is actual unit picture, I was active member on his forum I asked him many times the answer was ” I can’t show my unit to another man” so what is the big deal about it?

Originally Posted by marinera
None of those guys ever proved their gains, Zabora. The “don’t let it healing” theory is bullshit to me. If healing is needed (what is actually to demonstrate), than better you let it heal, or you’ll have an injury.

Edit: I don’t know about Dustpan on PEgym, actually. Has he posted undisputed pics?

My bad: Dustpan is a member of this forum also; his gains, as reported here, are 2.5” EL starting from 2005-07-16 to 2007-05-16; I suppose this is the regimen he used to have his gains:

Originally Posted by Dustpan
This is my routine
15 minutes of warming up of the pubic area
20 minutes of Jelqing 5 times a day
10 minutes of stretches 5 times a day
5 minutes rest period stretches,Jelqing
3-20 minutes hanging with 15 lbs
5 minutes rest period
3-10 minutes with 20 lbs
5 minutes rest period
2-10 minutes with 25 lbs

I leave the hanger on while I go through my stretches, this is where I use the rope attached to a hook or
door knob to get a SO stretch, then a 90 degree stretch to the right and a 90 degree stretch to the left. Then
I step over the rope and stretch BTC. All of this takes 15 minutes. then I remove the hanger, then I wet Jelq for 5 minutes.
Then I have a cool down period with a cold cloth applied for 10 minutes. My schedule is 5 days on and 2 days off,this will be mixed up during the week.

My Quest for big

There is also a thread with his pics, I gave it a brief look it seems beginning pics are lacking. Anyway, as a note, he was using the same device Horsedick and Dashdeming have spoken about, and also the same high-weigths approach.


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