Thunder's Place

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Most Hanging Weight

Most Hanging Weight

What’s the greatest amount of weight that anyone here has hung during a regular hanging session. Bib I’d really like to know your highest.

I’m at 17 1/2 lbs. I read a post by Bib saying he had hung 45 lbs! Yikes!

Originally Posted by larry29

I read a post by Bib saying he had hung 45 lbs! Yikes!

My 5 year old daughter weighs less than that!!

Yeah that’s what I’m at right now. Oh yeah, divided by 9.


Yes, my highest max weight used during a regular session was 45 lbs. I hung 60 while testing the regular hanger. But please remember, it is not the amount of weight you hang, but rather the quality of the stretch. Always take it slow when moving up in time or weight.

I took almost two years to work up to that weight, and had to hang that much in order to reach fatigue. It worked out fine, but I probably should have just taken some time off and let the tissues atrophy. But I was somewhat impatient.

Also, I knew exactly what I was doing both physiologically and mechanically.



You mean to say that you was somewhat impatient. You are like a grandmaster hanger to me and you must be patient to put up with my questions over the last year.


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