I gained .75 inches in length the first month, and it is very possible to make great gains fast but not without hard work.
What I did was hang almost everyday, and do manual stretches / tunica stretches constantly throughout the day. I became obsessed with PE, I would cancel dinner dates with girlfriend because I had to hang. I would hang in front of her even though she thought I had real big issues. During girlfriend movie nights I would constantly be doing a manual stretch to take advantage of my idle free time. This would make her very upset. But after I got longer, I made her cum for the first time (made her very happy).
So Its been roughly two - three months since my gains and they been cemented. Now I have another girlfriend and she loves how long it is. Its only 6.5 - 6.75 nbpel (means this is the actual size when you look at it without pressing ruler against pelvis) but girls tend to have a very innacurate way to measure visually so it looks like a solid seven to women.
My Bpel is 7.50
Anyways to gain fast you should:
1.Stay focused
2.Constantly do manual stretches at least 10 times a day (every time you use bathroom, in shower with hot water, and at night in bed)
3.hang very day with one day rests per week (only after newbie routine, you don’t want to overdo it)
4.read forum posts from pros who have done it successfully
5.become obessed with PE and realize
6. hang safely and smartly
***do newbie routine first because you need to know your penis better and how it responds to stretching.