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New wrapping material

New wrapping material

Just want to check with the forum to see if there is any interest in this. I’m a chemical engineer with some rubber compound experience, and a fellow PE enthusiast (heavy duty hanger). No matter what I try, hanging is just painful to me, primarily the pinching of the skin (not internal structure fatique). BTW, I hang generally in the 17.5 to 20 lb range - it’s the only weight at which I see results.

So I’ve been tinkering with different rubber compounds, mixing and matching durometer (softness), tensile strength, memory, etc in an effort to come up with a better wrapping material. I think I hit upon the right compound mix that provides comfort, holding strength, good memory (will return to original shape yet deflect to pressure), and softness. I can make small batches but repeatability of formula is poor due to the limited facilities I have to make this stuff. I have some connections and can have a rubber manufacturer make this for me, but I’ll need to place an order for at least 100 sq ft of this material.

Would anyone be interested in this material? I can’t guarantee it will work for you as it does for me, but it’s the best stuff I’ve found so far. I’m hanging with this wrap as I write this: 17.5 lbs w/BIB hanger at 45 minutes with no cold/purple head. Estimate of cost would be about $36.00 per 12” x 12” x 1/8” square, but I may have it precut to 4” x 12” strips. It’s somewhat expensive, so I won’t be surprised if there’s limited interest.

THUNDER: If I shouldn’t be “soliciting” in the forum, please forgive me and delete or move this post.

I think it’s great your using your chemical skills to improve your hanging experience :) 12 dollar for a wrap is a bit much though, you might want to take a look at this thread which is also about rubber wraps:

Exellent new wrapping material I discovered guys!

Personally I think a (rubber) wrap which you can pull or unroll over your shaft is better than something you wrap around your shaft because the edge of the wrap will dig into your skin. You could try to cast a rubber sleeve with your rubber but it would be hard to compete costwise with mass produced items like a tenniswrap or innertires. I’m using 3" of a 78" long $5 bicycle innertire.


Personally, 12” length wrap is at least a couple of inches short.
Would it be at all possible to make stretchy enough sleeves instead?
How is it different from Theraband, assuming you’ve tried that?

It is fairly expensive, but if it’s superior I could be interested of course.



I have been using an inner tube which I eventually cut open to wrap. My original intention was to unroll it like the HTW (or a condom), but I cannot get it to roll down. I haven’t found a tube larger than the 1.5” mountain bike variety. You are close to my girth, so I was wondering if you are using a larger tube than that, or do you have some secret for putting it on while flaccid?

I could imagine getting it on if I were erect, but it would be far too small then, and one wouldn’t want to be erect just prior to hanging, anyway. I have managed to get this around my dick because I use it to seal my DIY vacuum hanger by putting it on the mouth of a medicine bottle and then pulling it down. This is difficult and again, seems to ruin the point of easy on, easy off rolling wrap.

Last edited by slipstream : 03-29-2006 at . Reason: clarification, spelling correction

I’m not familiar with the innertire jargon but I can tell you the box says 26x1.75-1.90-2.30. After using it a couple of times it’s flat width is 2”. The sleeve is 2.5” long (my hanger is 1.6” wide). I’ve tried rolling it up first like the HTW but it’s hard getting it on my shaft like that. Instead I put my indexfingers through it and pull so the sleeve folds. Not that easy to get my fingers from underneath it after putting it on but it works.

I’m hoping the light weight innertires are easier to stretch. I will probably look for them one of these days.

Last edited by Piet : 03-30-2006 at .

How I break down fitting a tight, semi-rigid sleeve from one big bitch to five small:

Sleeve inside (gray); sleeve outside (black); penis.

01: Sleeve folded, then partly fitted over glans.
02: Sleeve unfolded/rolled down to cover top shaft and glans.
03: Sleeve folded/rolled down over itself.
04: Sleeve turned. Looks like a big bitch, but it’s easy enough.
05: Sleeve unfolded/rolled down over itself to cover shaft.

Sleeve pic 01.webp
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Sleeve pic 02.webp
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Sleeve pic 05.webp
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Howard I would definitely be interested in this wrap,but as Ideal stated 12” is a bit short.I think 16” would be just about perfect.As to the cost,it is a bit high but I would gladly pay it for a good quality wrap.I like you only experience pain when hanging because of inferior wraps.

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