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Quick question about Wrapping Material

Quick question about Wrapping Material

Hey guys, where did you get you’re material for traction wrapping? I checked out several stores in my area and couldn’t find anything. Pretty much everyone at the the stores didn’t have a clue either. I tried all the sports equipment retailers, even the sport apparel ones. Closest I got was climbing tape, hardly Theraband. Could someone point me in the right direction as to get wrapping material?

I’m not sure where you can purchase theraband locally, but here’s an online resource:

Also, you don’t have to use theraband. Check out this thread ICM started on Wrapping Material.

If you are referring to the commonly accepted PE definition of "Traction Wrapping", then wal-mart had the TheraP wrist straps in my town.


I just bought some Thera-wrap from ebay!! They had a variety pack with 6 feet of each, blue, black and silver. I got the pack for $15.98 and that included shipping!!! It was the cheapest I could find.

If intrested, just go to ebay and do a search on Thera Band.

I hope this helps.


All that is required is the waistband off an overworked set of briefs, you don’t have to spend a nickel to increase the package.

Anyone traction wrap without the 2nd hard layer? Seems to me that the 1st cloth layer, once secured, could do a job just as well as not attaching the 2nd layer, which is necessary for hanging, but perhaps not traction wrapping?

Hey guys,

I’m having difficulty seeing if my traction wrap actually works. It’s not supposed to be on too tight, I know, but I don’t feel it affecting the ligs at all. The problem is when I wrap, the ligs aren’t being kept in a stretched out position slightly, like I would expect. Instead what my wrap turns out to be is that it keeps the bottom half of my penis stretched out, maybe putting a bit of tension, but not what I thought it would be, keeping the ligs extended that is. Is this the correct way to traction wrap?

Also, does the wrap have to be applied right after the stretches? I jelq after my manual stretches, then take a shower. However, I have read that traction wraps are supposed to be put on immediately after stretching, since the ligs retract fast.

Sorry to bump an old thread, btw.


Traction wraps are designed to keep your dick extended, not necessarily stretched. I never feel it affecting my ligs. If you’re looking for something more you should check out an ADS like the one demonstrated in the tutorial section. A true ADS will keep you ligs stretched out more than a traction wrap, but it’s more difficult to apply and keep on. If you’re just looking to keep your dick in an extended state during healing, then a traction wrap will do just fine, and it sounds like you’re doing it correctly.

No, the wrap doesn’t have to be applied immediately after your exercises. Healing continues to occur for some time after the micro-tears are created. The important thing is not how soon you apply the wrap, but the duration you wear it for.

And don’t worry about bumping an old thread, that’s why we keep them all. :)

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