Wrapping Material
Not happy with my current wrapping material so I ordered some products to try, perhaps someone else has used the same thing:
Couldn’t find Ace bandage so I bought one roll of wide, normal bandage, to give that a go under the Theraband.
The more successful one I think will be the cohesive support bandage as it’s a little thicker and sticks to itself, but not your skin. Perhaps Ace bandage works in this way?
I also bought something they called foam underwrap, for use under tape. So we’ll see how that goes.
Finally bought some surgical gloves to give them a go for grip should I do any manual stretches.
What does everyone use for their cloth underwrap? I tried cloth and clearly got the wrong kind, and I still don’t know for sure what sweatshirt material really is.
Perhaps someone could take some pictures of their successful wrapping material?