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Wrapping Material

Wrapping Material

Not happy with my current wrapping material so I ordered some products to try, perhaps someone else has used the same thing:

Couldn’t find Ace bandage so I bought one roll of wide, normal bandage, to give that a go under the Theraband.

The more successful one I think will be the cohesive support bandage as it’s a little thicker and sticks to itself, but not your skin. Perhaps Ace bandage works in this way?

I also bought something they called foam underwrap, for use under tape. So we’ll see how that goes.

Finally bought some surgical gloves to give them a go for grip should I do any manual stretches.

What does everyone use for their cloth underwrap? I tried cloth and clearly got the wrong kind, and I still don’t know for sure what sweatshirt material really is.

Perhaps someone could take some pictures of their successful wrapping material?

I cut an old pillowcase into 1.5” wide strips and use that under a cheap brand of self-sticking bandage (1” wide). The cloth isn’t too thick and prevents the bandage from sticking to my skin. I’ve found that this cheap brand of bandage, under the compression of the Bib, gets the “glue” squeezed out of it and all over the hanger. So now I take a small square of Theraband and wrap it around my wrapped dick to keep the glue from building up on the Bib.

I like the self stick bandage material since I can get the wrap started with little fuss after a few turns and nothing comes loose while I’m applying it.

(Caution: newbie hanger with 1.5 weeks experience. Your mileage my vary.)

The world of wrapping according to Big
The foam underwrap works really well under the self sticking sports wrap. It is softer next to the skin than the sports wrap. Wrap the underwrap from base to tip, then start your sportswrap or Theraban at the base and only come up to the circ scar or about 1/2 inch to the glands. Then pull the underwrap back over the sportswrap making a kind of collar. This works really well for hanging, traction wrap and or girth wraps. Pull foreskin back for hanging and or girth wraps, pull foreskin foward for traction wrap. The big ball of foreskin at the end of a traction wrap will help you keep extended to heal microtears while elongated. I sleep in the traction wrap after hanging, but can’t advise that. Do at your own risk. Make sure good circulation. If you can pee you are probably not wrapped too tight.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I use sweatshirt material from some fairly thin sweatpants. I’ve tried other things but always come back to this. My current piece measures 10” x 2.25”. I don’t spiral at all. Any wrap that isn’t very stretchy needs to be loose, particularly toward the head. I leave a finger’s worth of slack in the inch or so that is closest to the head by wrapping over my finger that holds the starting edge in place, then pulling it out when I’m done.

Then I wrap a 9” x 2.25” piece of gray Theraband over that, tighter than the cloth, and again not spiraled.

I don’t tape any of my wrap in place. As long as the Thera is clean it sticks to itself pretty well. I usually unwrap between sets, BTW. I start my wrap on the bottom side of the shaft. If the leading edge gets kinked or folded over a little on the underside it’s no problem because the hanger doesn’t apply much pressure there. Starting on top works too, but is harder to hold in place.

Wrapping becomes easy with enough practice. It’s very rare that I have to re-do it because of a skinfold or other discomfort. One thing I’ve learned is not to fuss with it too much. When I first started hanging I’d keep screwing with the wrap, tugging skin back, trying to get it on perfectly straight, etc. This caused more problems than it solved.

I use a piece of cloth I cut out of an old undershirt (“wife-beater” variety). The piece is about 8” X 5.25” (L X W). I fold it in half horizontally for extra padding (this changes the width to 2.75”). Then I wrap it snuggly around my dick 2 times. It works great as a wrapping material because it’s really thin, but also soft enough for support. Depending on the PE activity at hand, I sometimes use a self-adhesive ACE bandage over the cloth wrap for extra support.

A thin sock is the best underwrap I have used. Yesterday I tried with t-shirt material, and it was nasty man. Really thin and generally useless. Thin socks all the way, they are elastic and soft on the skin, what more could you want.


Personally, I use the grittiest sandpaper wraps I can find. I cut 2 strips of 2”x6” from the sandpaper. I smear 6 oz of super glue all over my penis. Then, I proceed to wrap the gritty sandpaper strips onto my penis. Make sure you put the gritty side down on top of your penis, for friction. You don’t want your wrap to slide off from all of the weights you will be hanging from it. That should do it. It works for me. Let me know how you guys like it.

"The past may hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it." "Life moves pretty fast. One should stop and look around from time to time, before it passes you by." BigCatLion Hear My Roar

Originally posted by BigCatLion
Personally, I use the grittiest sandpaper wraps I can find. I cut 2 strips of 2”x6” from the sandpaper. I smear 6 oz of super glue all over my penis. Then, I proceed to wrap the gritty sandpaper strips onto my penis. Make sure you put the gritty side down on top of your penis, for friction. You don't want your wrap to slide off from all of the weights you will be hanging from it. That should do it. It works for me. Let me know how you guys like it.

??? `:-)

Thanks for all the other suggestions, got plenty to try out now.

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