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Putting the constriction sleeve on before hanging.


Putting the constriction sleeve on before hanging.

After spending 2 weeks out due to a water blister (See thread "Vac hanging head blister ergh"), I have decided I’m going to use a constriction sleeve NO MATTER WHAT now.
I didn’t use it before because it was quite difficult and fiddly to get on and I tended to rip them. I also believed that I could handle the weight and the vacuum. However after more recent tryouts with the newer model I have been able to get it on without a problem.

I’ll get to my point. In the online instruction area on monkeybar’s Autoextender he shows how to put on the constriction sleeve. It says to make sure there is NO AIR whatsoever in the sleeve at the tip of the head. (Autoextender Penis Enlargement Device).

I can manage this for the most part but how important is it? I can’t guarantee NO AIR, but I can see that most of it is out.
My other query is, should I be looking to cut the sleeve if it just about fits my head in it?
I mean, I have a lot of foreskin when I pull it behind my head, I assumed I include this in the packing of the sleeve or do I make sure it’s out. Though I can imagine this being VERY uncomfortable if it’s just my glans getting tugged on.

These queries may seem a little silly to some but I just want to make sure and get a little more info before jumping into it again.
Risking another blister and sitting out for 2 weeks is not my idea of fun and will seriously hamper my progress.

Thanks for any help.

Last edited by Sacred : 04-20-2008 at .

Maybe you’ll find this useful, it was posted in my progress thread:

Originally Posted by awstev
Hi RandomGiant, thanks for your interesting log. (I had just talked about getting the tip of my dick warped)

This happened to me too, especially on the tip as sometimes the constriction sleeve would slip down a bit. I was always worried that it would turn into a blister. A couple of times I was sure I was going to have a blister just where the urethra meets the glans. Like you, it went away in a couple of hours, but I was always on guard for blisters.

About a month ago I started covering my glans, especially the tip, with paper tape. The stuff I am using is Johnson & Johnson First Aid Non-Irritating Paper Tape:

http://www.walg … =1&id=prod16177
http://www99.ep … nt_168581107332

Once I put the tape on, I then put the constriction sleeve on. Since doing this, I have had no problems hanging 5lb for hours a day. My glans have felt and looked very healthy. The tape is strong, but only just sticks to the skin. It seems like it gives my glans skin extra strength to resist the vacuum pressure.

The nice thing is the tape is easy to get off. I just soak my taped glans in hot water for a minute, and the tape comes off with no pain.

Using a combination of tape and constriction sleeve is working very well for me.

As long as you do your best with the air, you’re probably fine. I’m finding that if I wear the constriction sleeve inside out, that it’s more comfortable and that it rips less. I haven’t cut mine, but I’m just starting with the vac and don’t know a whole lot about it. Good luck.


I’ll try the constriction sleeve tonight.
If I get a little trouble I’ll seek other measures like awstev has done. But for now. I’ll stick to the basic constriction sleeve.

I have a problem/query.

I’m Uncut. When I put the sleeve on under the vac hanger I feel like it’s all about to slip off.
My foreskin goes forward when I hang the weight despite having it back when putting the hanger this wrong?
I don’t know how I will be able to correct this if it is in fact wrong.

Just gave it a try.
I am very scared to try again now. I started feeling a tingling in the tip and the hanger feeling like it was slipping. Putting alot of strain on the tip, where I got my blister last time.

Until I have resolve away to reduce this slipping feeling I don’t really want to risk getting another blister :(

Originally Posted by Sacred
I started feeling a tingling in the tip and the hanger feeling like it was slipping. Putting alot of strain on the tip, where I got my blister last time.

I am cut, but I would still get the tingling in the tip and the constriction sleeve slipping forward a bit. Not every time, but the heavier I went, the more likely it was to happen. When it did happen, it felt like the full force of the vacuum was concentrated on the tip, and while I never got a blister, I think I came very close.

As RandomGiant posted, I started covering my glans with paper tape and have not had a problem since. I don’t wrap my glans, ie I don’t take the tape and go around and around and around etc. All I do is take a couple of inch by inch pieces (or 2” by 1”) and stick and smooth them down on to my glans. I reckon just one piece centered on the tip of the glans and smoothed down would do the trick.

I don’t feel any pain taking the tape off, but I am cut so I am less sensitive. When I started doing it, I massaged a bit of olive oil into the tape to get it off, but lately I just soak it with warm water for a few seconds and it peels off.

I have been doing the taping for a month now (I also put the constriction sleeve on as it seems to help press the tape firmly onto my glans) and I have been happily hanging 5lb for hours a day.

Yeah, I am planning on getting the tape soon. Maybe I’ll bike to Walgreens today.

I just saw something today though. I was walking by a bike rack today and I noticed something, the rubber padding that goes around the handlebars. I’m going to the bike shop tomorrow to try to buy one and try it out as a sturdier alternative to the constriction sleeve haha. Some might be a little thin, but it might be worth checking out.

Originally Posted by RandomGiant
Yeah, I am planning on getting the tape soon. Maybe I’ll bike to Walgreens today.

Good luck!

I think trial and error with various systems is the way to go until you find something that works. I spent a small fortune at pharmacies and hardware stores on things to try. I never got to a bike shop, but I will keep that in mind for the future :)

When I found something that worked for me, it was a nice feeling. Touch wood, it will go on working.

My experience with your paper tape method:

This stuff is great! Not a single hint of discoloration or warped glans, you’re a genius man! I only did a 20 minute set with 5 pounds, but it was extremely comfortable the entire time. I was supposed to have an off day today, but I think I’m going to hang for a couple more sets.

I hear you about spending money in hardware stores, I am often looking for something new to use. I’ll keep you updated about the rubber handlebar cover.

RandomGiant, Great to hear the paper tape is working for you. It came off OK?

Originally Posted by RandomGiant
Not a single hint of discoloration

I have a bit of discoloration on the bottom of my glans (near the frenulum). I am not completely sure what it is from, as I have also been experimenting with a bib hanger. I do suspect it is the vacuum hanging that is causing it. Discoloration is not a deal breaker for me.

I always make sure to carefully tape around the frenulum as I have a tendancy for fluid build up in that area. Not sure if it is related to the discoloration, but the taping seems to keep the fluid build up under control.

Well I only gave it about 15-20 seconds to take off because I was anxious to see the results, so it was a little painful. Nothing too bad though.

My discoloration is light and at the tip of my glans, my hardcore bib hanger made it a little worse, but I was probably putting too much pressure on the glans. I actually think it was originally from wearing PE weights.

Where I am right now finding some special tape may be hard. Would ‘masking tape’ or regular sellotape do the trick do you think?
I was also thinking about those circular plasters, bad idea?

Do you put the constriction sleeve on in addition to the tape?

I do hope this works as if it doesn’t I will be stuck with a routine that I can only gain girth from and I really want a little bit more length..

Thanks guys.

Originally Posted by awstev
Once I put the tape on, I then put the constriction sleeve on.

You can try some other tape, but it might be a little rough. I’d suggest trying a 5 or 10 minute session first. I’m sure you’ll find some way to make it work. You can order it online if worst comes to worst, but it might be easier to find than you think.

I’m in Sri Lanka right now and it’s hard to get things sent over here. I’ll have a look in one of the stores though

I think the closest I will find to this J&J paper tape suggested is masking tape.

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