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Rethinking the Bib Hanger

Rethinking the Bib Hanger

For about a year now, I’ve been a very big advocate of the Captain’s Wench—especially the Wenchette variant. I’ve been impressed with its simplicity, thrift, effectiveness, and ease of use.

However, I’ve run into a limit with the Wenchette. It simply does not work well for me above about 15#. The adhesive holding the gripper pads in place starts to creep, and the device starts to come apart. It also becomes markedly less comfortable.

During a recent hanging workout, I decided to increase the weight to just over 16#. Rather than risk it with my Wenchette, I pulled my old Bib Hanger from the drawer and clamped it on.

Understand that I have a bad history with this device. My last experience using it caused me terrible ventral discoloration, a lot of discomfort, and considerable skin stretch. I have bad memories.

But I’ve learned a lot since then. My initial change was to configure the hanger like Hobby and Xenolith have suggested— like / \ instead of like | | or \ /. I cranked the top nut to the limit. The second change was to use a pair of HTWs as a wrap. In my opinion Theraband is ancient technology and has been completely obsoleted by HTWs. The last change was to roll the HTWs into a light constriction ring in front of the hanger.

With these changes and at the 16# level, this hanger was damn comfortable. I had no problems at all. In fact, I inadvertently let my set run a full 30 minutes without noticing. This leads me to rethink the Bib Hanger, even considering my earlier bad experience.

I may be spending a lot more time in this hanger.

That said, the Bib Hanger needs improvement. Here is a short list of my pet peeves:

  1. The plastic encapsulating the top screw needs to be thicker to prevent break-out through the hole.
  2. The top screw is too slow. A faster, less precise screw should be used.
  3. The bottom screws should be spring-loaded so that the interior nuts are not needed. This would make the hanger more adjustable while being worn. Faster screws would also come in handy here.
  4. Bushings should be provided through the plastic holes near where the bottom nuts attach, to prevent the screw threads from binding against the plastic.
  5. Stop nuts should be used to hold the nylon strap to the plastic shells. I made this change on my own hanger to prevent the straps from falling off mid-set.
  6. The screws that hold the side straps should be moved up (closer the to top screw). As it stands, the hanger causes the penis it curve up under load because it doesn’t pull along the plane of the penis’ greatest resistance. The screws should be on the same plane as the dorsal surface of the penis. They should not be in the middle. Ideally, the positions of the screws should be adjustable.
If I were an enterprising PE entrepreneur I would just do this all myself so that others could buy it. But I’m not. Perhaps Bib or someone else would be interested in taking this design to the next level. Meanwhile, I’m feeling happy to still have this hanger in my special drawer.

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Last edited by ModestoMan : 07-11-2006 at .

Can I send you mine for rework? :)

Yeah MM the wench has it’s limit at 15 pounds for me also. I just ordered and received a bib starter that I will be incorporating into a routine that jelktoid has been working with bigger”bib” and getting good results. I will be starting when I have a little more time. I’m trying the bib starter because I thing it will stretch both the ligs and the tunica. I had also stopped the bib regular because of bad bruising but I’m really going to keep an eye out this time and stop right away if it starts again. And like you said MM it is one comfortable hanger:)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

The Bib Starter is probably the better hanger, simply because it’s smaller. I don’t think hangers need to be big to be effective. My Wenchette is only 1” wide.

I’m not sure that the Starter will give you a better tunica stretch than the standard Bib. My opinion is that most hangers do 95% of their work in the leading 1/2”, and the rest is there just for support.

I think what will really hit your tunica is to move the screws that hold the straps up, as I described above. This is equivalent to hanging over a fulcrum, only without the fuss and reduced circulation.

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Thanks for the tip Bro I may try that

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Hey guys, I have both the Bib starter and the regular but switched to the regular fulltime after going above 15 pounds. In your experiece, what’s the top weight a starter can handle safely and comfortably?

Hank (WannaB9x7)

I’ve heard of people hanging in the 30’s with the Bib Starter.

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Originally Posted by ModestoMan

I’ve heard of people hanging in the 30’s with the Bib Starter.

Thanks. I’ve done 30 with the original Bib, but with a lot of discomfort; will try it with the Bib Starter soon.

Originally Posted by WannaB9x7

Thanks. I’ve done 30 with the original Bib, but with a lot of discomfort; will try it with the Bib Starter soon.

It’s all about the wrap and the hanger adjustments. Don’t let the hanger slide forward over your glans! Also, many guys have reported much better results configuring the top-bottom spacing like / \ instead of like \ /.

It takes a lot of patience and systematic effort to find something that works, assuming it’s possible for anything to work. Make sure you don’t rush it, and good luck.

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So, ModestoMan you’re using the Bib to hang heavy weights and the vaccuum as an ADS (and an ANS as well)?

Am I right?

Do you find that more force is good? Are you doing the heavy at one point in the week and the light weights later on? How much rest are you getting?

What the hell is going on?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I have both Starter and Regular Bib. 15# is the max for the Starter. I hung 400 hours at 22.5# with the Regular getting 2.2” elongation which cemented at 2.1”. The Starter simply has to be too tight to go above 15# for me anyway.

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

So, ModestoMan you’re using the Bib to hang heavy weights and the vaccuum as an ADS (and an ANS as well)?

Am I right?

Do you find that more force is good? Are you doing the heavy at one point in the week and the light weights later on? How much rest are you getting?

What the hell is going on?

Mr. Happy, the short answer to your question is “yes.”

I just finished a first pass through Xeno’s IPR hanging protocol. That calls for moderate to heavy hanging to cause mild inflammation (the “I” in IPR). For those workouts, I started at about 12# using my Wenchette. Over the course of multiple workouts, I gradually increased the weight to about 15#. At that point, the Wenchette became uncomfortable and started pulling apart, so I switched over to the Bib Hanger. I maxed out at 16.25# with the Bib, after which my 2-weeks of macro I-phase work ended and I stopped hanging.

Between hanging workouts, and since finishing the macro I-phase work, I’ve been using an ADS. That’s where Monkeybar’s hanger comes in. I’ve used it exclusively as an ADS (and now as an ANS), loading it with only about 2-4#.

The weight I used for workouts was gradually increased over the 2 week macro I-phase period. I would increase the weight about 10-15% each week. My target was to make each workout about 10% harder than the previous one. To avoid increasing the weight too quickly, I alternated increasing the weight with increasing the time spent hanging. But I never alternated heavy days with light days. The slope was always positive.

I can’t vouch for the effectiveness of this routine. I really did things this way as an experiment. I wanted to see whether I could gain simply by following the IPR formula. So far, I have not :( .

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Last edited by ModestoMan : 07-13-2006 at .

As for whether I think more force is “good,” I think there’s a sweet spot at which the tissues are optimally strained. Increasing the weight beyond this point I believe causes a defensive reaction in which the body tries to shore up its defenses to protect itself. There’s a short-term component to this (retraction) and a long-term component (thicker, less extensible tissues).

Using less than this optimal weight will yield slower progress. There’s probably a lower limit below which little or no growth occurs.

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Originally Posted by bud_do
I have both Starter and Regular Bib. 15# is the max for the Starter. I hung 400 hours at 22.5# with the Regular getting 2.2” elongation which cemented at 2.1”. The Starter simply has to be too tight to go above 15# for me anyway.

That’s a great gain Bro, have the gains stopped are your lig gains maxed out?

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I couldn’t get my wench to hold with over 10 pounds. I gave up on it in under 2 weeks.
Bib has it’s pros and cons. It causes bruising like no other, but I can hang approaching 30 pounds SD with
little discomfort with it.

I’m small and use a reg with no problem. Just can’t do fulcrums with it.

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