Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ridiculous results


Ridiculous results

This is getting to be a little ridiculous, now I’m hanging 35 lbs. SO and no sign of any gains ever. Something has to be wrong when you can hold a 35 lb. dumbell longer with your unit than you can with your hand.

I give up, I don’t know what else I can do.:cry:

Jesus!!! Are you shittin me? Hell, that makes me want to cry with you, I feel for you. Have you tried some good ole’ fashion SD for any length of time?


Please offer some additional info…

-time since starting hanging
-training prior to starting hanging
-pre-hanging gains
-starting weight
-duration of set
-# of sets/session
-frequency of sessions
-always hang SO?

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

I’m not a hanger so I have no experience with that area. I have to say though that 35lbs should never be necessary to coax something as gentle and unassuming as these tissues. I suspect that over time you’ve built one very tough unit there. I know you’ve been around here for a long while, what were your earlier results like? As you’re no doubt aware, for the majority of people, the best gains happen in the first 3-5 months or so, and everything after that is a slog out of who between you and your unit in the most stubborn (with a few notable exceptions I should qualify).

I’m sure some people more experienced that I will chime in, but to me it seems like the smartest thing to do is change the game rules on your unit. Reset all the parameters by taking an extended break. Give time for the tissues to normalise, forget the path you’ve taken so far, and think as if you were a newbie all over again. Penny stakes and all that.

Yes, I think Shiver is saying a good thing there! You need to take a long brake to get things normal and then start with the newbie-routine. And built up from there!

Good luck man! I feel for you…

Read SS4Jelq’s progress thread. I think it’s long and wanders off topic, so I’ll summarize. He was a hard gainer and hung for years with no progress. Yet, he stuck with it. Eventually he made some headway by (I think) targeting his septum.

I gave up at 25# with zero hanging gains. By that point, I was convinced Bib was a liar and the whole concept of PE was bogus.

Then I realized that that conclusion was probably rash. I took 2 months off, which was more a mental break than a physical one, and resumed PE early this summer. I’m now hanging at higher angles alternating sides—one week to one side, then one week to the other. I use a fulcrum when I do this.

My guiding principle is as follows:

How do you tear a phone book? One page at a time. Focus on the smallest amount of tissue that you can at a time. Ligs are too big. We’re talking about lig bundles here. The tunica—forget it. Work one side at a time.

My reward has been an increase in BPFSL by 1/4”. I actually hit my all-time high yesterday. Let’s just hope and pray it’s real.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Maybe you have low testosterone or DHT levels? Shiver posted something about what insufficient testosterone can do to the penis.


Originally Posted by Shiver
I’m not a hanger so I have no experience with that area. I have to say though that 35lbs should never be necessary to coax something as gentle and unassuming as these tissues. I suspect that over time you’ve built one very tough unit there. I know you’ve been around here for a long while, what were your earlier results like? As you’re no doubt aware, for the majority of people, the best gains happen in the first 3-5 months or so, and everything after that is a slog out of who between you and your unit in the most stubborn (with a few notable exceptions I should qualify).

I’m sure some people more experienced that I will chime in, but to me it seems like the smartest thing to do is change the game rules on your unit. Reset all the parameters by taking an extended break. Give time for the tissues to normalise, forget the path you’ve taken so far, and think as if you were a newbie all over again. Penny stakes and all that.

Very sage advice. An extened break worked for me.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

Originally Posted by MX
Very sage advice. An extened break worked for me.

Agreed, breaks are great. However, I’d like to know if T has been hanging for a while, building up to this weight or did he just strap on 35 lbs out of the blue. From his post, I can’t tell. I hope we learn more from him about how he finds himself hanging 35 lbs.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

I would concure with Shiver. What will happen in an extended break is your mind will forget what the heavy weight feels like and if you start off after an extended break with a very light weight it will feel like more then enough to accomplish, whereas now it feels like you need to hang that much to feel like your accomplishing something. I think what your doing is causing a protective response which causes in many cases a retraction of gains. I’ed bet that if you thought back a while that you could remember when that retraction occured and you responed to it by increasing your weight. From that point on you experience deminishing returns or in other words “plateau”. The more you fight it the stronger the response by your unit. Take a nice long break and do nothing. When you start up again start with very light weights and refrain from progressiing back to your current level of weights. The important thing is to allow your brain to forget what stress it felt was necessary before and reset to a new level that would be more productive. That level will have to be dictated by gains rather then feelings. Watch the gains even though they may appear to be slow. Faithfully record your progress and only add weight when gains stop.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

I have the same frustrating lack of gains from hanging, and eventually gave up.

Now I have been reading about using an ADS after hanging, so that you keep your penis extended while it heals from the hang. If you are having a protective contraction during hanging, the gentle pull of an ADS should help with that also. I have just started using a hiphugger ADS with manual stretching, but I may go back to some hanging and see if I have any gains with the combo.

That’s something I was thinking of— hanging real heavy before switching to a Penimaster, to see if it’s more effective than consistent hanging.

My initial goal was 40hrs a week— alternating between a month hanging 6 hours a day & a month hanging for 3 hours a day before switching to a Penimaster. That way, if plotting the results on a graph you might be able to see some kind of trend.

It could give some kind of conclusive result to the whole mitosis/hyperplasia V.s Plastic-deformation/hypertrophy debate.

Thanx everybody for your advice some I agree with some I don’t. For those that think I should take a long break been there done that many times, time off helped none. You’ve got to understand after taking those breaks before and gaining nothing, I figure I’ll do the opposite keep going up in weight until something gives. I know it sounds crazy, but everybody has to admit at some point something has to give. You see how long I’ve been here, with no length gains what so ever. In my life I’ve quit a lot of things and I figured, this time I’ll go down swinging before I quit.

Let’s see I think I started out hanging about 3 lbs.- 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. I’ve spent time hanging BTC, OTS, and SO.

-time since starting hanging SEPTEMBER 02
-training prior to starting hanging JELQING
-pre-hanging gains NO LENGTH GAINS EVER, GRTH APPRX 1/2 IN
-starting weight 3 LBS
-duration of set 20 MIN
-# of sets/session 3- 6 SETS A DAY
-frequency of sessions
-always hang SO? NO STARTED BTC,OTS, SO

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