Setups for hanging
I wish there was a thread where people posted pictures of their hanging setups. In the past, I’ve used a simple C-clamp clamped to the backside of my desk and a pulley with built-in hook connected to it as a very simple and easily stashable SO hanging method. Unfortunately, however, now I have to use a desk that will not allow this setup at all or anything like it because it has a large vertical cross section that makes it impossible to attach anything to the desk without drilling holes or cutting (which also not able to do with this desk).
So now I’m looking for other methods. I’d like to be able to hang straight up, but have never been able to get using my shoulder as a “pulley” to drape rope over to work well. And I would also like to hang all the different angles. Thus, I’ve been eyeing the walls in my bedroom and wondering if, together with a stud finder, I could set up various hooks to which I’d attach pulleys (that I buy from and thereby run ropes to my bed where I could sit or lie etc while hanging.
However, I don’t know the first thing about what kind of hardware I’d need to screw into the walls (ie like diameter of screws and that sortof thing), what kind of risks of tearing up the walls might be involved, etc.
Could people maybe put up some pictures of their setups and maybe tell me a thing or two about how to make pulleys attach to walls? My walls are the common just plasterboard mounted to wood beams.