It’s simpler than you think. I use a piece from a Dannon water bottle. On bottom of every bottle, you’ll find the kind of plastic used and recycle stage. Mine is marked with PETE(whatever that means). The inside of recycle triangle contains the number 1. Usually PETE is under the triangle. I never paid much attention to this stuff before now.
I liked this plastic because it is ridged (not smooth). I never tried it with smooth plastic.
What you need to do:
1- Cut a 2-inch wide piece from the bottle. Start with a wider strip. You can always make it smaller. You should have a cylinder now. Cut the wall of the cylinder. Now you should have a rectangular piece of plastic though it still has a round form.
2- Test the wrap on your finger. Wrap the piece of plastic in a cylindrical form between the thumb and forefinger. Your thumb and forefinger should have the form of the OK sign with the cylinder in the middle. Stick the second hand forefinger inside the plastic cylinder. Make the OK sign tighter and tighter. You can turn the second-hand forefinger to wrap the plastic tighter around it. Do it few times, this will give you an understanding how to work with it, besides it makes the plastic more flexible.
DON’T EVER DO THIS STEP ON YOUR DICK. The corners can result in injuries!!
3- Now comes the real deal. This is the way I wrap.
I use a piece from a swimcap as a first layer. I use a 1-inch wide wrap. I wrap usually wrap most of it behind the head. Follow that by 2” wide wrap from an old T-shirt. I start below the head going down. Here comes the plastic. Since this is your first time be careful, you have to tailor the plastic wrap to suit your shaft. Find the best size that fits you by wrapping the plastic around the shaft. If it’s wide, make it less. Then try to make wrap it tight. Use your thumb and forefinger to form an OK sign and encircle the plastic wrap. Close in the forefinger to make the OK sign tighter. This layer should be tight enough so as if you pull it forward, it won’t come loose. I don’t let the plastic to wrap around more than twice. Remember the plastic layer comes after the shirt. NEVER USE THE PLASTIC STRAIGHT ON YOUR DICK. THERE SHOULD BE A PROTECTIVE LAYER. The final layer, a 2” wrap from a swimcap, goes on top of the plastic tightly.
4- Attach the hanger-at last. It should not slip because of the swimcap wrap.
I hope this explains everything. I did not understand a pic of what do you need. Plastic is just another wrapping material.
You have to experiment with plastic to find the best way to wrap it. It’s a trail and error lesson. But I am sure you will be able to wrap the plastic the first time. It’s easier done than said. The long explanation may keep from trying this, but it is so easy to do.
Let me know if I could be of more help.
Happy PEing…