Thunder's Place

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Tried pumping straight after hanging?


Tried pumping straight after hanging?

Has anyone tried pumping straight after a hanging session?
I did last week, had 2 days off work due to bad weather, had some really positive hanging sessions, hung for about 4 hours both days, then on the last day , I had a pumping session after a light stretching workout.

Result was a very long and heavy looking dick, it was well over 8 inches in the tube and stayed heavy and long for 2 days.
Noticed a gain in flacid length this week, seems to be hanging lower against the thigh than normal….

Gettin Bigger

Sorry Thunder, posted this in the wrong Forum, can you change it for me, thanks….

Gettin Bigger

I don’t know if I put it where it should be, but its here now :)

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:


How long was that pumping session and how much vaccum pressure did you use?

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

hanging and pumping

I try to do both daily because I think they work differently.

I have found, however, that I have to wait about an hour after hanging to pump. When I went directly to pumping after hanging, my hanger wouldn’t fit right in about a week, causing pain unless I reduced the load. (Could also be the the head area became to sensitive to hang the regular load from-just don’t know).


About a 30 minute session. I put the pump on about 10 minutes after the hanging session, slowly built up over the 30 minutes to 15 on the guage.

Gettin Bigger

And??? How did it go?

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?


It went great, packed the tube completely, hit 8.5 inches in length in the tube, had massive girth.
Measured in at the base at 7.75 inches. Stayed full in the flacid stage next day even.

Gettin Bigger

Big Kiwi

Did you go to 15 in Hg on the gauge?



Yeh Bro, although I grdually worked up to that pressure, over a period of half an hour or so. Stayed in the tube once I reached that for about 5 minutes……

Gettin Bigger

I had a similar experience with the pumping and hanging. It was very nice to my ego and looked great. Also for whatever reason Ive been having very frequent erections too with great flaccid look. I LOVE it.


I’ve been pumping after haning on a regular basis for several months. I do it in the morning while I make breakfast. I don’t know if it makes any real difference, but it seemed like a good idea.

I hang for 2 sets of about 15 min. then I pump for about 15-20 min. till I pack the tube (1.75” dia.).
Then I take a shower and stretch my unit under hot running water. After that I apply a traction wrap for the day.

I treat this as a standard stretching regimen before my real workout that I do at night.

I know this this thread is older than Thunder’s grandma, but still:

Did anyone gain from pumping after hanging? I am doing this now and it would be great to know if it works or if I am wasting my time… No need to repeat the same mistakes…

Originally Posted by tinytim
I’ve been pumping after haning on a regular basis for several months. I do it in the morning while I make breakfast. I don’t know if it makes any real difference, but it seemed like a good idea.

I hang for 2 sets of about 15 min. Then I pump for about 15-20 min. Till I pack the tube (1.75” dia.).
Then I take a shower and stretch my unit under hot running water. After that I apply a traction wrap for the day.

I treat this as a standard stretching regimen before my real workout that I do at night.

I measured a 1/2” gain in length and 1/2” girth at that time after about 3 months of the above routine.
I hit a plateau for many years after that and did not gain any more.
Now I am pumping first and then hanging. I like this better, and I think it is helping.

Originally Posted by tinytim

I measured a 1/2” gain in length and 1/2” girth at that time after about 3 months of the above routine.

I hit a plateau for many years after that and did not gain any more.

Now I am pumping first and then hanging. I like this better, and I think it is helping.

Are you Vac hanging? If so, watch out for blisters. Vachanger and pumping don’t work together, I received 2 blisters from this combo.

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