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Testing a theory - Hanging then Pumping


Testing a theory - Hanging then Pumping

Hey guys,

I have been pumping for a few months now and I really like it alot. I was going to start hanging again next week to accelerate my length gains and thought I would pass this on for your opinions.

I was going to start to hang for a couple of sets just prior to doing my pumping for the day. What do you think, if anything will be accomplished by mixing these routines? Am I wasting my time since I may not hit fatigue from the hanging so I will not recieive the full benefits of pumping just after that? Or will a fully stretched and heated penis do better in the tube right away? Will I be maximizing microtears from hanging by expanding them again in the tube while pumping?

Please let me know what you think?

Thanks always,


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG


Interesting. What is your objective? I remember you saying that you were getting visible girth gains from your pumping routine, and that was your bottom line. Are you satisfied with your girth results and moving on to length? Are you hoping to encourage greater girth gains by mixing the things up?
Or are you looking for both: Length and girth gains simultaneously?

I’m curious about this too. I’ve wondered if anyone has done a PE “cross-training” routine. I’ve thought along the lines of stretch - hang - pump - jelq. But, since the penis isn’t a muscle, would hitting it from every angle be productive at all?

Well I really like the ease of pumping as well as the girth gains and more importantly the flaccid fatty look even on my off days. To be honest my flaccid gains have given me more self confidence than I can put into words. The comments/looks from the wife, doctor or guys at the gym no matter how small of a comment has done wonders for me. Even with jeans on the bulge and snake are very cool looking.

I believe length gains are attainable from pumping and I think girth gains are a given, at least for me. The look of packing that 2” tube on a daily basis to me is amazing.

I am trying to accelerate my gains by hanging and stretching the ligs and tissues before going into the tube thereby allowing the vaccuum to be more effective. Is that logical to you guys? If I am misguided just let me know.

Thanks for everything.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

I was doing the hanging/pumping thing for a while. But after observing the weiner, the pumping I think is detrimental to length gains. That is, if you are going at your PE- length 1st and girth 2nd. I have switched to hanging and ADS only. I have always been a grower, and desperately want to get a shower. I do occasionally do a clamping set, but am staying away from the pump till I get some cemented length. I am experimenting now, I hang for a couple of sets in the AM. Then do ADS at work all day, then when I get home from work I get the rest of my hanging sets in-total of 2 hours. Then to finish things off, I put my griptwist on and set in the hot tub for at least an hour-rewarding my workout with a few cold cervesa’s. I’m hoping the heat of the hot tub will help with my 1 hr. warm down. The flaccid seems to be dangling a little more.

"If you build it, they will come".

Definitely keep us all posted with the hanging and pumping experimentation.

I just started pumping a few weeks ago and am thinking of getting a bib starter and incorporating that into my workout after I get more adjusted to the pumping routine.

Do you feel any lig stretching when you are in the pump? Since I’m new to pumping I can’t really say just yet, but most of the stretching that I feel while pumping seems to be a tunica stretch rather than a lig pull. Do you think that pumping can help pull more internal penis out? If not, I would think that hanging could serve to help pull more penis out of the body which could then be further stretched via the tunica for even more length gains.

Let us know how it goes.


I know that Avocet8 has had significant length gains with just pumping. I hope someday that someone can say the same about me. Clearly for me, my girth gains have shown up pretty quickly since I started pumping and my dick is creeping up the tube, so I feel the length gains will be there. What I am trying to do is efficiently maximize my time in the tube by having my dick fully stretched out and warmed up ahead of time.

Furthermore, it has been said a bunch of times that you should concentrate on length first and then go for the girth. I dont know if thats true because I cant “talk the talk” in relation to the science and physiology of it so I cant give an informed opinion. I was just hoping that going to a hanging then pumping routine might be able to achieve both length and girth gains a little more efficiently.

I will let you know where I am at in a month.

Thanks for all your help.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Last edited by 789 : 08-06-2004 at .

Originally Posted by 789
Furthermore, it has been said a bunch of times that you should concentrate on length first and then go for the girth.

I don’t know where that theory came from or what the logic of it is. Maybe somebody here can explain why that’s supposed to be.

Seems to me that any sort of gain is a good one but some guys come to this completely satisfied with their length _or_ their girth and want only to work on one or the other.

It sounds like 789 is going to be a fast girth gainer like peforeal and others have been. I am impressed that he can hold his pumped-up size so long so early in the game. It took me many months to get beyond a couple or a few hours. In the beginning it lasted maybe a half-hour tops before I’d revert to normal flaccid.



Originally Posted by avocet8
I don’t know where that theory came from or what the logic of it is. Maybe somebody here can explain why that’s supposed to be.

Seems to me that any sort of gain is a good one but some guys come to this completely satisfied with their length _or_ their girth and want only to work on one or the other.

It sounds like 789 is going to be a fast girth gainer like peforeal and others have been. I am impressed that he can hold his pumped-up size so long so early in the game. It took me many months to get beyond a couple or a few hours. In the beginning it lasted maybe a half-hour tops before I’d revert to normal flaccid.


I also dont understand the logic.

But the easiest way I can explain how I look at it is that I think the weaker of the tunica or ligs will expand to the maximum and then the opposite will occur with the other until it hits a plateau and then the process will occur again. But I have heard “length first girth last” so many times at a number of forums that I give the statement great weight and consideration.

I am trying to practice the things that others have already established as the best way (currently) to get gains. I am trying to improve upon those things (i.e. condom pumping or hanging/pumping sessions) to see if I can get some additional gains and share those with you guys.

The reason I brought up this idea is because I would like the members to shoot holes in the idea and debate the pros and cons for validity of the concept.

A8, do you think this has possiblities? What do you see as the potential problems? I respect your opinion and would appreciate your input.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Originally Posted by avocet8
I don’t know where that theory came from or what the logic of it is. Maybe somebody here can explain why that’s supposed to be.

The “gain length before girth” idea holds that 1” of girth gain results in far more tunica “mass” than 1” of length gains does - so it would make sense to seek length first because you have less tunica to break down.
It is just a theory, but a very hard one to ignore when you consider how resistant the tunica can be to growth: The less tunica there is to battle, the better.

In 789’s case - and plenty of others - I don’t think it matters because the theory has nothing whatsoever to do with lig gains. I think hanging at low angles for length (lig) gains while simultaneously seeking girth gains via pumping could work. That is, if one has that kind of time to invest - and if they are careful not to overstress their unit; defined in its rawest form, hanging as it relates to the tunica is about longitudinally tearing internal structures and tissue - the added stress of a girth routine could easily exasperate the myriad complications a hanger risks.

Okay Cap,

Do you think the idea has any merit if done in the opposite manor, pumping then hanging (ignoring the lubed up dick that needs to be cleaned up first) ?

So what your saying is that the risk is too high? Or could the risk be mitigated by accounting for time hanging, time in the tube, pressure of the tube, weights on the hanger or a combination of all?


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

My nightly routine is alternate sets of hanging and pumping, at least 2 each. I finish with one set of hard, long jelqs. I jelq last because it would eat up too much time cleaning up the unit properly for hanging.

The only problem is fitting him into the Bib after a pumping set, have to massage him, and give him a few minutes. Then as I add weight in my hanging set, I need to stay on top of keeping the Bib tight enough.

I disagree with the statement that pumping is detrimental to length gains. My unit gets a nice length pull in the tube, especially when you ‘milk’ the tube a bit. In my mind, I’m working length in both activities.

For me, this routine seems optimal.

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

Originally Posted by DarkTrick
My nightly routine is alternate sets of hanging and pumping, at least 2 each. I finish with one set of hard, long jelqs. I jelq last because it would eat up too much time cleaning up the unit properly for hanging.

The only problem is fitting him into the Bib after a pumping set, have to massage him, and give him a few minutes. Then as I add weight in my hanging set, I need to stay on top of keeping the Bib tight enough.

I disagree with the statement that pumping is detrimental to length gains. My unit gets a nice length pull in the tube, especially when you ‘milk’ the tube a bit. In my mind, I’m working length in both activities.

For me, this routine seems optimal.


Have you done this long enough to realize gains yet? I am really intrigued by this right now.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Originally Posted by 789
So what your saying is that the risk is too high?

Hell if I know. I think that’s a personal call. Ultimately I think it boils down to time:
Can you remain focused and invest the time required of a routine like that?

I remember when you started pumping you stated that you were most attracted to the minimal amount of time it would demand of you (that, and the “wife-killer” erections :) )

Ya, especially flaccid wise, have the best flaccid hang I’ve ever had these days, and I attribute that to the hang/pump combo.

I really like hanging, but it seemed to really beat the hell out of my unit. I added some basic pumping about, I guess 2 months ago, and I’m pleased with the results. If I can get 3 sets of each in a night, that’s a really good workout. Just recently added the set of jelqing at the end, (I use to jelq and stretch like a madman), and wow, jelqing and doing a couple squeezes on my unit after the workout was impressive.

Also, I think pumping after hanging is simply -good- for my unit, it engores him with fresh blood after hanging for 20 minutes.

And ya it takes time, but it’s a good investment :)

I say do it, bro.

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

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