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Trouble with hanging

Trouble with hanging

I have been experimenting with my BH for a few weeks and I still don’t feel comfortable with it.

It seems that if I place the BH low, the head begins to get pulled into the BH at anything above 5 lbs and this is very painful and I have to abort. This is with the base adjustment nuts all the way in and happens even when tightened as much as possible.

If I place the BH high on the shaft, it pulls on the skin which is also very painful. I don’t see how placing the BH high on the shaft can work since the skin on the penis is not “attached” to the penis except at the head. The the skin will slide down towards the head until it becames taut which, again is very painful because most of the force is taken up by the skin.

Last night, I ditched the theraband because often it causes pain because the edges dig into the head as the head pulls up into the BH. I replaced the theraband with some thin cloth wrapped just under the head. I then adjusted one of the base nuts to give about 1/4 inch toe in towards the head. With this method I was able to hang 10 lbs although there is a lot of pressure on the head.

Based on others experience it seems I need to get the pressure of the head but I don’t see how the penis ligaments will take the load instead of the skin. Please advise, thanks.

Well let’s see what we can do to help. Are you using the starter or the older version? How long is your flaccid penis? I found that a very important factor is in the wrapping. What I did was pull the penis strait out with one hand and then wrap. I started say below the circumcision scar and them wrapped like barberpole fashion down to the base with one strip of theraband and then topped with a small ace bandage material. There is nothing between the hanger and the head. I had to wrap all the way to the base and even pull out a little. Then after I put on the hanger, before I tighten, I pull out the skin from underneath the hanger.

Also the settings of the hanger need to be adjusted. Trust me I had to try and try different ways of wrapping and adjustments of the hanger before I got it right, but once you get it it will be fine. So see how this works for you and we will take it from there.


Thanks Dance, I’m about 7.5-8.0” flaccid stretched. I think my problem is that my stretched circumference may be quite small (although erect circum is above avg) and there is not enough pressure to prevent the head from being partially drawn into the BH (even with all 3 screws all the way in).

Like I said, a couple of days ago I used only some t-shirt material which padded out the diameter quite a bit and allowed me to get the hanger very tight. Then for the first time I was able to go above 7.5 lbs.

Now I’ll try wrapping as you suggested with theraband but also wrap the t-shirt material over the theraband so I can tighten more. If that doesn’t work I’ll let you know.

Yes the extra wrap is necessary to get girth. The only thing is don’t have any wrap between the hanger and the head. The material will then press into the head and act like a loop hanger and will be uncomfortable.


Wrapping/ hanging

I have put about 1/4 inch of toe out on my standard Bib 2001 model, with the view to having more pressure on the shaft and less on the head,

I wrap with two layers of cotton sweatshirt material, and then 1 layer of silver theraband. I attach mostly say 1/2 inch bCK from the edge of the knob. The only movement I get of the hanger is because of the skin on my dick moving forward, and it does partially cover my knob during hanging, but I pull the dick forward, tighten up hard and can hang to over 30 lb without engaging the head at all with the hanger.

I think that this is less than ideal, —- and have recently asked Bib to comment at the PE Forum— EZ Board— but I’m hanging pretty succesfully, (albeit with very slow results these days).Hope this helps


Yes, Pumpinon8, that helps.

So you put the sweatshirt material underneath the theraband?

Also, when you attach the hanger, do you place it right at the forward edge of the wrapping?



>So you put the sweatshirt material underneath the theraband?<

Yes, wrap with as much cloth material as you need to get the girth, then top it with Theraband. Use enough cloth to be able to use the adjustments.

>Also, when you attach the hanger, do you place it right at the forward edge of the wrapping? <

That is correct.



I hadn’t been positioning it at the very front of the wrapping.

Thanks Bib—


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