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uncircumcised hanging


uncircumcised hanging

A question for any uncut hangers: How do you manage the extra skin when hanging? Do you pull it all the way forward toward the head, or skin it back? Seems too much foreskin is a pain when trying to hang correctly.

Hi there!

I’m uncut and have been hanging with the new Bib Hanger, so I’ll probably be of some help. What I do is wrap with a piece of theraband about 2” in width and 35” in length. I wrap it gripping the head of my penis with my left hand, start wrapping right behind my fingers (only one turn of wrap), then use both hands to wrap the remaining shaft. The portion of the penis wrapped is about 3-4” in length. Then I place the hanger about 1/2”-1” behind the head, close it all the way, and start hanging. You should try to wrap with the dick in the most flaccid state, stretched, and wrapped behind the head to almost the pubic area. I haven’t have any problems with it, because Theraband is very sticky to the skin, so there’s no slippage there.

Try this, or explain better how you wrap so I and other uncut guys (and probably even Bib) can give you more help if more is needed.



Thanks for the reply. Did you mean 35” of theraband? That seems like an awful lot. I have been wrapping like the instructions provided by Bib. I do use a piece of clothe under the theraband do keep it from sticking to the skin.


Hi lwhogan!

Since you wrap with cloth first, then 35” of theraband is definately too much. You should probably reduce it to half of that amount. Since I don’t use cloth, only the theraband, then I hang with the 35”.

Hope this helps!



Hey UIShrike:

Just finished hanging with about 35” of theraband only, and got what I feel like is the best stretch yet. Thanks for your advise!


Originally posted by lwhogan
Hey UIShrike:

Just finished hanging with about 35” of theraband only, and got what I feel like is the best stretch yet. Thanks for your advise!


Glad I could help! Now be patient with the weight increase and you’ll be sporting a longer dick in no time :)



Got my hanger recently myself and right now I`m figuring out the wrap(yep I`m uncut). Just one thing, there is no purpose in pulling the skin back so that the glans is exposed, right? I`m a little confused as in some posts there are guys who seem to think that this is the correct way and other posters don`t mention anything about it. If you pull the skin back you will just have more skin building up under the wrap. At least for me it makes sense just to wrap as the dick is in flaccid state. My biggest problem right now is to keep the dick flaccid while wrapping and connecting the hanger;) I guess it`s overly excited over whats happening, hehe:-)

Btw, excellent and fast delivery by Bigger! Received my hanger in less than a week and I live in Norway. But you guys already knew that he renders top service:-)

I pull my flaccid dick and skin forward to do my wrap. Otherwise, the skin would just be slipping…I even get a little bit of scrotum skin in sometimes so that i can still be an inch or so above the head so the hanger won’t hurt me or cause too much dick head pressure. Hope I am right in this.


Where Can I buy 35” Therabands?

Originally Posted by jaaag

Where Can I buy 35” Therabands?

Check my site. I can cut as long as you want.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Anybody who can give more advises on how to hang and wrap with a bib being uncut?

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

I don’t have a bib so can’t comment there but I have been hanging for a couple months now using a cable clamp and caps wench I built. Nothing too heavy (up to 10lbs) but for long periods like an hour or two. I’ve tried all sorts of wrapping techniques. Trial and error is the name of the game. Us uncut guys have more sensitive glands and allot more skin to deal with. Personally I started wrapping with foreskin completely covering glands with theraband right behind head. It was quite comfortable but I didn’t feel much of an internal stretch. So I played around pulling back my foreskin a little bit at a time and testing until I got a good internal stretch. The problem I then encountered was foreskin would slide forward and hanger would eventually slip right off. To combat this I started a 2 step wrap. I’d first skin back my dick and use a length of cotton gauze to wrap over the ridge of my glands (half on glands half on shaft) I then secure the gauze with an elastic band right behind the ridge and fold the bottom portion of the gauze back over the elastic band, then starting at the ridge I wrap with a 15 inch piece of theraband slap on the captains wench secure it with a couple clicks of the cable clamp and hang away. You get used to wrapping and you will eventually find what works best for you.

Hang in there!

Thanks for replying canadianclub. How have you been doing with PE and hanging? Any gains?

You technique sounds familiar to me.. Austfred uses the same method to expose his glands easily for the vacextender.

Now.. I have been considering removing my frenulum for PE and sexual reasons. How do you think that would affect for hanging? And if you know how does that affect sex?

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Hi quim92, I must say I am really enjoying hanging. I can strap in and hang while keeping my hands free and the ability to move around. I’ve only really consistently started hanging since end of January. The couple months before that was really getting to know how to wrap and learning how my body responded to the weight. As for gains at this point not too much to report. I tried PE about 10 years ago and was able to gain a quarter inch in length. I lost all gains since then and have just recently regained that quarter inch with hanging. I’m now falling into a steady routine and my short term goal is to gain 3/4 of an inch by July.

About your frenulum question, I really have no idea how removing it would affect hanging other than the time you would have to take off in order to heal properly. I know at least for me the frenulum is a pretty sensitive part of the penis and I don’t think I would enjoy having it removed. What type of sexual issues would give you cause to have it removed?

I have restored my foreskin to the point that I have total glans coverage with a bit of excess overhang when flaccid. I do not use a Bib hanger, but I do use a clamp modified to hang. I have not done any hanging since last October, but when I did hang I pulled the foreskin forward, then wrapped with cloth followed with Ace bandage material. It was quite comfortable this way. I would hang with 5 pounds for five minutes then add another 5 pound weight and complete the set for a total of 20 minutes. I never experienced any discomfort with this method.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

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