Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What position most of you hang?

What position most of you hang?

I am curios about the hangers out there.

How do you hang?

This is a very basic/simple question about technique, yet I have not seen it discussed too much.

What I mean is this:
Do you stand-up and let the weight hang?
Or do you do it seated? If seated, do you guys sit at the VERY EDGE Of the chair so that the hanger is hanging down, or do you rest the haner on the chair somewhat?

Bib, any recommendations on what’s best?

AS for me, I use a long rope to hang while Seated. I throw the weights over the edge of the table while seating in chair/sofa.
The tends to Pull the penis DIRECTLY Out perpendicular to the body. (I hope that made sense.)
I also know that by hanging the weights over the table, it has a little pulley affect. I am losing about a couple of pounds. For example, If I hung the same weight while standing up, it would be much more difficult.

What have you guys experimented with?



>This is a very basic/simple question about technique, yet I have not seen it discussed too much. <

Actually, this has been discussed quite a lot. Do you have your options set to see threads ‘from the beginning’. It took me a while to figure out the software.

Here is one thread from further down the line. But there are some which are better.

Various reposts

Read the second one to TC.

>AS for me, I use a long rope to hang while Seated. I throw the weights over the edge of the table while seating in chair/sofa.
The tends to Pull the penis DIRECTLY Out perpendicular to the body. (I hope that made sense.) <

Yes, this is what I call a straight out hang. This is probably the best to start out with. Then, you will probably want to slowly lower the angle of hang over time to BTC.


Straight hang

Thanks Bib,

The Straight-out hang is interesting.
If I had to draw an analogy, I’d say it’s like Working out with free-weights vs. Machines. (Do you workout by any chance?)

If you Bench Press 200LBs on a machine, it does not mean you can Bench 200 pounds on Free weights.

The straightout hang over the table is the same thing. It seems to be a few pounds easier than just hanging while standing up!

HOWEVER, there are some cool things you can do. You can position your body so that you are stretching completely to the left OR completely to the right!
You can definitely feel the stretch on the side of the ligaments.

I will change my options to read more posts as you said.
There is also a Search option on the bottom of the main screen.
Any searches you recommend?

Cali Man.


>If I had to draw an analogy, I’d say it’s like Working out with free-weights vs. Machines. (Do you workout by any chance?) <

Just some aerobics. Used to do everything. Old and lazy now. Plus, no time.

>If you Bench Press 200LBs on a machine, it does not mean you can Bench 200 pounds on Free weights. <

Yes, and different angles require different weights. You can hang much more straight out over the edge, whereas BTC will kick butt.

>Any searches you recommend? <

I would recommend you read all in this section at Thunders. Except the obvious threads that talk about non-hanging stuff.

On the PEforums, simply do a search for ‘hanging’ or ‘hang’. Also, ‘angles’, ‘BTC’, ‘between the cheeks’. That kind of thing. When you find a topic of interest, you can do a further search over there.

The best tool you can have in PE is knowledge. A good hanger doesn’t hurt either, but knowledge is more important.



Hi Bib,

Thanks for the info. The thread you posted in your link does not work, by the way.
Anyway, I started at the beginning and read most of the important posts. (specially 5-star ones.)

There was a 6 PAGE POST On Wrapping!
Six pages! LOL
It seems that the real benefit of wrapping is avoiding discoloration, but I think it was Boxcar who told me he gets away with Not wrapping at all.
(I’ll have to double check on that.)

My question is regarding BTC hanging.
(first, I know what it is, but what does it stand for.)

Second, how did you go about YOUR personal BTC hanging?
Did you seat the edge of a chair and let it hang straight down?
Don’t tell me you stood on your feet for 9 hours a day!

3rd questions: There was so much info about Fiber gains, and which fibers gain the most and how.
You mentioned the tunica, the ligaments, etc.
Do you recommend different styles of hanging in order to improve FLACCID length as opposed to Erect, or is it all the same?

Those are my questions.
Thanks Much


= between the cheeks ie. hanging down between your butt cheeks.

One cannot do this standing up. You must be sitting/lying and dangle the equipment between your legs.

I sometimes sit back on the chair with a higher table in front of me, placing my feet on the table, legs bent knees out. It’s comfortable, but only allows me to read, or surf the net using the mouse….hard to write with keyboard.



>The thread you posted in your link does not work, by the way.
Anyway, I started at the beginning and read most of the important posts. (specially 5-star ones.) <

I don’t know why the link does not work. I think it was the repost thread with the post from TC. If you started at ‘the beginning’, you probably read it.

>It seems that the real benefit of wrapping is avoiding discoloration, but I think it was Boxcar who told me he gets away with Not wrapping at all. <

That is something altogether different. Wrapping to remove discoloration and wrapping to hang. Wrapping to hang is simply to protect, collect the skin, and make the hang more comfortable.

>My question is regarding BTC hanging.
(first, I know what it is, but what does it stand for.) <

Between the cheeks.

>Second, how did you go about YOUR personal BTC hanging?
Did you seat the edge of a chair and let it hang straight down?
Don’t tell me you stood on your feet for 9 hours a day! <

I did almost all my hanging sitting down. The lower hanging angles were varied by scooting my butt up or down in the chair seat. As time went on, I would scoot down more and more. I have always worked with another chair in front of me and my feet propped up on the chair. Soon, I had my butt hanging over the edge of my office chair, and my penis and the weight hanging down BTC. My penis actually went between my balls.

From this position, you can read or surf as Guiri said. But I also propped the keyboard on my thighs so I could type. Also, you can do crunches in this position for a hell of an ab workout. Much tougher than regular crunches.

>3rd questions: There was so much info about Fiber gains, and which fibers gain the most and how.
You mentioned the tunica, the ligaments, etc.
Do you recommend different styles of hanging in order to improve FLACCID length as opposed to Erect, or is it all the same? <

No, the flaccid length will depend on the amount of elastin fibers and there elasticity. When you apply force beyond the marginal stretch, you are stretching the elastin fibers also. Therefore, the flaccid gains should be roughly proportional to the erect gains. Sometimes more in the beginning.


Ironing board BTC

Here’s how I do BTC, though I have just about reached my length goal………just tweaking it and working on girth.

I sit on the edge of my bed, lying back on a pillow rest. I put my feet way up in the air on an ironing board, adjusted as high as it will go, and with a soft pillow on it to rest my legs (calves) on. I put the hanger on and I get a BTC angle that puts the blue rope thru my butt crack.

In this way, the skids on the hanger split my balls in half and sometimes they are almost at the bottom of my balls. This puts a hell of a lot of pressure on your balls, but as King Masabe Bib says, sometimes (not always) it feels quite erotic.

I will then raise my torso up, bending upward at the abs to get an even higher and more intense BTC hang.

I swing the weights pretty wildly too.

I watch TV or porno as I do this.

Another good one that BIB taught me is to sit on the bed parallel to the edge and hang “under” your leg. I put the outside leg way up on the ironing board to do this. You hang over the side of the bed.

Both of these usually require less weight than say, a straight out pull.


Please tell me hanging doesn’t have to go to these extremes of BTC to get good gains. I am just ready to start hanging but don’t think I have the time or ability to be using Ironing boards, multiple chairs and contorted ways of sitting to get gains.

I dont hang BTC. I feel that at this time, its a little extreme. I do some SD but most of the work I do is SO. I stand in front of my desk,bend over at the waist and rest my arms on my desk. That leaves my torso parallel to the ground.I then can rotate my hips in a circular motion or front to back, to swing the weights “gently”. I really want to do as little damage to my skin, as possible. I feel that this hits everything pretty good,with minimal skin stretching. BTC will stretch the hell out of your skin.

BTW, I hang with 13 pounds for about 20min. sessions 3 times a day. right after I hang, I put on my PM to keep the stretch. I notice that if I dont, my dick pulls back. I think its gonna be real effective. Hell, its been real effective, already!

6/12/05 6.5 BPEL 5.125 EG 1 week! 6.875 x 5.375 UPDATE.. 7/28/05 OK, I would say I`m a SOLID 7.000 now!! Squeezing out 7.250 BPEL!! OH! Wait a second.. Now I`ve hit 7.375. New numbers!!! 12/7/05 7.625 BPEL!!!!!! Hang long, hang strong! Hey!! This shit works!!! :thumbs:

No, true BTC is not required. I hang SD standing up and BTL (between the legs) sitting down on the edge of my chair. Both of these have worked just fine for me and I have gained size.

WOW!!! I just relized this thread has come from the dead!!! :horse:

6/12/05 6.5 BPEL 5.125 EG 1 week! 6.875 x 5.375 UPDATE.. 7/28/05 OK, I would say I`m a SOLID 7.000 now!! Squeezing out 7.250 BPEL!! OH! Wait a second.. Now I`ve hit 7.375. New numbers!!! 12/7/05 7.625 BPEL!!!!!! Hang long, hang strong! Hey!! This shit works!!! :thumbs:

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