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Wrapping and manual stretches?

Wrapping and manual stretches?

Anybody ever try this? Would you configure the wraps the same way:

* Cloth from circumcism scar to base
* Theraband .25” from circumcism scar to base

If you have tried this, where do you actually pull to get the stretch? Since the Theraband is no where near your head, pulling on it would just pull the skin down right?

I’ve tried wrapping for manual stretches and then discarded it as an idea. I managed to attach a grip almost anywhere along the shaft and pull without excessive skin pull but I can do that without a wrap.

I’ve tried simple thera only wraps (don’t like) and cloth followed by thera. I’m not a wrapping expert so I just followed the tutorials and went from there.

The main reason I don’t do much stretching with a high grip attachment (I do some) is because I’m unsure about how ligaments grow. Whether there are growth point, an even(ish) stretch throughout the ligament length or growth mostly around the base, is a point on which I am unsure I’m not sure of the answer so it makes sense to pull near the glans to maximise chances of growth.

This just gave me an idea.. thanks.

Really, what? :confused:

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