Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

4th year PE thoughts

4th year PE thoughts

Well, I’m into my 4th year of “all things penis and balls”. 2009 was the year of the Bullmaster Magnum cock and ball pumping cylinder, and the beginning of saline infusions into my sac. I’m still pumping regularly, 3 - 4 times a week, averaging 2 hours a session, sometimes going to 4 for results. The BM really stretches and shapes my sac. I can usually pack it 2/3 full, expanding into the penis and ball pockets. After a session, I’m usually 12 - 14” circumference, and quite elongated. As with most ball pumpers, my balls swell first, getting to the sice of lemons or tangerines. After a good pump, it’s a stretch to get each ball individually out of the jar seal (have to stretch the seal to get each ball out). I pump at night, and by morning, I have a nice, relaxed, low hanging, swollen sac, with egg size balls.

I got turned onto aline infusions on newart. So, I decided to try a few sessions. My first session was 1L saline, and it was a nice experience. My sac swelled up to about 14” and felt very heavy, due to the saline. I was still large by morning, and it was comparable to a 4 hour BM pumping session. Last night I did a 2L saline and dextrose session (1L saline, followed by 1L saline with 5% dextrose). Saline is like normal body fluids, and pretty much stays where you put it. Dex, on the other hand, causes body fluids to migrate to the injection site, in order to neutralize the osmotic pressure. Net result, is that you get additional swelling after a dex infusion. Well, I was tight and swollen (19’ - 17”) the entire next day, and I could feel the stretch on my sac all day. It was definitely a unique experience. I probably pushed it going from 1L to 2L, but I like to stretch the limits.

Goals for this year are to continue BM pumping and saline infusions (monthly). I hope to get a Monster Tube, for general pumping sessions, and pumping after saline, and would like to get a set of graduated cock tubes (2” - 2.5”).

Almost forgot to mention that I cam on vacpumper and like the guys who hang out there, even some of the Thundersplace crowd.

Hope everyone has a swell new year and success in their PE endeavors. Mr Convertable, AKA Kelvinator.

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."

Using just the pumping, and no saline/dex, Is there any permanent increase to testicle & scrotum size? If not, how long does the temporary effect last?

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