Stayblack, I’m sorry that no one got back to you sooner. That said, there are a LOT of threads here in the Pumper’s Forum about best pump; buying a pump; pump recommendations; and then all the brand-specific threads.
Too late for you now, as you noted, but if pumping works for you, it probably won’t be your last pump. You might as well start doing your research now.
I’d suggest you start with doing an Advanced Search; the link is at the top of the page. Try something like best pump as your search terms, select Pumper’s Forum as the only one to search, and specify that you want the results returned as threads, not posts.
Two other things working against you in terms of getting responses: first, your location is Germany. I have no idea what pumps are available to you there.
Second thing working against you: a request for help to buy the ‘best pump’ is not specific enough. What does ‘best pump’ mean to you? Do you want the absolutely best pump, and money is no object?