best pumping list compiled


After searching around for a decent pump system I have found a pretty good setup (for UK only)

Electronics, Cars, Fashion, Collectibles & More | eBay

Ebay item: Mustang penis enlarger pump enlargement system plus analogue vacuum gauge
Cylinder size (only 1 cylinder): 3 inches internal diameter
Total product cost: £42.99, with no shipping or handling charges

Additional component (also on Electronics, Cars, Fashion, Collectibles & More | eBay)
Universal silicone penis pump replacement sleeve
Unit cost: $9.95
Shipping and handling costs to the UK: $10.46 (USPS First Class International Mail)
Total unit cost to UK: $20.41

Total cost: £43 + $22 = around £60, dependent on exchange rates

The reason why I am using the 3 inch diameter is because combined with the silicone sleeve (which prevents the balls from being sucked in) larger cylinder sizes can be used,

Am I right in guessing that anti fluid tape is actually zinc oxide tape?
Zinc oxide tape has a high tensile strength that prevents it from being stretched, exactly the use for penis skin inside a cylinder
