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Can someone give me their routine and gains please

Can someone give me their routine and gains please

Hi, just starting PE again, tried it for 6 months then gave up but going to give it another try. Have bought a pump without gauge. I used to do jelqs only but have continued reading the forums. So far I’ve found the best way seems to be 5 min jelq then 10 pump 5 jelq 10 pump 5 jelq 10 pump. The pumping also seems better when you pump up for 20 secs then release pressure then pump up again. Also milking pump seems popular. Don’t understand the bit about heating the pump though. Has anyone got a better routine and can you tell me your gains. PS I am 6 inch long and 6 inch around so not really worried about girth at moment but will be trying later, clamping sounds good. Hanks for any help in advance


Check the PE Data Site down the page for most guy’s stats/routines. You can also just click on each username in each post and check individual stats. :up:

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics


Thanks for replies, I have been reading regularly over last few months other peoples posts and routines. Know that they might not work for me but was hoping to get a general idea of whats good. I had never heard of pumping up for 20 secs then releasing etc until I read it on site. Also thanks for PE data, never even knew that existed


Seems to me that your looking for length?

It think you should do more stretching and may be light hanging (2 to 4lbs first month/30 to 45min per day/3 to 4 days per week) for a while. Pump will I’ve you girth but little if any length. Also stay under 5Hg for 3 to 4 session of 10 minutes.

I gained 1” in 2 1/2” months with ADS, Stretching and light hanging.


Thanks again

Thanks for all the replies. Have started alternating 10 mins jelq, 10 pump, haven’t got a gauge so just guessing, already know that tube too wide. Not trying newbie as I have done PE before for about 6 months. Going to stick with hour in day and hour in night


Originally Posted by basil1492
Thanks for all the replies. Have started alternating 10 mins jelq, 10 pump, haven’t got a gauge so just guessing, already know that tube too wide. Not trying newbie as I have done PE before for about 6 months. Going to stick with hour in day and hour in night

Unless that 6 months was the LAST 6 months, you’re a newbie, as your penis will have deconditioned.

DO NOT “guess” the pressure, or you could do some serious damage, at least get a guage!

2 hours pumping a day for you is WAY overboard.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

I try to pump 5 to 6 days a week.

I use my vacu-tech 2.25 X 9 thick wall and sometimes if time permits, I switch to my 2.5 X 10 thick wall.

I use 10 minute intervals with 2-3 minute breaks in between each interval. And have worked up to about 1hr or so in total time.

I have found this has worked best for permanent increases.

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