Originally Posted by djrobins
I’ve heard this theory and also thought that the sides would pack and the friction would prevent the length from being maximized.Please fill us in on if this is the reality, because if I can use a smaller diameter tube and go in limp and get a greater length expansion, and it actually results in gains I would be interested.
I have tried to do as much research and reading about this topic as possible. Every pump forum I have read talks about using a smaller diameter tube for length gains, making sure you keep at lower, <5 mm HG, to prevent blistering on the head of your penis. In addition, many have recommended pumping for long periods of time with breaks every 10 - 20 minutes.
In my humble opinion, the only downside to girth-prone fricition would be irritation/rash of your penis where the tube and skin meet, IF your penis is not properly lubed. From my understanding, pressure can only go in two directions, girth- and length-wise. After you have packed the tube, in theory, more pressure should be focused on length-wise expansion.
DJ, I think we may just have to test out our little theory and report back?!?!?!?!
Started: 6.75" BPEL, 8" (20 cm) BPFSL (1/2015) x 5" (12.5 cm) EG; Current (7/2017): 8" (20 cm) BPEL, 8.2" (20.5 cm) BPFSL x 5.8" (14.5 cm) EG; Gains (7/2017): 1.25" (3.125 cm) EL, 0.2" (0.5 cm) BPFSL x 0.8" (2 cm) EG
Short-term goal: 8.25 (20.625 cm) BPEL, 8.3" (20.75 cm) BPFSL x 6" (15 cm) EG; Long-term goal: 9" (22.5 cm) BPEL x 6" EG
Xtended's Progress Report