Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Daily Pumping?

Originally Posted by RiseAboveMorty
Forgot to add that I’ve been pumping for about 10 years now. Been pumping every day for multiple hours a day for the past 2 weeks and honestly im getting tired of it. I full package stj with Epsom salt using a space heater to warm up the jar.

Wow a decade of pumping. Have you made any permanent gains?

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

You may just want to get the STJ precision silicone seal, it will prevent your fat pad or pelvis from getting sucked in. It is super comfortable.

If your in the US it should only be $15 shipping. If you decide later you still want a fancy tube you can make that investment then.

Follow my progress here:

Viking Guy's pumping adventure

Originally Posted by thepi0neer
Wow a decade of pumping. Have you made any permanent gains?

Nothing is permanent, only consistent. If you pick up a barbell and do curls every single day for 5 years your arms will get bigger. If you stop doing it your arms would get smaller within the month and return to normal within the year. I’m slowly coming to realize that if I want to make real length gains, my time would be better spent losing weight or even getting fat pad Lipo.

To be honest this more of a fetish to me than anything. I’m a grower with really tight balls and I like the way edema feels. I like the way it looks, I like pumping huge right now before work and going to my 85% female workplace and catching my co-workers sneak glances. I like cruising in bathrooms, malls, and local parks for guys that wanna fool around in public. I’ve seriously debated doing saline infusions to the point that I’m shopping around for local suppliers. I’ve even considered streaming on a service like chaturbate to supplement my PE fund with tips.

I very rarely take measurements and I stopped using a gauge years ago. I do what feels good and stop when it looks good or I run out of time or start to bleed from my prince Albert piercing.

Originally Posted by Viking Guy
You may just want to get the STJ precision silicone seal, it will prevent your fat pad or pelvis from getting sucked in. It is super comfortable.

I’m not in the best financial situation right now, but I’m hoping that by pride month in June I’ll have a bullmaster 357 with a precision seal and an infusion kit for getting huge.

To be fair. If you do curls everyday for even a year your muscles will be permanently affected.

So absolutely no gains from pumping for 10 years. Encouraging lol

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Originally Posted by thepi0neer
To be fair. If you do curls everyday for even a year your muscles will be permanently affected.
So absolutely no gains from pumping for 10 years. Encouraging lol

Theres a glimmer of hope. I have measured my junk maybe 4-5 times in my life. Only one of my cylinders has measurements and I rarely use it. I’m simply not keeping track. I’m also a grower not a shower and when my dick is flaccid its embarassingly small, but bpel is easily 16-17cm.

I also gain and lose weight a lot. I fluctuate between 275 and 300 and I can easily fluctuate between 16 and 18cm. I ride my bike everywhere but I’m dealing with sciatica and its miserable outside so ive been pretty lazy since about November. I really want to get into the 220’s but I’ll need to follow some strict diet and do a bunch of math in the upcoming weeks. Put it this way; “cutting” to lower bf% to expose your abs would do the exact same thing with exposing length to your penis by eliminating the fat pad. Improving cardio also improves EQ and stamina in bed.

My point is that pumping does these things too a certain extent, stretching ligaments and tissues so that erections can get thicker and hang a bit lower, but if my goal was to have a longer shaft. But I’m over 100lbs overweight, I would be better off using that 20 mins to 2-3 hours a day taking steps to lower my bf% instead of sitting in a chair smoking hella weed and watching porn with my dick and balls in a jar. I’ll occasionally feel guilty and pick up my dumbbells, do some squats, or even put on some baggy pants and take the jar for a walk.

It’s a nice supplement to a healthy lifestyle, but doing crunches isn’t going to give you abs of your bf% is like 25+. The crunches will make your core stronger and prevent injuries, but even off I did crunches for 10 years without the low bf% it’s more strength conditioning than cosmetic. Maybe if I was to lose 100lbs I would go from 16-17cm to 21-22cm and instead of getting skinnier the girth would stay the same with such high EQ that I could use it as a bat for self defence. And if I wasn’t pumping for over a decade maybe my unit would be marginally smaller.

Also side note, on days where I’ve been pumping for multiple sessions per day for multiple days edging without release, I can shoot ropes 4-5 feet away. That for sure has to do with all of the kegals that accompany jelquing and swinging the jar with my pc muscles instead of my hips and knees

Originally Posted by RiseAboveMorty
smoking hella weed and watching porn with my dick and balls in a jar


I hear ya. i’m sure you’ve made some sort of gains.

Try cutting carbs? I don’t think i’d ever have the self control to do it, but you could lose up to 10lbs a week doing keto without working out.

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Originally Posted by thepi0neer

I hear ya. i’m sure you’ve made some sort of gains.

Try cutting carbs? I don’t think i’d ever have the self control to do it, but you could lose up to 10lbs a week doing keto without working out.

I’ve dieted long enough to know that basic calories in calories out with a focus on protein helps me lose weight.

I step on a scale, take my weight and multiply by 10. If I can eat that or less I’ll lose weight. I need to get a new smart watch so that I can track calories burned throughout the day and adjust my intake 500-1000 cals below that.

I also respond really well to fasting. If I have a day off work and its one of those days where in sitting around not doing much, I’ll go out of my way to not eat that much food. And try to do one meal a day or 4 hour eating window if i feel up to it. That in combo with road cycling, weight lifting, and testosterone replacement therapy help bring my weight down when I make that a goal.

Originally Posted by thepi0neer
To be fair. If you do curls everyday for even a year your muscles will be permanently affected.
So absolutely no gains from pumping for 10 years. Encouraging lol

Don’t get down on pumping or any PE for permanent gains. I’m in the camp that believes you need a maintenance routine just like with exercise. I stopped PE for about 7 or 8 months recently and I’ve made permanent gains. Are they the one inch gains I keep for a couple days after pumping? No. It’s more like 1/2 inch of girth after all that time off. It’s still a 1/2 more girth then I started with.

Once you hit the number you want to be at get into a maintenance routine built around your schedule. The guys that pump everyday for long periods of time are only hurting themselves in the end. Why? Well because thy’re setting themselves of up for disappointment when you stop for a long period. Your gonna go back down in size not all of it will disappear but like with me some will. So now your gonna say to yourself “all that time in the tube for 1/2 inch” when in truth you could’ve gotten the half inch in much less time and with maintenance.

To me after my maintenance routine whatever extra gain I get for a couple days is gravy.

Originally Posted by kingscounty
Don’t get down on pumping or any PE for permanent gains. I’m in the camp that believes you need a maintenance routine just like with exercise. I stopped PE for about 7 or 8 months recently and I’ve made permanent gains. Are they the one inch gains I keep for a couple days after pumping? No. It’s more like 1/2 inch of girth after all that time off. It’s still a 1/2 more girth then I started with.

Once you hit the number you want to be at get into a maintenance routine built around your schedule. The guys that pump everyday for long periods of time are only hurting themselves in the end. Why? Well because thy’re setting themselves of up for disappointment when you stop for a long period. Your gonna go back down in size not all of it will disappear but like with me some will. So now your gonna say to yourself “all that time in the tube for 1/2 inch” when in truth you could’ve gotten the half inch in much less time and with maintenance.

To me after my maintenance routine whatever extra gain I get for a couple days is gravy.

I was more or less joking. Far from discouraged.

Gains are gains and 1/2” - 1” girth gain is pretty good. Congrats.

Can’t be disappointed if i have no definite expectations for girth gains. I’m pumping for long periods to aid in my length goal. It keeps my penis extended, with heat, for another hourwhile also causing girth expanse which I think may also help with length. Only time will tell.

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Originally Posted by thepi0neer
I was more or less joking. Far from discouraged.

Gains are gains and 1/2” - 1” girth gain is pretty good. Congrats.

Can’t be disappointed if i have no definite expectations for girth gains. I’m pumping for long periods to aid in my length goal. It keeps my penis extended, with heat, for another hourwhile also causing girth expanse which I think may also help with length. Only time will tell.

It wasn’t so much directed at you. So I apologize if it seems that way. When someone makes a statement like riseabovemorty did about not gaining after 10 years of consistent pumping its gonna turn guys away. And I hate to see guys give up before really giving it a chance.

Is pumping alone the best for permanent girth gains? I don’t think so. I think you need to add in edging and clamping as time goes on. But that’s just me.

No worries.


Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Pumping every day for a month

So the month is over, and I’ve pumped every day for the month of January. Warm Epsom salt in a jar laying down in bed for 1-3 hours. Although to be honest, over the past couple of days I have been cutting it down to 30-45 mins in the morning and night and notice quicker gains that last longer. Probably gained 5mm girth when erect, but length wise I’ve been gaining weight so I haven’t even been checking. It feels bigger in the hand and definitely grabs all the girls attention at my mostly female workplace. I’ll put on a cock ring to keep those gains, but to be honest with the cold combined with other issues it doesn’t sit right unless I’m really warm.

So one of the main issues I had was irritation around where the jar sits. No rubber gasket just glass on skin, and the Epsom salt kinda chafes so I dont shake the jar as much. It does make the skin feel soft but you gotta wash off the salt and moisturize. Surprisingly no eq issues, no discoloration or other injuries, considering I was in the jar for about 15-20 hours a week.

Like i said before, I haven’t even felt it necessary to take a break. I’m doing shorter sessions for the science of it, but only because I managed to be consistent and not hurt myself. I gained a small but noticeable amount of girth when hard, and my balls hang a bit lower when I’m warm. Getting more attention and even a couple of phone numbers from the girls at work is a nice bonus as well.

We are seeing the same kinds of gains from daily pumping my guy. Feels good.

15-20 hours pumping a week is a lot of time. Do you only pump? What kinds of pressure are you using?

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Originally Posted by thepi0neer
I definitely agree with different bodies different specific routines.
So do you change your routine up every week? Have you made any gains with your routine?

I switch up about every two week or every week and a half… As far as gains, yes… I started at 5.5” flaccid length… I am now just show of 6” flaccid length… This length has been staying the same even after I took a 5 day break from from all PE… Flaccid girth is most obvious in that my mid shaft girth is catching up to my base girth which is 6.2”, but I will just say 6”…

Very minimal gain in overall erect Girth gain other than the rest of my shaft is catching up, and Ill that that as progress… I attribute this to the fact that my base girth packs my 2” tube just minutes after entering… I have basically gained 1/4th of an inch in BPEL since September of 2019… Now, I’m not sure how much of this is due solely to PE

Since September, I have cut out ALL alcohol, soft drinks, sweets “except on rare occasion “, and bad nasty fats as found in take out food, fast food, processed lunch meats etc… I currently take a L Arginine/L cirtulline combo, b 50 complex, yohimbe, Maca, zinc, fish oil caps, DHEA, and pan-ax ginseng… Sounds like a lot but its really not… I dident bother putting down dosages, in that I figured them out based on generally safe dosages, my activity level, diet, and BMI…

From the diet, exercise, rest, supplements and cessation of alcohol, i cant say how much of my gains are true newbie gains from PE and how much is due to the other factors… All these other factors especially the supplements increase blood flow , hormone levels, and NOS levels as well… Time will tell, i shall keep you updated…

Originally Posted by thepi0neer
We are seeing the same kinds of gains from daily pumping my guy. Feels good.

15-20 hours pumping a week is a lot of time. Do you only pump? What kinds of pressure are you using?

Pumping at around 5-7hg only. 90% of it full package. Hurt myself pretty bad jelquing and I don’t have any hanging gear. I’ll sometimes swing the jar around while I do exercises but other than that nothing else.

I’ll also take 5g arginine, and occasionally use cialis or poppers depending on how im feeling (never both together) I’m also on trt 75mg test every 3 days. I believe in being really hydrated when pumping. I’ll take electrolytes and chug huge amounts of water. Taking breaks every 15-20 mins to get out of the tube and use the bathroom.


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