Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Daily Pumping?


Daily Pumping?

I’ve done several google searches and forum searches for info on whether daily pumping is beneficial or detrimental to p.e. and I have not found any recent dedicated threads discussing it.

I’m not sure what to think about it. I feel like low pressure pumping on a daily basis could help with gains, but I’m not sure.
If pumping daily is beneficial in some way would an hour+ be too long?

What do you guys think about daily pumping?
Can a vet pumper drop some knowledge?

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

I very often will pump 4-5 days in a row, but only because I listen to my body and avoid hurting myself. I full package pump for at least an hour 1-3 times a day depending on how I’m feeling. I’m also at the point where I’m wearing a cock ring for most of the day when im not pumping. My pump goes away a lot slower so when I get back in the tube 5-6 hours later I have a head start. Finding a ring that you can wear all day is important. Mine felt tight when I first got it, but a combination of it getting looser and me getting use to it almost like corset training it’s a lot more comfortable.

I found that using a gauge is useful to figure out what feels comfortable to you. As soon as I got a pump with a gauge I pumped how I usually would and I was at 9hg. I lowered it to 5-6hg and eventually committed that to muscle memory. It can be very easy to chase three numbers trying to go a bit higher, or staying at 5hg when 2hg would feel more comfortable for longer.

In terms of permanent gains I don’t think anything is, but you get bigger faster and get smaller slower if that makes sense

Originally Posted by RiseAboveMorty
I very often will pump 4-5 days in a row, but only because I listen to my body and avoid hurting myself. I full package pump for at least an hour 1-3 times a day depending on how I’m feeling. I’m also at the point where I’m wearing a cock ring for most of the day when im not pumping. My pump goes away a lot slower so when I get back in the tube 5-6 hours later I have a head start. Finding a ring that you can wear all day is important. Mine felt tight when I first got it, but a combination of it getting looser and me getting use to it almost like corset training it’s a lot more comfortable.

I found that using a gauge is useful to figure out what feels comfortable to you. As soon as I got a pump with a gauge I pumped how I usually would and I was at 9hg. I lowered it to 5-6hg and eventually committed that to muscle memory. It can be very easy to chase three numbers trying to go a bit higher, or staying at 5hg when 2hg would feel more comfortable for longer.

In terms of permanent gains I don’t think anything is, but you get bigger faster and get smaller slower if that makes sense

Thanks for the input. How long have you been pumping?

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Just as in bodybuilding, your going to have to figure out what works best for your particular anatomy… Other variables come into play as well
Such as diet, supplements, activity level etc…

I personally keep my penis guessing lol… i many do a 5 on two off one week once a day, one week i may do a 4 day on 3 off twice a day… I am aproaching PE like i do body building… I do not want my penis getting use to any regular cookue cutter routine… Just my humble opinion…

When I was actively pumping, I was pumping twice a day for 20 minutes at 5 hg, five or six days a week. If I exceeded 20 minutes, it would generate excess edema. However, about once a week I would pump for 45 minutes at 4 hg. Again, If I pumped for more than 45 minutes, I would generate excess edema.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

I have the opposite problem. I really like the thick and juicy edema look, but I feel like it takes a really long time in the tube for me to get there. Even when I do get there, it dissipates in a matter of 2-3 hours unless I’m wearing a cock ring.

Originally Posted by thepi0neer
I’ve done several google searches and forum searches for info on whether daily pumping is beneficial or detrimental to p.e. and I have not found any recent dedicated threads discussing it.

I’m not sure what to think about it. I feel like low pressure pumping on a daily basis could help with gains, but I’m not sure.
If pumping daily is beneficial in some way would an hour+ be too long?

What do you guys think about daily pumping?
Can a vet pumper drop some knowledge?

My observation has been that over 20 minutes using static vacuum, regardless of the vacuum pressure causes signs of lack of blood flow when the tube is packed. This might not be the case for dynamic vacuum, which I’m investigating now, and it might not be the case if the tube is not packed.

Ultra low inHg, 1 inHg, for 3 hours, did not seem to cause the weakened post pump erections that I get from 1 hour of 5 inHg. Though it did not produce a break through in penis growth 10 days after a single test. I might test it a few more times, but it doesn’t seem promising on its face.

In my experience, pumping every day is detrimental to growth and erection strength. The problem with giving a definitive answer to this question though is that there are many parameters that might invalidate a sweeping statement. Maybe every day pumping is better under certain pressures or other variables. At 5 inHg for 20 minutes, it seems to be less effective to pump daily, though I don’t know exactly why.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

For what it’s worth, as I have only been at it for about 7 weeks, nearly every day has been ok for me, so far…

I built up set times this week. Last week I was doing 3 x 20 minutes, after a light day Sunday, I went to 2 at 30 minutes sets, then increased those set times to 45 minutes by adding 5 minutes a day, moving to one 60 minute set yesterday. Today I am doing one 65 minute set.

Getting great expansion, was huge yesterday after my session, will post some pics on the progress thread linked below in a bit.

Follow my progress here:

Viking Guy's pumping adventure

Originally Posted by Tbjorns1153
Just as in bodybuilding, your going to have to figure out what works best for your particular anatomy… Other variables come into play as well
Such as diet, supplements, activity level etc…

I personally keep my penis guessing lol… i many do a 5 on two off one week once a day, one week i may do a 4 day on 3 off twice a day… I am aproaching PE like i do body building… I do not want my penis getting use to any regular cookue cutter routine… Just my humble opinion…

I definitely agree with different bodies different specific routines.
So do you change your routine up every week? Have you made any gains with your routine?

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
When I was actively pumping, I was pumping twice a day for 20 minutes at 5 hg, five or six days a week. If I exceeded 20 minutes, it would generate excess edema. However, about once a week I would pump for 45 minutes at 4 hg. Again, If I pumped for more than 45 minutes, I would generate excess edema.

Yeah, you’re one of the vets I keep in mind with the daily pumping idea. The self control to pump so little everytime you pumped…Did you put on a ring or did you lightly clamp after you pumped?

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Originally Posted by Sigmoid
My observation has been that over 20 minutes using static vacuum, regardless of the vacuum pressure causes signs of lack of blood flow when the tube is packed. This might not be the case for dynamic vacuum, which I’m investigating now, and it might not be the case if the tube is not packed.

Ultra low inHg, 1 inHg, for 3 hours, did not seem to cause the weakened post pump erections that I get from 1 hour of 5 inHg. Though it did not produce a break through in penis growth 10 days after a single test. I might test it a few more times, but it doesn’t seem promising on its face.

In my experience, pumping every day is detrimental to growth and erection strength. The problem with giving a definitive answer to this question though is that there are many parameters that might invalidate a sweeping statement. Maybe every day pumping is better under certain pressures or other variables. At 5 inHg for 20 minutes, it seems to be less effective to pump daily, though I don’t know exactly why.

Good insight.
What time increments and pressures are you experimenting with while static pumping?

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Originally Posted by Viking Guy
For what it’s worth, as I have only been at it for about 7 weeks, nearly every day has been ok for me, so far…

I built up set times this week. Last week I was doing 3 x 20 minutes, after a light day Sunday, I went to 2 at 30 minutes sets, then increased those set times to 45 minutes by adding 5 minutes a day, moving to one 60 minute set yesterday. Today I am doing one 65 minute set.

Getting great expansion, was huge yesterday after my session, will post some pics on the progress thread linked below in a bit.

That’s pretty crazy ha
You’ve made some pretty good gains for 7 weeks
I don’t know what pressure you are using, but anything over 4-5hg for an hour straight is a little dangerous I feel. When I go for an hour I do take it off for a minute or two if I see my head becoming blueish.

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

-5 hg has been my maximum. One variable at a time, for now I am going to push the time and see where that goes.

Follow my progress here:

Viking Guy's pumping adventure

Originally Posted by thepi0neer
Good insight.
What time increments and pressures are you experimenting with while static pumping?

For static pumping, I think for the most part I’ve experimented enough for now. I tested between 4 inHg and 15 inHg times between 10 minutes and 1 hour pretty thoroughly, excluding parameters that cause pain. I have done a little testing at 1 inHg for multiple hours, which I might come back to investigating later because it does seem to have a different post pump effect that might have benefit to gains.

I have not experimented with incremental changes in pressure while static pumping.

My observations from static pumping is that between 5-7 inHg for 20 minutes is ideal. Past 20 minutes you can get a little more length in the tube, but not a significant amount, and it comes with weaker erections post pump. Pumping for an hour at 5-7 inHg, which seems like it would be more effective, completely stops length gains for me.

To clarify, I evaluate gains that different techniques solely on erect length since gaining girth I’ve found to be trivial and not something I need to actively seek out.

20 minutes every other day at 5 inHg is what I was told at the very beginning, but it took me a long time to verify that for myself. I am still experimenting with different things though, because I don’t think the person that gave that advice had yet experimented with the full range of parameters that exist today, like dynamic pressure pumping, so there might be a better way today.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Originally Posted by RiseAboveMorty
I have the opposite problem. I really like the thick and juicy edema look, but I feel like it takes a really long time in the tube for me to get there. Even when I do get there, it dissipates in a matter of 2-3 hours unless I’m wearing a cock ring.

Forgot to add that I’ve been pumping for about 10 years now. Been pumping every day for multiple hours a day for the past 2 weeks and honestly im getting tired of it. I full package stj with Epsom salt using a space heater to warm up the jar. I’ve been putting off getting a bull master357 or a proper 2 stage for years now, but after spending years going to thrift stores to find the perfect jar (Ikea 152-34 for most of January) I’ve realized that they all have the same problem. I’m not getting the scrotal inflation that I’m looking for, but instead the swelling seems to be localized to my foreskin and fat pad. When I get out of the jar and put a cock ring on, it’s very high up/close to my body if that makes sense. If I wasn’t pumped the ring would be a lot closer to the base of my cock and honestly a lot more comfortable.

This is most likely because most jars have a wide mouth and a short neck. As soon as the lid threads stop the jar flares out causing the fat pad to expand and leaving a nasty gator bite around the whole area that is perfect for a silicone cock ring to fit, but also extremely tender regardless of what I do.

Most 2 stage cylinders have a longer neck so that the second stage starts right where I would normally wear a cock ring. The fat pad shouldn’t get as pumped and the vacuum would be localized to the area in trying to target. The pumptoys astj would be a lot better than what I’m using right now, and the bullmaster 357 is the Holy grail in my eyes and I plan on getting one in a few months when I can afford to spend money on things other than bills. The combination of it being a flared cylinder with a long neck and an optional silicone pad would make it a lot more comfortable for marathon sessions.

With spring right around the corner ive been thinking that if I cut my pumping down to 30 mins a day instead of honestly a minimum of 2 hours, I could spend the extra time on losing weight either by meal prepping or exercising because I know for a fact that losing even 20lbs can make a huge difference in PE gains. I have also gone on pumped walks where I’ll wear a jar under baggy shorts and walk around for a few hours. All I would really need to do this in the winter is an oversized pair of sweatpants and maybe something to insulate the jar so that I don’t freeze my cock and balls off and negate all gains that would have been made. Sometimes I’ll do squats, dumbbell work, or even lay down and stretch to feel productive, but I like walking and I’m convinced that it would help me lose weight, would improve circulation, and shake the jar around enough to hold an erection.

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