Thunder's Place

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Decon and Girth

Decon and Girth

Guys: I’ve been on a de-condition break for about a week due to bruising caused by pumping and overuse of Fish Oil that seems to thin out my blood. Not only did I bruise so easy while pumping but accidentally hit a finger lightly and it bruised easily also. Therefore I quit the Fish Oil a week ago and we’ll see what happens after two weeks. Anyway, this morning’s wood felt more girthy and even a bit longer. Anyone else experienced something like that when taking a long break without sex or jacking off? Maybe it is just wishful thinking but sure feels better and can’t hardly wait to get to the pump.

I believe that several of us have experienced this phenomenon. For me, it’s especially noticeable after a prolonged and fairly aggressive regimen. Congrats!

:_pump: :donatecar

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