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Electric Pump Comparison

:-Y Tit Faraway (that was supposed to be Faraday btw, but it’s close enough), anyway, you weren’t actually the ‘you know who’ in question strangely enough, but I must say I am very impressed by your input, it certainly looks good, whether it’s accurate or not I couldn’t say, since electrical stuff is not really my forte :noreally:

Tit certainly comes up with some fantastic ideas, but where he gets them from I have no idea :gulp:

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

Whose been at the booze then and who read Faraway instead of Faraday may One ask. One being yours truly of course, I think someone has a plastic cock ring rather than a metal one which explains a lot..

Music, of course is my Forte.

So who was the you know who if we don’t know who the you know who is, or who or even whose who or perhaps from you know whose. or even you know what?

I trust I make myself clear.

:eek: Okay I give in, you know who was Chris thingy-ma-job.

That’ll keep Tit busy for another while :gulp:

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

Jeez! (not sure what that means but it sums it up well)

$500 for a pump. that’s something approaching £300+ ( And that’s a special price.)

And computer controlled?

What next. Have a sensor to stick up your dick to tell you when you want a pee?

I mean for that price I would want a computer controlled cylinder to expand as and when my dick requires it; so I don’t get donuts, or discolouration. I mean if you are going to automate by computer , then let’s have the whole caboodle.

Let’s face it. For that price I would come along with a special tube with mouth connection and do a personalized job.

Well I’ve got to get my enjoyment somewhere.

But seriously. Just what does this latest device offer in real terms.

Someone please tell me because I simply don’t see what it can do that justifies it.

Not you Rue. You’ll bring along those little green people and scare the hell out of me!

Tested my ctc pump today

Major lymphatic swelling (aka donut) after 40 minutes with it cycling from 5-10 vacuum (my first time using). I will keep updating if there is something to update about but all I can say now is that I have lots of puff (aka swelling) and a dull ache in the shaft it’s not pain just an ache.

Originally Posted by Smertrios
Major lymphatic swelling (aka donut) after 40 minutes with it cycling from 5-10 vacuum (my first time using). I will keep updating if there is something to update about but all I can say now is that I have lots of puff (aka swelling) and a dull ache in the shaft it’s not pain just an ache.

Try reducing your time to 20 minutes and don’t go over 5”hg.

Originally Posted by rousseau506

Tit certainly comes up with some fantastic ideas, but where he gets them from I have no idea :gulp:

It’s just pure genius I guess - and modesty

If you are getting a donut decrease the pressure and/or spend less time pumping either that or break up your routine into smaller sets and spread them out over the course of the day.

Depends on a lot of things I guess for whether you think the pump is worth the money or not. Compared to the CTC XL3000 (which is a great pump) the difference in price is well worth it to me just in terms of the much smaller size of the QS-7 and the amount of noise it generates which is signficantly lower.

Then you factor in computer controlled workout routines and it is worth every penny. With the computer controlling the pump it is 100% hands free and extremely percise. For me that is a big deal, to some it may not be. Besides that by having the computer control the pressure exactly you get less donut effect and better circulation during the workout.

I’ve been using the ctc-xl3000 for 3 more days now at 30 minutes with the vacuum cycling from about 2-1/2 to 7 with only a little skin swelling. I know some people get gains from pumping and jelqing or a combination of the 2 and I have as well but not very much. I believe this pump is going to deliver the gains I have been trying to get even after just 4 days of use. Nothing spectacular as far as gains and I don’t want to suggest that there has been but the feel after pumping to me does suggest better gains will follow.

I can’t compare it with the pumptoys pump since I don’t own one but I am satisfied with it so far. It is kinda noisy but not bad although I can forget about keeping it a secret from others when it’s running even if they are in a different room and it does kinda smell of oil after it gets warmed up. Both of those comments about the noise and smell are minor to me so it’s all good.

I’m pleased it is working so well for you Smertrios, I really am. Of course I (impatient as always) :rolleyes: went right ahead and ordered the QX-7 on Friday and it’s on it’s way :spin2:

It’s a cheaper pump than my last one, but I’m not too bothered about that, the only thing which I am worried about in fact, is that I will need a Power Adapter to get it to work here in the UK, still, that’s not something to dwell on now, like it’s not as if anything could go wrong and there would be a problem, no, not in this day and age surely :whatever:

Anyway, keep us informed and let us know how it goes for you and I will or course, hopefully, be doing the same, the only difference being it will be so much easier for me, since I’ll have both hands free and nothing else to do with my time, Happy Days!

Btw Smertrios, please don’t tell Tit, :noreally: he’ll only want one as well and by the time he sees this I’ll be so far ahead of him, it won’t be true, why I expect by them I will be humongous! :warp:

Slap it into him I say, he should be more on the ball :gulp:

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

Last edited by rousseau506 : 01-09-2006 at .

Aside from the mechanical issues, does anyone have reviews with proper use of the CTC XL3000?

Hello Guys,

the last post was some 12 years ago. has anyone gotten some new information?

Sometime in 2005: Bpel 5.7, eg 4.3: 7/15/07 bpel=6.1, eg 4.6

Now bpel 6.50, eg 5.30 bpfsl 6.50

Goal bpel 7.0 - 7.5, eg 5.5

I used the QS-7 for many years and i just bought the DP-4000, which i love the freedom it gives me.


Congratulations on your pump.

It would be great to hear an update after you’ve used it for a while, both short term and long term. There doesn’t seem to be many electric pump users on this forum. The few I’ve seen seems to post very enthusiastically when they first get their gear, but then you don’t hear more further down the road.

Currently, privacy prevents me from such a solution, but I’d definitely be curious to test it at a later point in time.

The Vacu-Tech Pulsar was great until it stopped working.

Looking for something to replace it, but it looks like there hasn’t been any new digital pump products released in the last decade. Can this be true?

2-15-2003: 7.25" x 4.75"

4-24-2019: 7.75" x 5.375"

Goal: 6" EG | Picture proof


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