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Electric Pump Comparison

No problem Mjinina, I’m sure you will find the information you seek. There are a lot of extraordinary guys here, who will keep you right.

I just got back on line after a mega glitch on Yahoo UK, but I had been wondering how you were getting on in the forum, so it is good to arrive and see you finding your way around so easily, and certainly much easier that I did at first. I will follow your progress of course, with much interest. Good Luck.

Cheers, rouss.

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I cant see the moment they do the euro version!

It’s expensive but seems the best pump ever.




Hi guys,

one tip from me. You have to cool the motor of the XL-3000 with a ventilator at the highest level. This works for me fine. I also use my pump in Europe. I have a 500 W, 60 Hz converter. On hot days I can only pump for about 20 minutes until the motor goes into protection mode. With the help of a ventilator I can pump very long. I haven’t tried how long, but at least 1,5 hours.

I hope this helps you!

Thanks xaixoit and thanks X-Ben, for your feedback.

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I’m selling my ctc2000 if anyone is interested.,had enough of pumping,going back to hanging for some length!I’m in the uk and I had problems with the converter but it’s given me some decent girth.

Last edited by jo90 : 05-21-2004 at .

Oh good, a bargain! I’ll take it!

What am I saying, I’ve got one already, I almost forgot.

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Not much people using CTC XL3000 I think, I was hoping that more people would post their experiences with that product. I’m gonna buy it anyway this week, rousseau506 thanks for your help, I’ll let you know how it goes after months of using.

I’m sorry Mjinina that you haven’t more information to go on. I can’t understand the lack of responses, it is most unusual.

Do let me know how you get on though, after a few hours.

I hope it works well for you, I hope it works. Speak soon!


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I forgot to add, that in the States, users there seem to find it is a very good buy. So good luck with it.

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Hi Guys..

I read through alot/most of these threads, and had 2 questions:

1) It seems like the CTC “2000” is a good choice, would “you” concur?

2) Is the pump “mostly” good for girth? Some guy wrote that got gains both ways, and some mostly girth?

I know we have the same “part” but each of grows differently, concerning question #2, but just trying to get the consensus.

Thanks much,

I have posted a few times extolling my XL3000 which I have had for about 8 months (check my profile). It is a fabulous addition to my PE. IMO however, if you are not planning to move the machine when you use it, and you want to save a few bucks, the 2000 would be a good choice. Though I love my 3000 sometimes the need to have the lid open can be bothersome. For one, I am always on the alert to make sure the lid is completely open, not just ajar, for fear it may close. For two, with the lid open your options of where to put it are more limited (bookshelves, under the bed, etc.). If you’re keeping it in one place all the time, buy the ctc2000. I don’t know how to transport or link to other comments I made concerning the ctc3000, especially about some glitches with it but look them up in my profile.

wanagebig, I read your post on the other thread and after it was clear you were uninjured, thankfully, I had to laugh at the thought of you yanking frantically to release the pressure. Quick thinking, but I imagine it must have felt rather like an out of body experience (being as it must have nearly pulled your dick off).

Merely a glitch!, no-one will ever accuse you of exaggeration, that’s for sure.

It’s incidents like this which make me grateful for my particular glitch, it’s one less thing to worry about.

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Yeah, I quess is was more than a glitch at the time, but I minimized the issue because it hasn’t happened since. I’d be interested to know if other users of the ctc have had this happen. If there are others then I think Chris at ctc should address it because of the potential for injury. BTW, does anyne know if the control valve is a standard item?I’d like to get me a spare just in case.

The control valve? Do you mean the coupling on the front which attaches to the airline? If so, I can help you out with your query believe it or not!!

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It’s the black valve that connects the vinyl tubing to the cylinder. It has a turn screw in it that controls the pressure.

I’m not talking about the white coupler or barb.


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