Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Electric Pump Comparison


So what!,

I could have posted this myself, but I must say it is good of you to confirm that I had no way of knowing that I (and probably everyone else) needed a converter until you gave us this information, eventually.

May I be so bold as to suggest that you leave it at that, unless you would like us to move on now to the helpful package description service your company provides for Customs and Excise. I personally thought this verged on deception at best or basically illegal at worst, but this is not really my area. They would clearly be the best people to contact if you are in any doubt.

I can post the information for you to return the favour, just let me know and given such a wealth of talent here in Thunders place, someone here may well have the answer to this.

PS If you were concerned that our discussion in the forum might in any way prove detrimental to your company, I think I can safely say, that your input can allow you to change that to a certainty.

If there are awards in the US for industry I don’t think it will happen for you this time around, but there is always next year.

You possibly would need to improve a little in the area of customer relations, this is just a personal observation, for what it’s worth.

now joebloe, is just the man to help you with this, he is I believe a businessman.


Re: So?

Originally posted by rousseau506
So what!,

I could have posted this myself, but I must say it is good of you to confirm that I had no way of knowing that I (and probably everyone else) needed a converter until you gave us this information, eventually.

May I be so bold as to suggest that you leave it at that, unless you would like us to move on now to the helpful package description service your company provides for Customs and Excise. I personally thought this verged on deception at best or basically illegal at worst, but this is not really my area. They would clearly be the best people to contact if you are in any doubt.

I can post the information for you to return the favour, just let me know and given such a wealth of talent here in Thunders place, someone here may well have the answer to this.

PS If you were concerned that our discussion in the forum might in any way prove detrimental to your company, I think I can safely say, that your input can allow you to change that to a certainty.

If there are awards in the US for industry I don't think it will happen for you this time around, but there is always next year.

You possibly would need to improve a little in the area of customer relations, this is just a personal observation, for what it's worth.

now joebloe, is just the man to help you with this, he is I believe a businessman.


Why are you bashing this guy and his business? It looks like he is going out of his way to accomadate you and yet you continue bashing him.

BTW let me add to my earlier post I checked the copies of the cached pages I have from his site and it looks like the page was changed on or about Nov. 3 or so.

Thanks Thunder that was my point also.

I guess no one knows in the US we have 110 vollts & Europe has 220 Volts? Also I guess I should just pay the add shipping outside the US? My website is set up for US Customers to order online. I believe that all negitive post should be removed from this tread.

Chris @ C.T.C

My participation in this thread was purely to try and find a solution to the converter problem.

Unfortunately the converter I purchased only handles 50Hz not 60. I just didn’t notice that the Maplin one only handled 50Hz.

Hopefully I have found one which will do the job now from:

the 200VA model costs £54.03

I will get report back once it arrives and I have tried it.

I’m just glad that we seem to have found the problem. Thanks to everyone who has helped.


I don't mind if it is, but

The one thing to come out of all of this discussion is that there is a need for clarity and I believe it has gone some way to achieving this, for customers in the future.

CTC now know that overseas customers sometimes do have problems with what they hope is a top of the range product and people like us will no doubt in future, have access to the information we need to ensure that this is exactly what it is.

I personally found this forum via CTC and I hope others find their way here in the same way, hopefully to discuss their satisfaction and the merits of the products which CTC can offer.

When that is so, no-one will worry about paying postage or whatever.

Anyone who has followed the thread will know a lot more about power and electrics than they ever did, I do, well a little more at least in my case.

I do not mind in the least if the thread is censored, though it defeats the object of the forum I would have thought, which is to share knowledge among other things.

Few come out of this smelling of roses I suspect, except Thunder, all the time trying to ensure balance and fail play.



I’m also from England and having problems running my ctc2000,however I think some of the comments made on this subject are unfair.Chris made me aware of the power converter before I purchased the pump.Yes,it took 4 weeks before I received the pump but they are hand built and from what I can see it looks well put together and solid.One of the reasons I bought the pump was reading all the good feedback on here from people who have been running the ctc for over 5 years with no faults etc.It’s unfortunate that we find ourselves in this situation but Chris was’nt to know as it’s only been brought to his attention recently.Just my 2 penny’s worth.

Hopefully the converter that fortex has sourced will sort the problem with out having to use an inverter or transormer.

Chris should be most grateful to the forum for all the free publicity. Boost his ranking with the
SEs most likely. :)

As Mae West said “I don’t care what they write about me as long as they write something.!”

Point taken Thunder.

BTW congratulations on a well conducted forum.

Re: Holy monies batman

Originally posted by brag
£532 = $982 How much extra stuff did you order ?

Thats like 600 dollars more !


Sorry brag, I didn’t mean to be rude, but I didn’t get around to giving you an answer to this question which you asked on 1:12:2004.

I actually added another cylinder because I think if I remember correctly, there was a special offer for ordering two, the set of cushions with the stretcher tools and a jar of lubricant.

I just thought I would check my credit card statement for December to see how much more this had added to the 532 pounds I had been quoted, out of curiosity, as I only ever glance at it to content myself that I haven’t gone over the limit, and for some reason the total for the transaction was 416.67 (sterling) on 3:12:2004. even with the extras.

I have no idea how I managed to get the price reduced by adding additional products to my existing order.


Paying a total of £416 is not too bad for your additions :-)

I wasnt sure how much had been added for postage/handling but it seemed to be high enough for me to get on a plane, take a weeks holiday and pick the system up ;)


||looking for something to .... about||

Me too

It crossed my mind also at the time brag, always fancied a holiday in California.

So now it’s just wait and see if fortex has found the solution. It would be good to have the European model which is planned, but I can’t imagine than an exchange is on the cards.

I am so tempted to go ahead and order the new converter, as I am busting to find out how the pump works, but I might just contain myself on this occasion.

Speak soon. rouss


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