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Electric Pump Comparison

Originally Posted by wanagebig
It’s the black valve that connects the vinyl tubing to the cylinder. It has a turn screw in it that controls the pressure.
I’m not talking about the white coupler or barb.

It’s sort of obvious, now that you have pointed it out. Sorry, I can’t help you with that, it has CTC stamped on it.

I was getting confused with the coupling, on which I could have offered advice. I was carrying out maintenance in the hope that some day it would work and of course everything was pretty much seized. Determined now to take it apart, I tugged and tugged, till off it came, along with the skin of my knuckles. I had managed to pull the whole thing off, coupling and all, bits of it everywhere. Several weeks later with nothing to do, I noticed it didn’t actually say CTC, but CPC and I eventually after several orders, found the correct size of replacement. So it’s all ready to go again and I am leaving well alone.

So if this part breaks on you I can tell you exactly where to get it. I hope someone can help with the other, but I will check through this massive catalogue, just in case.

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Thanks for the effort anyways, Rous.

No problem! I’m sorry I just noticed your reply, I was tied up elsewhere. I went through the whole catalogue and got rather excited when I spotted a section on Flow Control Valves, but there is nothing exactly the same.

Mind you, there are valves and they are a nifty piece of engineering if they did the trick, they are nickle plated brass with a plastic control knob. I think the size would be fine, but the nominal flow specifications mean nothing to me.

If you can think of a subtle way of asking, I could ring Ian, who runs the company. We got on famously before, with all the phone calls that were necessary, as he continued to change ‘My Aquarium Coupling’, but I am not at all popular with his wife apparently, for keeping him so late, so often. All those gardening projects she had planned for him to do after work and oh dear it was just too dark, nothing to do about it except watch Star Trek. Small wonder we had such a good business arrangement.

Let me know if you think it is worth pursuing, it wouldn’t be any bother at all and it might even be more fun than it was the last time.

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Since you have a ctc also, go ahead and search. I wish I could send an image of the piece I’m talking about. If you’re going to look for a different type of compatible valve, it would be nice to get one with more precise or fine control over the pressure. The ctc one you have to toy with it to get the desired pressure.

I am pretty certain which part it is anyway. Now to think of what I can pretend it is needed for. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

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Well, this is an old thread, but it was referenced elsewhere (think twice before buying from CTC). From that reference it was clear that the problems described in this thread were still relevant.

In general consumer use there are two completely different products that are used to adapt voltage (240V or 220V to/from 120V or 110V) and/or frequency (50Hz to/from 60Hz) for use of appliances in countries where the appliance was not originally intended to be used. The commonly used names are "converters" and "transformers". Unfortunately, the marketing people that write the advertising copy that is used on product packages, and catalogs, often interchange the names, and/or improperly describe the item. Thus, because most places that sell them either don’t understand the difference, or completely ignore the issues involved, it is difficult for a consumer to get information as to how to differentiate, or even to know that there is a need to differentiate between a "converter" and a "transformer".

As an example of marketing people interchanging the types, the site claims that "converter" and "transformer" are interchangeable. They should know better than that. This site was one of the first hits I found, and their prices do not appear too out of bounds. They have a section that appears to be exclusively transformers , but also sell some converters (1 , 2 , 3 ).

"Converter": These are usually cheaper, lighter, and more common than transformers. They are active electronic devices that convert either just the voltage, or both the voltage and frequency of the input to the output. They, unless explicitly stated, output square waves (some may output "modified sine waves" without stating that they do, but don’t count on it). They are often not suitable for use with devices that use an AC motor (e.g. a pump). Using this type of device with appliances that have AC motors (e.g. a pump) may work, but can also cause all of the types of problems described in this thread (overheating, non-function, etc.). A cheap example of this type of device can be found at with a 1600W model running $16.99 (the 1600W may be a peak rating; the description provided is insufficient to tell). Depending on the kind of equipment, these can also have problems with electronic equipment. There are significantly more expensive models that have additional functionality. It appears that the cheaper converters only adapt voltage, and do not perform frequency conversion.

Somewhat more expensive Converters will output what is usually stated as a "modified sine wave". Such converters come much closer to providing the sine wave output that is needed for most AC motors. If reasonably designed, these have a acceptable probability to function with more devices. They will also have fewer problems with electronic equipment. Even more recently, converter products have been introduced that output "true sine waves". These tend to be more expensive.

Converters are often advertised based on their peak output power instead of their continuous power output capability.

Transformer: These are usually heavier, and often more expensive. Transformers are basic electronic devices that are, essentially, just some wires wrapped around a metal core. They output sine waves. They do not convert frequency. However, they are almost always functional with appliances with AC motors.

Probably the easiest way to tell the difference between a "Converter" and a Transformer is weight. A "Converter" is usually light ("1600W" is <= 1 lb). A Transformer will be dense and heavy (200W >= 3 lb).

Many/most AC motors do not require the frequency of the input voltage to be converted in order to be functional. However, if the frequency of the input power is not converted, then the motor will run at a different speed than that for which it was designed. This will probably not cause a problem in this situation (I don’t have a XL-3000, so I can not verify this).

For use with the CTC pump you will want to get a Transformer.
Earlier in this thread it was stated that the power specification for the XL-3000 is 100W. Personally, I prefer at least a bit of headroom in specifications, so I would get at least a 200W transformer. Such can be ordered from for as little as $9.99. Should you desire extra functionality, they have 5 different types with additional features and power ratings up to 15,000W. They do ship internationally, but do not quote international shipping rates (other than Canada) directly on their web site.

I am sure there are many places that sell such transformers. I have no attachment to the use of 220 Electronics - International Relocation TVs DVDs Converters & More. I found them merely as a result of a Google search. I have not done any business with them. Thus, I can not provide any feedback as to the quality of their service.

[NOTE: Many simplifying assumptions have been made here. Details I considered not relevant to this situation have been left out. I have also ignored various possibilities that are not as common, and probably do not affect this specific situation.]


Last edited by makyen : 12-20-2005 at .

Ttiger any updates on your gains with the ctc pump?

I switched to the new pump from the QS-7. It is awesome.

You got what! :faint:

Well bang goes the chance of getting a decent price in the second hand market for useless electric pumps, it’ll be totally saturated with them now, I might as well fuck the whole thing out :mad:

And make some space for my new QS-7, no make that my new QS+7R :spin2:

That’s the new name for Roussie’s souped up version of the Quadrumanous Sucker :gulp:

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

Yeah the QS-7 is absolutely incredible. The computer controlling the workouts is pure genius.

First one I got was a dud but they replaced it quickly and the support was extremely responsive. And the next one I got worked great. Setup in about 2 mins. The QS-7 produces very little noise and is so small. Dan and the boys at pumptoys really have produced a spectacular product.

Anyone wants to buy my CTC XL3000 can make me an offer, it is still a good pump in great condition. :-)

rouseseau you got a QS-7 also?

Originally Posted by ttiger
rouseseau you got a QS-7 also?

If that’s supposed to be me, no ttiger I haven’t, I looked it up though after you brought it to our attention and it certainly looks amazing and so competitively priced considering all the features it includes, I was nearly scared to look how much it would cost, but it’s actually cheaper than what I paid for my CTC tractor.

There’s a wealth of information as you know on every aspect including, get this, information for international customers on what they need to get it up and running, which is something I had hinted, maybe even suggested, would be a good idea to you know who, not that he took a blind bit of notice.

I really am pleased that the QS-7 is working well for you and pleased to hear that you’re asking a lot more for your old CTC pump than I am for mine, which you are aren’t you? :leftie:

I would nearly pay someone to take mine away :gulp:

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

Originally Posted by Smertrios
Ttiger any updates on your gains with the ctc pump?

Originally Posted by ttiger
I switched to the new pump from the QS-7. It is awesome.

Well Smertrios there’s your feedback, yes I know! :faint:

Even I wouldn’t have put money on that answer :gulp:

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

Whats up ttiger what are the benefits with this new pump of yours.

I was going for the Joel Kaplans pump untill i read this thread (good one) how much is this new pump and why is it so good while you respond to this i will be looking around to see if you have any pics of gains

It’s the Ferrari of electric pumps apparently electricpumpguy, does everything from personal trainer to book-keeping and all for only $499.99 :spin2:

I’m going to be so fit and so well organized soon, I probably won’t recognize myself :gulp:

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

Originally Posted by rousseau506
If that’s supposed to be me, no ttiger I haven’t, I looked it up though after you brought it to our attention and it certainly looks amazing and so competitively priced considering all the features it includes, I was nearly scared to look how much it would cost, but it’s actually cheaper than what I paid for my CTC tractor.

There’s a wealth of information as you know on every aspect including, get this, information for international customers on what they need to get it up and running, which is something I had hinted, maybe even suggested, would be a good idea to you know who, not that he took a blind bit of notice.

I really am pleased that the QS-7 is working well for you and pleased to hear that you’re asking a lot more for your old CTC pump than I am for mine, which you are aren’t you? :leftie:

I would nearly pay someone to take mine away :gulp:

Well as the only person to fit the ‘you know who’ from who knows what. I’ll make a few points on a previous article.

The ” controller” Mentioned by makeyen, Is in fact properly know as an Auto-transformer. The Controller tag is, I guess, used to avoid confusion between auto-transformer and Transformer. So I’ll keep to controller to avoid any confusion.

A controller differs from a transformer in that it only has one coil: Whereas a transformer has two or more coils
known as the primary and secondries (no thirdies)

This means that the Controller is smaller and lighter. As the single coil is tapped and a connection brought out to make the second connection (in this case to the pump). But it does mean that the pump is in effect connected to the mains supply, rather than being insulated from it by the secondary coil - (called a winding by the technocrats)

A controller can provide both higher and lower voltages from the original . It simply has less (step down voltage) or more (step up voltage) ‘windings’ than the mains ‘winding’

It is not possible to change the frequency of the output, as the induced voltage is cuased by the AC fluctuations (the coils used in radios and televisions etc can be changed by tuning the coil. but this is much easier as they run in the Megacycle range rather than the 50/60 cycle range of the mains.

Those totally confused (as I am) by all this, can do a search for ‘Auto-transformer’ on the web and with luck you will find the wkikipædia come up which gives diagrams to make things clearer.

PS You can do what Faraday did when he discovered all this.

Just take a metal cock ring and wind some wire round one part, and wind some more wires round another part of the ring. And the you can apply a battery to one coil and connect a frogs leg to the other coil and the leg will jump.

Gays or deviants or even straights, can connect their dick to the other coil if they like. But I cannot imagine what the result will be

Suggestions on a postcard please.

Oh! and I’m not suggesting that Faraday had a cock ring to hand as this site was not in operation then.

Hope that helps. - and satifies the ‘Someone else’



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