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Erect length vs pump length

Erect length vs pump length

Why can my penis expand to about 7.5-8 inches in the tube against when I have a normal erection my penis can only expand to about 6 inches? I feel that because the glands can expand in the tube to that lenght it should be able to expand without the pump to that length as well. could it be a blood preasure issue?

That’s a pretty significant difference between your actual erection and a pumpe session. Mine has never been more than a half inch, I think. My whole organ looks larger in the pump, with everything keeping it’s normal demensions. By that I mean that the whole thing gets bigger, and what appears to be in equal amounts. My glans gets larger, but so does the whole shaft, and the glans doesn’t look like it’s extra-bloated, when compared to the penis as a whole.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

CTfire perhaps you have erectile dysfunction and you are actually 7.5-8.0 fully erect. You just can’t keep enough blood in the penis during normal erection? I say that because your length varies too greatly in my opinion. Can you get photos of this phenomenon?

BEFORE 5.75 EL 4.8 EG Vagina Length Database

NOW 32yrs old 8.5 BPSL 7.75 BPEL 5.5-5.75-6.25* upper/mid/base EG 5.0 BPFL glans tip 5.0 FG shaft Hang, Stretch, Jelq, Pump, Clamp

Goal 8.0 EL 6.0 EG Asian - Thai 5' 10" uncircumcised

It also may depend on your body position if you sit, it will be shorter and if you stand, it will be longer. Also get in the tube at 100% erection and see what happens.

I have experienced the same thing. Nowadays I am normally 7.5 NBP and a little over 8” bp but in the pump at 5 I am usually 7 1/8”.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

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