Dude, please try to take some of these guys advice to heart. Having a bigger dick isn’t going to change your life but having an injured penis that you can’t use just might.
Penis enlargement does work if you start with the newbie routine and take it easy.
Jumping right into attempting marathon pumping sessions and sleeping with an extender is a quick way to screw your dick up. Possibly permanently.
You need plenty of experience with manual exercises to condition your penis to handle the forces of long-duration pumping.
I don’t want to be rude but sleeping with an extender on is a flat-out stupid idea.
I understand you want a bigger penis. So do all of the guys here on the Forum but if you love your penis, don’t go crazy trying to make it grow. Penis enlargement takes time and dedication but you can’t force it. You can only encourage it. If you try to force it you will hurt yourself.
I don’t want to see you hurt yourself. If you’re psychologically distraught now about feeling that you have a small penis trust me dude it’s going to be a lot worse if you injure yourself trying to make it bigger.
If you’re lucky enough to see some gains from crazy Marathon pumping and extender sessions without injuring yourself it will most likely compound in your brain and you will think that more is better and you will end up injuring yourself anyways. It happens to a lot of guys. It happened to me. Exercise some self control and don’t make it happen to you too.
Also, you should go read thru the injury forum just so you know some of the possible injuries you may incur