Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




Thanks to a push from sparkyx and sta-kool, I began water pumping yesterday. I must say, although I have not done it long enough to see gains, water pumping seems to be a MUCH better activity than air pumping.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
Exactly what you have: far less edema for equal amounts of pressure (yet I notice that even without any lymph build up, there is some sort of expansion of the tunica - the expansion we desire).

Also, for those who haven’t tried:

1. No lubricant -> no mess! Water dries easily

2. Less edema -> no mushroom prevention wrapping

3. Heated water -> no need for microwaving a heat pad

This is a far more productive method of pumping. Lymph does still build up, but after far more abuse.

Unless something unforeseen occurs, I do not believe I will EVER air pump again. I would advise anyone that air pumps to immediately try water pumping. I am so enthusiastic that saying that I believe air pumping should be banned would not be a long shot.

Here is sparkyx’s description of how he water pumps, I have found it to be extremely accurate and well designed:

Originally Posted by sparkyx
I find that it expands the tissues far more effectively at lower vacuum levels. Measure off length and mark it on your tube. I find red nail polish is best and lasts longest.

I use a in-line valve and draw the penis to about 1/2 inch below max bpel if I want to increase girth. I find that at least 30 minutes is needed. Because this is a relatively low vacuum I can sustain that. I find I get some very impressive girth expansion with very little edema. It interesting I get more girth expansion with this then high vacuum at shorter times.

If you want to increase length, then draw the penis length under vacuum or LUV (length under vacuum) to about 1/4 inch LESS than max bpel. That will increase vacuum levels, so I can’t go as long productively.

I say less, because you have to compensate for the increased girth that goes with the length. Its a total volume thing, that if you try to take your penis to your true max bpel, for some of you it may be too much increase of total volume and you may be adding too much stress. You really have to try it for yourself and see what is working.

These are just rough guidelines as a starting point, you will have to experiment with it to see what works best for you.

If you want to increase length, then find the ideal LUV in RELATION TO YOUR MAX BPEL! Then keep that relationship as you gain in length. So if you find after a week or so, you have gained 1/8th inch in length, then increase the LUV by that much.

I find that if I push it too far, it actually slows or stops gains. Its similar to the Static Stretcher concept, you just push it a little past where a normal erection will take you. I believe just a little past normal size stimulates growth, where a lot past it will stimulate a survival response, which may include toughening and not much growth.

I strongly suggest that you all try water pumping ASAP. As I said in another thread, if buck is edema and bang is tunica expansion, you get far more bang for the buck by water pumping.

Nice thread LV.

Let me just fill in some of the blanks for those that wish to try this. The in line valve method is an alternate approach to using a pump and gauge, where you draw vacuum with your mouth and seal it off with an in line valve.

The problem with a pump and gauge is that it is a hassle trying not to get water in your gauge, which will ruin it. I found that I just get a valve like this one;


You put it on one end of your cylinder tube instead of your pump, then attach another length of tube to the other. It attaches by just pressing it in and then pulling out, it will tighten and seal…super easy. Make sure the length is long enough to reach your mouth while the cylinder is on your dick.

Because you aren’t using a gauge, you are going to use length under vacuum or LUV to determine vacuum levels.

If you use the in-line valve method with the LUV, its very easy.

You have to calibrate your cylinder with markings in either inches or cm, depending on what you use. You use LUV as your way of determining vacuum levels.

First, if you need some lubrication, the very best is just use some hair conditioner rubbed on your dry dick, you only need a little.

Next, close the valve, and fill your cylinder with water heated to the temp you choose. Try to fill it to the top. Take your hard or partially hard erection and push it into the tube as far as you can, taking care NOT TO LEAVE ANY AIR IN THE CYLINDER. ( I think air decreases effectiveness by adding some “springiness” to the vacuum force as opposed to the hard pull of pure water.)

You will find that you will come to a point where you can’t force it in any further. At that point, push in hard and suck on the end of the tube to pre-load the tube with a vacuum. Now, open the valve and draw a long suck on the tube and when you reach the end of your mouths ability to draw in any more, hold it and close the valve.

[if your tube is loose on you, you will need to press it hard up against your body until the vacuum expands your dick enough to seal the air out.]

You may have to repeat this procedure a few time to get your dick to the desired LUV. I then sit with a UV light on the tube to keep the heat at a fairly high level during the time of my set(s). This isn’t needed, but works great to keep temp high for however long you wish it.

What I find, is the tissues begin to relax and expand in girth, which causes length to shorten. I then draw some more vacuum to bring my length back up to desired LUV.

For cool down I either cut the lamp for 10 minutes at LUV or do a separate set with no light and fill the tube with cold water. I don’t know if this is at all needed, but that’s what I am experimenting with.

I think you would be amazed at the girth expansion you can get without edema if your total time under vacuum (TTUV) goes out to 30-60 minutes.

I find, like most of the pumping Vets that in the long run, the lower vacuum levels end up being far more effective. Higher levels work for a while, but then as fatigue begins to accumulate, you rebound and lose the gains.

Also I believe its important to avoid vacuum and time levels that generate edema. If you constantly build up edema, you are creating channels of lymph migration that make it easier and easier to get edema.

It may well be that the edema migration serves to “bleed off” the vacuum force to the tunica, resulting in fluid migration and decrease expansion of the tunica.

Find levels that avoid this, a little is probably OK, but really try to keep it to a minimum.

Last edited by sparkyx : 10-13-2009 at .

Originally Posted by sparkyx
I think pumping is one of those PE methods where using air, the “window” of it being effective is fairly small, especially for length.

Lets assume there is a force level below which length changes do not occur. Lets further assume that there is a vacuum level above which you get unacceptable amounts of edema migration. I think for many guys, those levels overlap, that is by the time you hit a vacuum level that will produce length gains, you are into the level that produces unacceptable edema levels.

I think edema is counter productive in pumping PERHAPS because the vacuum is “bled off” by fluid migration and RELIEVES the expansive force to the tunica. Very much like a weak link in a chain, that will always break before you generate enough force to lift the object.

I am discussing length, because I believe that girth expansion can be effectively done at a lower vacuum level. This shifts it down to a level that I believe has a much higher percentage of guys that can do it with far less fluid migration. I think this is why there are more guys that have had successful girth gains than girth and length.

Water pumping allows higher levels of vacuum BEFORE causing that same fluid migration, therefore allows a greater percentage of guys to use it effectively.

I think guys have been able to work around this “edema barrier level” by first pre-stretching with either stretching, hanging, jelquing or clamping, which then again lowers the need for higher vacuum levels to achieve an effective session.

The second possibility is that some guys tunica is less tough than others and responds to lower vacuum levels.

Anyway, just some of my thoughts on the subject.

Excellent explanation for why water pumping has so much potential.

Stop teasing me, I don’t have a bathtub!

And who wants to take a bath for 2-3 hours a day? :D (I would if I knew I was going to grow of course!).

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

No bathtub is needed, nor is it mentioned.

You just need water, a dick, the cylinder with a tube and valve in the tube line. Finally, when you insert into the tube, you do get some water overflow. I stand in the shower to do it, but you could just stand on a towel to catch the small amount of water that spills.

I fill my cylinder from the sink, but you can just fill a container with water and fill your cylinder from the container.

I sit at my computer, with a IR light to keep the water hot, but its not needed. If you want to keep it hot for your time frame, you could use a heating pad. IF you use one, make sure you keep the seal good and tight, you don’t want water dripping on an electric heating pad. Getting a electric heating pad wet may result in electrocution.

If NEVER have any leaks when I am up to LUV.

It’s very easy to do. I personally have never used a shower system, I simply connect my cylinder to the tube (that would then connect to the gauge, but I remove the gauge) and fill the cylinder up with warm water. When I inset my penis, some of the water will flow out, and I will automatically get a pretty good seal. Then, I simply suck air & water out of the tube to get a quick vacuum and disconnect the tube from the cylinder. Done.

Ah! Nice to hear thank you, I’m trying this now!

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

Cannot regular pumps break if used with water? I just tried it today and first of all, the pressure showed maximum on the scale, so I had no idea how much I used. Second, it was very hard to pump out the air, and the water flows through the thing so that will make it rust in the long no?

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

OK, I will try this one more time.

If you want to use LV’s method;

Make a mark on your cylinder of about 1/2 inch less than your bpel. TAKE YOUR PUMP OFF THE TUBE THAT CONNECTS TO YOUR CYLINDER. So now you just have a cylinder and a tube connecting to the cylinder.

Fill it with water, keep your finger on the end of the tube so the water doesn’t come out. Stick your dick in the cylinder. Suck the water out until your dick reaches the mark you made ( 1/2 inch less than bpel). Keep the vacuum and disconnect the tube, it should seal your vacuum at that level.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
OK, I will try this one more time.

If you want to use LV’s method;

Make a mark on your cylinder of about 1/2 inch less than your bpel. TAKE YOUR PUMP OFF THE TUBE THAT CONNECTS TO YOUR CYLINDER. So now you just have a cylinder and a tube connecting to the cylinder.

Fill it with water, keep your finger on the end of the tube so the water doesn’t come out. Stick your dick in the cylinder. Suck the water out until your dick reaches the mark you made ( 1/2 inch less than bpel). Keep the vacuum and disconnect the tube, it should seal your vacuum at that level.

I did exactly this mate, please don’t get upset with me :( . But I had a hard time sucking the water out, so I thought I was doing something wrong. Are you sure the pump won’t rust then? :P

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

Originally Posted by TenInchGoal
I did exactly this mate, please don’t get upset with me :( . But I had a hard time sucking the water out, so I thought I was doing something wrong. Are you sure the pump won’t rust then? :P

No, I’m fairly sure it WILL rust. That is why we recommend NOT using a pump, rather, disconnect the pump and pull the vacuum by mouth.

I also would have a hard time sucking the water out without letting air back in, that’s why I use an in line valve, as pictured in the attachment. Read over my post (#2), I give a detailed explanation.

sparkyx, can you explain me the reason of your LUV theory? I mean… Do you think is it important the quantity of water inside the cylinder for lenght or girth?? I am more interesting in girth and I agree with you when you say that it’s better to make 30 minutes’ sessions but I don’t understand your previous theory of 1/4” and 1/8” distances from bpel measure…

I want more. For myself only.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
I am so enthusiastic that saying that I believe air pumping should be banned would not be a long shot.

I understand your enthusiasm, LongVehicle, but as someone who has done both air and water pumping, I think you overstate things a little. Ban air pumping from your individual regimen if you wish, but many have air pumped and gotten satisfactory results.

In addition, there is something that in a way is ‘in between’ the two, and that is condom pumping. It has many of the benefits of water pumping and avoids some of the pitfalls of air pumping. It is easier than water pumping, in that you don’t have to worry about water spillage or gauge concerns, and is pretty cheap and easy to try out.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Jimmy2284
sparkyx, can you explain me the reason of your LUV theory? I mean… Do you think is it important the quantity of water inside the cylinder for lenght or girth?? I am more interesting in girth and I agree with you when you say that it’s better to make 30 minutes’ sessions but I don’t understand your previous theory of 1/4” and 1/8” distances from bpel measure…

Its nothing more than a method of approximating the proper vacuum levels. Lower vacuum levels for girth, more for length gains. The longer the LUV the higher the vacuum level, obviously the shorter the LUV the less the vacuum.

I found that lower vacuum levels with longer times are more effective for girth, while it appears higher vacuum levels are needed for length gains (I may be wrong).

I found FOR ME that apx 1/2 inch less than bpel for girth and about 1/4 inch less than bpel for length is about right. This is just a place to start if you are interested in trying it, then adjust it according to your responses.

I have recommended that when you find the right amount subtracted from your bpel for your length gains for your LUV, to keep it constant. So if your bpel increases by 1/8 inch after a couple weeks, then you will move your LUV by that amount. Makes sense?

Also, I found that about 30 minutes for girth is where the magic starts to happen for me. Also, I think you should keep edema to a minimum in that I think it decreases effectiveness.

So for me, if I pull a LUV that is about 1/4 inch less than my bpel, I can’t go 30 minutes without edema forming, so I have to keep sets shorter and just do multiple sets if more total time is needed.

This is a fairly new approach, it originally started out of a Bathmate thread where guys were trying to figure out the best way to use it, in that it doesn’t have a gauge.

I had experimented with water pumping in the past(with a regular air pump), but gave it up in that I didn’t get results. I came to understand that the problem was the inconvenience of using it with a gauge, or the problem of knowing vacuum levels without the gauge. I further realized that the big reason for not seeing results was using excessive vacuum force.

Its a little tricky water pumping without a gauge, because the forces are higher than they feel, and its VERY easy to use too much.

The in line valve technique with the LUV methodology solved all that for me. Further adding the concept of OLF/OLR has me hopeful that it will allow more consistent results with any PE methodology that I use.

I happen to think that water pumping may be an ideal PE method in that it is reproducible consistently, gives uniform expansive forces and is safe at recommended levels as well as cheap and easy.

I have favored (theoretically) pumping with a gauge and hanging in the past because you can accurately record and communicate force/time. Hand methods of PE are notoriously impossible to convey force levels with any precision.

I hope that answers your question.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
In addition, there is something that in a way is ‘in between’ the two, and that is condom pumping. It has many of the benefits of water pumping and avoids some of the pitfalls of air pumping. It is easier than water pumping, in that you don’t have to worry about water spillage or gauge concerns, and is pretty cheap and easy to try out.

Hi Lamp!
Nice you have you drop in!

I did condom pumping also, and liked it. However, condoms do get expensive and I don’t wish to explain to my wife why I have condoms. ;)

You will find if you try either LVs method (pull LUV and detach tube) or my in-line valve method is quck, easy and cheap. Both are done WITHOUT a pump being use, just the tube attached to the cylinder and you pull the LUV by mouth. Once you get the hang of it, water spillage is very minor and you have nice hot water to keep your unit toasty warm!

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