Thunder's Place

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Going up in cylinder size, random thought

Going up in cylinder size, random thought

Just got my 2.25 inch cylinder. First time I’ve bought a new tube since I got my first one which was 2 inch diameter.

It is really amazing how much bigger this cylinder is, and how small I feel again! Its funny, my cock is still the same basic shape as it was years ago when I got my first cylinder.

I remember I used to think I would never pack that 2 inch!

This 2.25 gives me a new challenge and makes pumping even more fun!

Hopefully I can post pics of me packing the new cylinder in the future.

Philadelph, did packing the 2.0” cyllinder provide gains?

Id say it helped, but along the way I have messed around with all kinds of other forms of PE. Pumping is a nice lazy thing to do though.


Just got my 2.25 inch cylinder. First time I’ve bought a new tube since I got my first one which was 2 inch diameter.

Do you plan on using the 2” tube to first warm-up in and then switch to the2.25’ tube to get more expansion or now use the 2.25” exclusively? You should at least use the 2” tube occasionally to restore your ego. I go back to my smaller tube quite often, because it feels more comfortable.

I still use the 2, and will use it first.

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