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Got my heat pad, questions

Got my heat pad, questions

Do you guys just wrap it around the tube? At the moment I am just looking to wrap it round and hold it in place with a rubber band. Think it will be OK. or does this damage the pad?

Also. In regards to electricity. Does anyone know what I need in order to use a U.S plug (I am currently in Australia)

The pad will last longer if you don’t overlap it over itself, so it’s best to just hold it in a "U" shape around the cylinder.

What is the voltage of the pad and what is the voltage in Australia? If they are the same, all you need is a small converter plug. Something like these http://www.inte rnational-elect … onverter-2.html but you won’t need the transformer, just the plug adapter.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by Yataghan50
Do you guys just wrap it around the tube? At the moment I am just looking to wrap it round and hold it in place with a rubber band. Think it will be OK. or does this damage the pad?

Also. In regards to electricity. Does anyone know what I need in order to use a U.S plug (I am currently in Australia)

Gprent has made a very valid poin. Don’t connect the American heat pad to Australian mains, as America uses 120V, and Australia uses 240V.

The way to go is to obtain a step-down transformer from 240 to 120V AC The frequncy 50 cycles is not important. But making sure the step down transformer can cope with the Wattage load of the blanket is important

But it may be cheaper simply to get a heat pad in Australia

Just for curiosity , Did you use the heater in Copenhagen?

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Just get a converter and plug it in .. You can get one from any electronics store the voltage is the same

Oh sorry I’m from Australia .

Thanks guys. Petitfaun, I didn’t use the pad in Copenhagen, was not pumping at that stage.

Looking forward to pumping with heat, from what I’ve read it will be very beneficial.

Originally Posted by Aussie Guy
Oh sorry I’m from Australia .

We forgive you! :) But a converter is in fact a step-down transformer (or a step up transformer if you want increased voltage.

But do make sure Yataghan that the output wattage is sufficient for the pad(s) otherwise the transformer might give out more heat than the pads. Best take it along to the store so that they can match things up properly.

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

I find it hard to believe no one sells 240v heating pads, surely Americans are not the only ones that use those.

Starting BPEL= 6.7 " EG= 6.5"

July 2016 BPEL=7" EG=6.75"

Goal NBPEL=8" x EG=7"

Aussie guy,

I’m in Oz too, (Adelaide), Breville make a personal use heatpad however I am yet to find a distributor that actually markets it. When/if I do, I’ll let you know.

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