Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Heat = Quickest way to pack a tube.

Tried the heating technique tonight and it is awesome! I look forward to some nice gains.

Started: 6.75" BPEL, 8" (20 cm) BPFSL (1/2015) x 5" (12.5 cm) EG; Current (7/2017): 8" (20 cm) BPEL, 8.2" (20.5 cm) BPFSL x 5.8" (14.5 cm) EG; Gains (7/2017): 1.25" (3.125 cm) EL, 0.2" (0.5 cm) BPFSL x 0.8" (2 cm) EG

Short-term goal: 8.25 (20.625 cm) BPEL, 8.3" (20.75 cm) BPFSL x 6" (15 cm) EG; Long-term goal: 9" (22.5 cm) BPEL x 6" EG

Xtended's Progress Report

I have used both heating pads and Infared light; I prefer the heating bad because its more hands free and do not get uncomfy; however from time to time I do use the light too.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

I have a quick question for everyone. I hear everyone talking about filling and packing their cylinders, how do you know this is not just a bunch of fluid build up? Doesn’t anyone get the donut from this??

I noticed whenever I pump in the shower with hot water, my unit gets larger quicker, but also the fluid build up seems to happen quicker. I am not even using very high pressure (in absolute value). I’m only using probably -5 to -6 “Hg. My gauge is kind of broken and kind of hard to tell, but I know for sure it’s in the -5 to -6 “Hg range. When I don’t pump in the shower, it takes forever for any fluid to build up. I have to pump 3 x 20 minute sessions before I get a slight fluid build up or donut, and I stop after I get the smallest amount of donut/fluid build up.

I haven’t tried this heat pad method yet. I’m looking to buy one soon and try it.

Tried this for the first time today….WOW! Got great expansion compared to pumping without a hotpad. I use a Long Johnny full package cylinder, so it really loosened everything up and allowed ‘room to grow.’

I took a few post-pumping pics that I’m going to post up.

Originally Posted by YesSir12345
I have a quick question for everyone. I hear everyone talking about filling and packing their cylinders, how do you know this is not just a bunch of fluid build up? Doesn’t anyone get the donut from this??

I noticed whenever I pump in the shower with hot water, my unit gets larger quicker, but also the fluid build up seems to happen quicker. I am not even using very high pressure (in absolute value). I’m only using probably -5 to -6 “Hg. My gauge is kind of broken and kind of hard to tell, but I know for sure it’s in the -5 to -6 “Hg range. When I don’t pump in the shower, it takes forever for any fluid to build up. I have to pump 3 x 20 minute sessions before I get a slight fluid build up or donut, and I stop after I get the smallest amount of donut/fluid build up.

I haven’t tried this heat pad method yet. I’m looking to buy one soon and try it.

I pump off an on, kinda of disappointed at I don’t pack the tube either. I pack the first inch or so. I have a 2x9 tube, I am 6” around. For one week I decided I would pump at 7 to 10 hg and keep it at that leave for a hour. Still no packing, no damage either:p just a waste of my time. I think I will try the heating pad

Starting BPEL= 6.7 " EG= 6.5"

July 2016 BPEL=7" EG=6.75"

Goal NBPEL=8" x EG=7"

When I do pump, I end up only packing half way up my unit, which is about 3 or so inches as I am almost 7 inches bone pressed while pumping. Without pumping I’m about 6 1/4 - 6 1/2 bone pressed depending on a good day or not. However, like I said, only about half of my unit going from the base up packs the cylinder and it is NOT fluid build up at all. I kind of have a weird shape. My unit is thickest at the base at about 1 3/4” at the base, then tapers off to about 1.45 just before the scar area, and then it’s about 1 1/2” at the scar area and then the head gets up to 1 3/4” again (this is all erect measurements in length and diameter). I have a 1.75”x10” cylinder that I bought from LAP Distributing.

Originally Posted by TheBigLurk
I pump off an on, kinda of disappointed at I don’t pack the tube either. I pack the first inch or so. I have a 2x9 tube, I am 6” around. For one week I decided I would pump at 7 to 10 hg and keep it at that leave for a hour. Still no packing, no damage either:p just a waste of my time. I think I will try the heating pad

My penis is almost exactly the same size as yours. I also have a 2x9 cylinder and can pack maybe the bottom 2 inches and that’s it. I’ve been using heat, but it’s too early to tell if it’s helping. Good luck!

I haven’t posted in a while but I thought Id add to some experience with heat and packing a cylinder. My unit is very elliptical shaped, almost as if there’s no development in the CS at all. I use a 1.75 x 9” cylinder as my dick is 7 1/4 BPEL x 4 1/2 EG. When I first began pumping very little happened, I wasn’t using heat and it only expanded a little, it looked lost in that cylinder. The sides (CC’s) of my dick would just start to touch the inner wall of the tube by the end of the session but there was a big space at the bottom (CS), and that wouldn’t expand and the whole unit would drop back to normal immediately upon exiting the tube like a elastic band. I would bring it up to 5 or 6 hg and leave it there for upwards of an hour. The only thing I really noticed were red spots which is not great.

I read about water pumping and realised the pump I got from harbor Freight has the reservoir for liquid, so I hooked it up. I filled the tube up 1/2 way with very warm/hot water and slid into the tube, pressed it tight against my skin and layed back on my bed, pumped it upto 5 hg and watched closely. First of all, the water in the cylinder acts as a magnifying glass so you immediately appear larger, so don’t get too crazy about that lol. Anyway, I noticed much better expansion right away and within a half hour the sides (CC) were pressed firmly against the inner walls of the cylinder. I feel at this point the stress was transferred to the path of lease resistance, the CS. For the first time I watched the CS expand and my dick was actually almost cylinder shaped and close to filling the tube by the 1 hr mark. The glands blew up like crazy and 1/3 of the height of them, from bottom up was sealed tight against the wall of the cylinder. I think this is a good example why the mushroom head cylinder is a nice option as I think I was limiting my glands expansion. Unfortunately the water had all but lost its heat and its effectiveness. Water pumping caused me no discoloration, or blisters, or red spots. Ive have been very inconsistent and not till this last month have been back at it every 3rd day.

Now Ive tried something new and its showing me better in tube and out of tube results. Here it is…

I stretch for 5 min before entering the tube, I add hot water to the tube the same as above, I sometimes go in hard, sometimes soft, just depends what mood and stress level I’ve had that day. Once in I immediately wrap a heating pad set to high around the tube to retain the heat. I start at 5hg, but to be honest…the real stretch doesn’t happen for me till 6 or 7 hg. I don’t feel any pain or stress, I may have a stubborn dick that just plain ol doesn’t respond to the lower vacuum pressures like some do.

Anyway…I keep i at 5 hg for 30 min, at this point I’m almost completely stuffing the inner diameter of the tube and the CS are pumped, then pump it to 6 hg for 15 min, then 7 hg for the last 15 min. All this time keeping the heat in the tube/water to aid in expansion. Now, there is fluid build up in the foreskin and last night I got stuck in the tube…again. lol Tricky getting that fella out, so I may try condom pumping to keep the fluid down. When I exit the cylinder it looks like a dick hat belongs to someone else. Its thick and heavy which is not like me…so this is pretty exciting.

Bottom line is, with the hot water pumping I’m getting a full inch of girth expansion in the tube, and have been upto 7.5” BPEL. I’m not sure if I should try it every other day or not, and as Ive been hit or mis on my routine, I haven’t seen any permanent gains, but there’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that hot water pumping, at least for me, was multiple times more effective then regular dry pumping in terms of expansion.

I do some stretches first and use a rice sock to warm up my penis and the outer tube while I am pumping. I keep my pump under 5 hg and it varies between 3 and 4.5. I do 3 sets of 5 minutes each. Before I was getting a donut, but after I started warming up and keeping the tube warm I do not get any fluid build up. My penis is thicker, but I do not think it is longer :( and I am really wanting more length!

Started: 6.75" BPEL, 8" (20 cm) BPFSL (1/2015) x 5" (12.5 cm) EG; Current (7/2017): 8" (20 cm) BPEL, 8.2" (20.5 cm) BPFSL x 5.8" (14.5 cm) EG; Gains (7/2017): 1.25" (3.125 cm) EL, 0.2" (0.5 cm) BPFSL x 0.8" (2 cm) EG

Short-term goal: 8.25 (20.625 cm) BPEL, 8.3" (20.75 cm) BPFSL x 6" (15 cm) EG; Long-term goal: 9" (22.5 cm) BPEL x 6" EG

Xtended's Progress Report

I have a question for all you tube packers. Have you noticed, that it is easier to pack a tube after the first time? Or is it variable? I have yet to pack a tube, so I guess I was looking for a mile marker.

I have recently began wearing a ring around the base of me penis, I believe a cock ring is designed to also include the testicles, is it not? At any rate, I have recently been wearing said ring and have been able to greatly reduce the amount of scrotal suckage into the tube. I am currently using a 2” tube but my girth is about 4.7 circumference, I’m not a wiz so I don’t know how that lines up. Suffice to say, I have “Room to grow”

I do notice as the reps go on, my length and girth increase. Currently I use a heated wrap for 10 minutes on with a 10 minute heated break out of the tube. I am at 5 reps of said 10 minute sets. Not to try to link posts, but I think I am getting a similar effect from my ring as those who condom pump in regards to post hang.

So, to sum it up. Those who pack, was your first time a mile marker? Or is it hit or miss? Any suggestions to my situation would be welcome.

Originally Posted by TheBigLurk
For one week I decided I would pump at 7 to 10 hg and keep it at that leave for a hour. Still no packing, no damage either:p just a waste of my time. I think I will try the heating pad

I’m just not sure if you are saying “leave it there” or “keep it there.” Are you just pumping to that pressure and then leaving it alone?

If so I can tell you why you’re not packing…

As the penis expands, it will take up more space in the cylinder, that means that the air will occupy less space and consequently the air pressure will go back up. Eventually the penis will expand enough that the vacuum will no longer be strong enough to cause any more expansion.

In order to continue to pack the tube you will need to check the pressure occasionally, and pump it back up to where you want it. It’s unlikely that you’ll need to go as high as 7 to 10 hg, so you might want to start off a little lower until you find the right level for your needs.

*You're in the right place – all the information you could ever need about PE is only a forum search away!*

Take your time, pick a simple routine you can stick to, and be consistent in your efforts. Patience is the key.

Wow pumping with heat is awesome. I started doing some short low pressure heated pump sets, and my EQ is better than normal. Dick hangs better than after a non heated pump session.

I have yet to pack my tube, however I have noticed something. It seems it takes atleast the 3rd session (I do 10 minute heated warm up, 10 minutes in the tube with heat, rinse and repeat) for my lenght to start to progress. I am primarily pumping to gain girth, which I have gained 1/4” in 4 weeks. I am somewhat hopeful that with extended sets, say 5 or 6 or more, my length will also benefit. It is rather comical. The first two sets nothing in length, then the third set I grow neatly 1/2” in the tube. Maybe it just takes nearly 50 minutes of heat to soak the ligaments so they stretch? Just my observation.

I think I am heading to Harbour Freight tomorrow to get my pump. I am pretty sure I have gone long enough with a doughnut to not get a pump with a vacuum gage.

I haven’t packed my tube all the way up yet either. But after using heat to pump my BPEL post session is about .3 inches longer and it feels thicker all day. Without heat girth expands, but never length for me.

I would love to grow 1/2 inch in length while in the tube. When in the tube it seems I’m shorter, but afterwards I am longer than normal. I am coming off a decon break so I don’t want to do too much, but maybe I need to do more sets.


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