From a pumping routine, including stretches and jelqing.I’ve increased the time in the cylinder by a few minutes over the 2 months, so there are variables. Therefore, I can’t claim that heat was the only factor in my recent gains. Nor can I say that they are only from pumping, even though pumping is the primary exercise in my routine.
I do feel though, that heat has had a big part in those gains, just from the extra expansion in the cylinder I’ve got from adding it.
What will be interesting, if those gains continue now that I’m not planning on changing anything in my routine in the near future.
You can read more about my routine, etc. in my progress report, if you are interested. :)
Heat plus stretching and jelqing has a well reported success rate but the amount of guys who report gains from pumping only even with heat is insignificant.
It only seems to work well when combined with other things.
If your routine is working then great :)