Hello,thunders newbie here in need of pump help.
Hello I’m fairly new ,I have been lurking for a few months already though , my stats are erect length 6 1/4 inches I haven’t had a chance to measure my girth yet ,I’ve been doing wet jelqs every day, dry ones also ,stretching basically a combination of the least advanced exercises that I’ve seen, since I downloaded all the videos available to my phone seems to be working, and looks like my unit is taking the work with no issues ,also as a added bonus I’ve been toying around with a cheap pump also(PUMP.WORX.EURO.PUMP 2inch wide&7.75 in total length NO GAUGE:/). Its a cheap pump but I’ve been doing it lightly but I get to 6.69 inches easy now I think its because of the stretching and jelqs & that’s when I have to keep hand pumping because I loose pressure easy , the fittings come off easy from the top nipple of the pump & also the quick release button is attached to the ball that you squeeze ,which comes off also if pulled , I’ve been thinking of customizing the pump adding a boost gauge and adding clear tubing ,I have already gone to home depot and bought the clear tubing, which fits tight around the nipple ,this the part where I’m stuck I’m going to get a boost gauge that’s 0-30 Hg but I don’t know where to cut the tubing or what kind of y fittings I will need to adapt the gauge to, also the adaptation of the hand pump to the clear tubing ,or should I get a different AIR sucking handle ? Thanks guys .